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<br /> ,r- <br /> _ <br /> k ~ <br /> Ox'dia"iance Numbex' 49 <br /> 7L1bdiViSi01$ G. Ct11"1I3eetions: at fdys ~,1n~"`q~ <br /> ~,~hnll be co~z:2ec°ted ta th&~:t~hJW:~`~~a~. jd~>~tr~.. <br /> e r, n~2c~c'~ ic l~ s tub e c~ f. <br /> ~ ~~i;~r~~stec~ for the. Phc~npPt~ sei~°es~ '~y' _iie t <br /> <br /> xc~,'pt ~1~"1e~'~ c?tbex'?,ripe ex?~~'es`~3.~" aUtbx"JZ'lzed. ~aY i he ~':~W~3b~,ng <br /> <br /> n;~tt~8r~.Zst~.c~ a sh~~?l.~ be in 1-mxting9 Gonr~itionVA: a°'~~ 16 <br /> by the s?' umb3r, TnsreeLor `.t;el1 be mrd e only u , Ah, dir~,~t r~.~ <br /> visian anr~ .~n s~zdh m~a~rraer 6g he r~fay d~:r~:~a'~"s ~ <br /> 3=.~bdiviti.on P. Tunneli:n;;« Tunnelir~g for Alatirieis~ oiC ~~r 6 <br /> ~ t~:~zn G:~~: ~'e~:t Is ~;err~~.;~si#~~.e in wT~zr~dg; ec~~t~°ts or dr~.v~~~~?a:ol~ `:~t~~`.: w~ <br /> , <br /> 3ng ~~~.tem 7,*her nires,are drIvenz the c~_x~:i~re pip~e sha2l .bb ~.t 00K <br /> nne size lnrger than thanipe ta be-'~elc16 <br /> `3ubii:t°isi.ori 1. Tnc~enerjent systemsa <br /> ~ (1) The lrsir3age ani p°xlumbing s,yr'tem 6r emob n6v build~:; a= <br /> ,~2° ne*•r s•aork i?~.~t<7.7.ed arr rr~ ~-~xistin.~.,~°. ?~u±`~e~ira ~ <br /> q ` g 1hr~.'1 : '~e7se:~ _ : x <br /> r"i S ndE'',°~ ~,ro - . <br /> t~ <br /> z e..i''~d~?9"t C°)~ thf?t nf ?:r'ky bthP.C' `E'°'SSEXildl3"3~ ex~pp0q; trO~'~5~~~ <br /> <br /> _ I1"s ?"'ai'e;"2'.Ri?°,3~~` P~:e.? ~j c?;°.' t'°. ~t'~..: `at~~'jc.i l~l'is$cd"1 a n ail~~~ <br /> ~ ` - <br /> i"Ihe?"e f?n= Yt1,7.1 •'"ii'1:" stF?TldS tt"1 the rE.'ar Qf ah{3;be1°E b <br /> ^i°i as. Inter.'Lor ;.Ot, z7r. -,t vai;e se,.;ek° is Fival labl W m~ n , <br /> ted tL`~ toe i*ea r i3t.a ti ling t r .rr,h nr.alJoIt?.'c n€' 3~e~trs. s9 <br /> . <br /> '~a' B~1' !?~l, : ~"11 P i'~ 'a t,'",' 'a~`'!3.~ ' ~w1~' 3~~`v <br /> ' ' :"i . ~ ,~i rrm tha fT'o32°G bt.1.l%di7..i~anbo ON <br /> to the rea:e' bu`.ldinc aa:i Q, "lxole 4111 be consid~ped as ane- bY,~ ~ <br /> i1.R`kt.La7., t.T ,i'4.rC.~° : °idt':t x~t iiY ? d j..~ii..A•f~ ai u ~~'Q.~ Y"d S kt~'S eX#~. Wrel"~3d~:'(~, <br /> f'-'~'fii -ar';$4~3~sA.sitVtd~ ~ <br /> ` t; <br /> !j:C`~J'f~' L, E'd I::.°'. W d'F'?'~: t° t y Pi_,i(~~' 't" <br /> y t~e ~4'' _ ~ ~,~:d <br /> ~{y+ t~ tdi: .ti>''!(4:-i e {5*1:`'~'aI t L~ Q1" <br /> ~~i\) ~LdCv.L C"~..