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<br /> / ? • <br /> Section 4. Establishment of Llmlts of Dlstrlcts In <br /> Whlch Storaqe of Flammab u ds d Bulk Sto raae <br /> of Llauefled P$ roleum Gases and Storaae ot Exutasl,ves and 81ast <br /> Lna /laents are to be Prahiblted. <br /> <br /> (a) Ristricts In Which Storage of Flammable or Combust- <br /> lble Liqulds ih Outslde Aboveqround Tanks_ts to_be Prohlbltea. <br /> i he lI ml ts referred to n ect t on 79.501 of- theFi rq odZr e, I n Mh t ch <br /> storage of flammeble or combustible Itquids In outside, abovegrvund <br /> tanks is prohiblted, are hereby estebllshed as follows: <br /> R-I, R-2, R-3 and R-4 Residentlal Dlstrlcts <br /> 8-I and B-2 Buslness Districts <br /> (b) Districts In Whlch New Bulk Plents for Flammable ar <br /> Combustibl• LI ulds are to be Prohibited. The Ilmits In which nek <br /> bulk plants tor flammable or combust ble Ilquldso as rogulated by <br /> Artlcl• 79. plvislon 14 ot th• Fir• Code, ara prohibited, are hereby <br /> establlshed as follows: <br /> R-I, R-2, R-3 end R-4 Rosldentlal Distrlcts <br /> B-1 and 8-2 .Business Dlstricts <br /> I-I Industrt'al Diztrtct <br /> <br /> (c) Distrlcts In Which Bulk Stora e ot Li uefled Petroleum <br /> Geses is ta be Prohibited. he 1 m ts referred to n Sect on <br /> 82.105(a) of th• Firs Coda, In which bulk storage of Itqueflod <br /> petroleum gases Is prohibitad, excopt as alloMed by Special Use <br /> Permits heretoforo approved and In effecf, 1n accordanco with 5ec- <br /> tlon VI. E, 10 af tho Zoning Codo, prlar to the enactmsnt of thls <br /> ordinance, are hereby establtshed ea follows: <br /> R-I, R-2, R-3 and R-4 Resldentlal Districts <br /> B-1 and 6-2 Bus t ness DI strl cts <br /> (d) Distrlcts In Which Storaae ot Expiosives and Blasting <br /> A ents are to be Prohibitod. The Iimlts reforrod to in Sectlon <br /> 7.I06(a) of th• Irv Codo, In which storags ot•axplosives and <br /> blasting agents are prohibited, ars horaby astabllshed as follows: <br /> R-I, R-2, R-3 and R-4 Residentlal Dlstricts <br /> B-I and 8-2 8uslness Distficts <br /> I-1 Industrl a I DI stri ct <br /> Soction 5. Naw Materials Processes or Occu ancles Which <br /> May Require permits. he 6uilding Inspectcr, ontng Admtnistrator, <br /> and tho Fl s Chl shall act es a commtttee fio dotermine artd speclfy, <br /> after glvtng aftected persons an opportunlty to be heard, any new <br /> materlals, processes or occupancles, whlch ahall require permlts, In <br /> addltion tc those now enumerated In the Flre Code. The Flre Chief <br /> shall post a Ilst of such new matertals, processes or occupancles In <br /> a conspicuous place In hls office and In the City Hal( and shall <br /> dlstrlbute coples thereof to Interested persons. - <br /> Sectton 6. Establtshment of Permit Fees. The City <br /> Councll may from tlme to time establ sh by resolutlon permlt fees <br /> tor varlous permits required under the Fire Code, or by the committee <br /> constituted by the prevlous sectlon hereof, whlch fees shall be <br /> unlformly and consistently applied to permittoes. <br /> Section 7 A peals. Whenever the Fire Chlef shall <br /> dlsapprove an appl cat on or refuse to grant a permlt applied for, <br /> or when it is ctalmed that the provislons of the Fire Code or this <br /> Ordinanca do not apply or that the true intent and meaning of the <br /> Fire Code or tAls Ordinance have been misconstrued or wrongly <br /> interpreted, the appllcant may appeal from the decislon of the Fire <br /> Chie# to the City Councll withln thirty (30) days from the date o# <br /> the Ceciston appealed. <br /> <br /> " -2 - <br />