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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA <br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br /> CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br /> ORDINANGE NO. 207 <br /> AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 19 OF THE <br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY CODE, RELATING TO PER- <br /> SONNEL OF THE CITY, BY CHANGING THE <br /> PROVISIONS THEREIN COVERING FREOUENCY <br /> OF COMPENSATION PAYMENTS, AMOUNT OF <br /> OVERTIME COMPENSATION, AND VACATION AND <br /> HOLIDAY BENEFITS. <br /> The City Council of the City of Arden Hillsordains that <br /> Chapter 19 of the Code of Ordinances of the CiTy of <br /> Arden Hills, MinnesoTa, be amended in the following <br /> respecTs: <br /> 1. Amendment to Sec. 19-28 of Code Relating to Pay <br /> Day. Section 19-28 of the Arden Hills City Code of Or- dinances, entitled "Pay day," is hereby amended to <br /> read as follows: <br /> "Sec. 19-28. Pay day. <br /> All employees shall be paid bi-weekly." <br /> 2. Amendment to Sec. 19-30 ot Code Relating to <br /> Overtime Pay. Section 19-30 of the Arden Hills City Code <br /> of Ordinances, entitled "OverTime pay" is amended to <br /> - reatl as follows: <br /> "Sec. 19-30. Overtime pay. <br /> Overtime work is work in addition !o the establ ished <br /> schedule for hours of work and shall only be performed <br /> with the approval of the employee's superviwr or clerk- <br /> adminisirator. Employees shall be paid aT one and one- <br /> half .(11/2) times iheir basic hourly rates of com- <br /> pensation for all hours worked in excess of established <br /> schedules, buT the council is hereby authorized to <br /> esTablish such separate raTes for overtime pay in any <br /> ciTy deparimenT as it may deem advisable in its <br /> discretion." <br /> 3. Amendment to Sec. 19-58 of Code RelaTing to Rate of <br /> Accrual of Vacation Leave. Section 19-58 of the Arden <br /> Hills City Code of Ordinances, entiTled "Rate of ac- <br /> crual," is hereby amended to read as follows: <br /> "Sec. 19-58. Rate of accrual. <br /> (a) Commencing withThe date on which he first <br /> became employed by the city and continuing through <br /> the fifth year of his employment therewith, a regular . <br /> employee shall accrue paid vacaTion leave benefits at <br /> . the rafe of 3.5 hours for each bi-weekly pay period he <br /> has been an employee of the city; provided, however, <br /> ihat as statetl in Sec. 19.6 hereof no probationary em- <br /> ployee shall be entiTled to avail himself of such benefits. <br /> (b) Commencing with the sixTh year of his em- <br /> ployment and conTinuing Through the fifteenih year <br /> thereof, a regular employee shall accrue paid vacation <br /> leave benefits aT the raTe of 5.0 hours for each bi-weekly <br /> pay period he has been an employeeof ihecity. <br /> (c) Commencing in the sixteenTh year of his em- <br /> ployment and ihereatTer, a regular employee shall <br /> accrue paidvacation leave benefits at the rate of 6.5 <br /> hours for each bi-weekly period he has been an em- <br /> ployee of the city." <br /> 4. Amendment to Sec. 19-63 of Code RelaTing to Carry- <br /> over o( Vacafion Leave Benefits. Section 19-63 of the <br /> Arden Hills City Code of Ordinances, enTitled "Carry- <br /> over," is hereby amended to read as follows: <br /> "Sec. 19-63. Carry-over. <br /> • Effective with the calendar year commencing <br /> January 1, 1980, no regular employee shall carry over <br /> into the nexT calentlar year any more ihan Three (3) <br /> weeks of accrued vacation leave benefits." <br /> 5. Amendment To Sec. 19-48(a) of Code Relating To <br /> Holidays. Section 19-48(a) of the Artlen Hills CiTy Code <br /> of Ordinances, entitled "HOlidays," is hereby amended <br /> to read as follows: "(a) The following shall be official holidays for all <br /> employees of the city sublect to the provisions of this chapter. <br /> (1) New Year's Day, January 1; <br /> (2) WashingTOn's and lincoln's Birthday, the Thirtl <br /> Monday in February; <br /> - (3) Memorial Day, the last Monday in May; <br /> (4) Independence Day, July 4; <br /> (5) Labor Day, the first Monday in September; <br /> (6) Christopher Columbus Day, the second Monday in <br /> October; <br /> (7) Veteran's Day. November 71; <br /> (8) Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thursday in <br /> November; and <br /> (9) Christmas Day, December 25. <br /> Provided, when any such holiday shall fall on Sunday, <br /> the following day shall be a holiday, and when such <br /> holiday shall fall an Saturday, the preceding day shall <br /> be a holiday. In addition to the foregoing holidays, all <br /> employees shall be required to work only one-half (Vz) <br /> of the last working days before the Christmas and New <br /> Year's holidays which half days shall likewise be <br /> deemed holidays. Employees shal l observe The days and <br /> half days herein designated as official holidays and <br /> . receive compensaTion as ihough they had worked on <br /> Those days, or half days, but essential operaTions shall <br /> be maintained by such skeleton crews as the clerk- <br /> adminis!rator deems necessary. An employee working <br /> on a holiday shall receive his regular pay in addition to <br /> the holiday compensation hereinafter given." <br /> 6. EffecTive DaTe. This ordinance shall be retroac- <br /> tively effecTive-as of January 1, 1979. <br /> Passed by the Arden Hills Cify Council ihis 91h day of <br /> - April, 7979. <br /> Nenry J. Crepeau, Jr. <br /> Mayor <br /> AtTest: <br /> Charlotte McNiesh <br /> Clerk-Atlministrator <br /> (Bulletin: April 26, 1979) <br />