~.,~y `4,.'itis.t\g~ 4~~d'Lrt 7 ~.AG:;,ids <br /> t +j~ <br /> ~ ~,,.LISu~ yy Vons -it'.c. 4.R vwg,~o, <br /> v <br /> F'~ J E: 2'" C: )I"t n t'":tiol~l t'• : I'L',~~!;c; f,~% ~.t~1 ' .~*,~j'".~""~,t~.e <br /> i y ~ C ~LI~':~,; " x;tne~°s I'~~,~'' A b`; <br /> a~~` ~1 t:~~''.~.:(~~3 ~oo t"a~~e ~.''~,L' ~ il'Z~';°I..i. ~'f~.1'' °''$-:rEIl~. <br /> ,,~"l ss~.on d~ °~o "Dor~~trad P~-~~ ~ <br /> - jlJiBi~+ E:e.4Y.Lis~i v JiliFVl}tr1;!l1~, ~?h,'~ ~,Jy,/Ld3dV.Ld o~1 , <br /> ay" 'grpnt $uah <br /> determ3nes tha2 t.~e cona trh.r ct;ion of 'such joint bcanneation. ~s i61-0 '4i <br /> And warranled andtr the ex* .;ting cnraditlondi pn~ If ;Lnde~a~~ob~` <br /> c~ora:~ectinr~s ta~:r>> t~~ be r~:,ai~7 ,,~~~cte,:i, t~i~: s~~.t~i~r?~zt~ :ltag'~h ;c~~' ~ <br /> cr~nnectlon "otz? be at <br /> lea;:;: or2e hundred (100) te+et <br /> Iine abutting the mUhirip~l sewer:. <br /> ;.Ubdivi63CTt°t J. iE"nfihl' izf _~ublic Rigii,15f Waya <br /> No c.aonnecLicn to the munip4;aal ssnlt;ar~ ~ewer ~~OW, <br /> L'. lly t? nrC%'eT ed f : s'I til all f:; trE: t: i, S , oa'il emP, ~ tpy C:Lt rbs Q1'3 d b(?y2evurd~~~r <br /> , . <br /> t~'I'~"` t::lf~bl'~C.' rr r.a-M <br /> f~? t2'CYt~~i2?:t;~ a-5 ~ae"`:)t1 ~'ip~"!E' ~.Iect3 2°°i,~"tare(~. <br /> cor;d~.tiara tc~ t~~.tis,~~.e..,~k=~,~~;~.c,,~ o~' ~~np I~illnge Px '~ing~f6ipiC~~tst<.". <br /> . <br /> Sa,'^v.l.1o'ti 6. `;'Y ` 110773 <br /> .atxb~ <br /> q~':, ~.1 ` g C~Ad ^ , it~ ~ <br /> :~~~is~ s r; i 'x~ ~.zr~.~ °:=.~a,~~. o c?~.ia~ia~*K~ <br /> - ~~~,r <br /> - ,t~'.go~~'1 LF.~`~'.a ~O~I€":4~eici: ~'s~rs s,.~.~ 1.3' ;i i1'~.t>~o th... n T~~.~.n.k ,~'D~~4q ..+y L.S~~~ ~.tya ~~,~.~r~ . y~" <br /> . - $ ~'A; <br /> ' - <br /> ~ <br /> (1) :"-,rty 1.icczld or mor nnvirag a tem,e:~~tu~e hi:~oir. <br /> <br /> t~' ~~~`3~t ?'J~,9-•+~,+~d " <br /> 1_2) AI7y wA`!tdJ' t}: t.>&a:it,C: C'on4;*ii'1infs mt~.rE.'' -t+tia11 ;ane <br /> rrii?.l bn by ~eig4~~ of fat ; o.f. l ar° grea ses <br /> (3) Ax~~' sg~~e~?Iln~:.~ b~,.~s~,e:ke. ~ar~nt~aa~~ ~'t~ei. bi~. or t~ther <br /> a~} 7° e:rt n1. ~i ve l..Lf' ;n ; d; . . t. l ' I C.' r -~7°,g7;~ <br /> ( 4) ~~ny g~' r~5aJ t%~aW Fi-{. ~ ~::~t ?~ae~,n -~rcsper2~! ~Y~ret~.c~ „ <br /> ~1 ` <br /> y ) nqp ~_::Lze~::! g}yqMyq~ ~ <br /> ~y d " { C.' a' O~~t,i.L£~ ~'.~k , • ~i''r JitLb~~,{ 6Ca.~t?, C7 k,:9' i&i~'7 , . <br /> yxC~.x~ V : ftl~~~eIi4.~.&s• ~~l~~ ~ i"~•.i ~yf1{~, Gpg$a F_ Sv eAl~g~C.~~.''.Sb_~~ <br /> r`~., f.r .a,{ryyy~p pqQw~q~y{y ~sy~y~pq+g C~~'. ~ - YlM ~ t:~lIM1 Gr f '..d'i. - CR+~$7 4d'~B834i$ R74J~~?td L7~ ?3~p¢~d~'~pyLF4~F,'% ~ <br /> SUL: ta7'1^e f..','r'"'o&}lp of' cpn;:,s-Cdg f."35ritr?Tf..ti°JYl tQ tf:1P, riovAn' f3~~er d "cro 2'°;t~."~'''v~'~'I~?ce "i'~~'4 '~t't,=:gFV, .e,.~ ~ , ~~~'1~7~ <br /> ,1 i ~ C?'Y1 ; ) t h 8 Ev ~ dy8Umw <br /> ~ v.v ~ 4s ec. . ~+~f d . . s. - -P~'~bX ' <br /> (6) ~6~,y ~'f ~ ~ ~ C : wr~.'"1~.73}..a ".~7C.1b9r!e1'IdW '~C~l',C~d A~` <br /> .r <br /> :.°;i.r:'~~"'a1~~.'-I' r^Igi~ c^u~'~Cl~;Ri'C,~l Y;?~ ,-st r,~,+~.,i?~~`f~.xl"l_ ctttECt1`~~.D~1 oZ~ ~?~eT°lU"e ,~.l3 ~°0V~~° F- <br /> ~'eo a:r'~?'3i~~.,'k :'l'fc.~'l .;%T i,,.•_4•,x.£.~~.fs c?~~ #,``..t? ">tw°;+Pd{i~e ~;:['f^~?'t('iie}'~.~'_:k3~.hI"~~m, , <br /> - .g~ac •1.1'~,~ .4.^~Xi.'1..'Z: !):T .~j'"~ 'CY''!cz:° ~~~~.s;rr' -c:{' +.r "~1% substi"p~y.i+ , . . a <br /> ' ~ i4A~'~~ ~ ` ~ r _ ti ~.rK~ .rT!:L~i"i_ ~ s, <br /> S <br /> _ ~ i. c i i. ` -i ; o` f 4 <br /> o.. . ,f!:f w,«1 ..I'Gc-'JCt~:`EX ~~.~,'F~.l b!~ '~~'C~'E~''~.C~ed °!~"io!ns` In ' <br /> ~t';, .,t,fy. ..,.~•rY < 1 ~ ~Mynve, _ ..y <br /> ~ a P . l~ / t ~ i~ 1 TV°,C'~Y S. ui0L/ .6. {8,n J4i~y ' 6.7. A 8 4 i~ $L-s 6?S7 SJ <br /> <br /> tin~'yyK°~ ~ i <br /> - f 1 r:;.'s~ <br /> ~ r~yt <br /> ,:b . nr?y T#;, s'~il~s`.~, i75a r°t~,~~l~.4_-.S$~A.binBS~'~.4 lnfffi.F.e` <br /> '''.i:., .a <br /> 'v~`i'c"At -uC`!". ` ;;{e "r~ ~',,'_i I1~".', #;4C; S'~''~.11Zt~' ~e ~,4 ~ ~ ~t <br /> j'~~ ,t~4' ~'~~F~~u~~4 <br /> Lj 10 o}~~ L•: , ~I 1, ~ a - n~' dc P Iti 6- M 4 ~ ~~1 ~dr b~3 Rii{dQf ,~4~ixE .~a~ , ~ <br /> f~ ~ interce- vc.rri r° .l ~,e , stY~a~~~.f.~a~. cc~ns'~xadtia~n, t~~td` <br /> .~r~t~ . <br /> ~ <br /> ~ '~-sV p~ <br /> x~ V E." ~~t3 i' ?TIzri y - F t • kc,[ ,'t J ~ 5 l "fs <br /> ~.;~~a.?. :~e if ~ A~ e~ ~c~v~r~ t.,r~:ick~, ~f#ae~_ '.~~.~e~ ~ <br /> j~, r~ l; --xr":,L'.Skad,S 41.L " :}by/Cd3G;V'3. 1 C:fld..jF31`~ #~G <br /> ~.;a.' .~~i,:. ` ~!1. 'S`,~ e :r1 ~ r~,'~ tS';{~J ~SY,l~'ye~'t,{~ 43'w'~h.i. x v~ ~ $7'e ~ <br /> V" ~:i akr'. ~'i~} M~ ~.GP'~ - sas <br /> i..'t f`~,? Y <br /> ! 4) ~'~C i ~j} = aC'nl t' I; a ~ 3.1~ ~&&9?~ ~7~ <br /> ~ _ ~ - ~ ..i i. '3 e , <br /> q <br /> 5 <br /> 41 <br /> . . ' 4 <br /> '6~ <br />