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. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> . SAd1TL`t OF M.1.NNE?.7OT.CS. <br /> ' 4iVLJ8YTY OF RAMSEY <br /> <br /> V .!„LJIAGE OF ARDEAV HIddLS <br /> <br /> . <br /> ORDzNANCE NUMBER 49 <br /> <br /> AN aRDxNANCE REcULATzt~~ THE aPERATz~~ ~~CIPAL SAX1- <br /> TARY sEWER SYSTEMa REQuxRING CaPMCTIaNS TO BE MADE. T0 '~HE RMC AL , . <br /> SANTTARX sEWER SYSTEMa PRC3VTIJING FOR THE ISSSAI~CE OF PEM'~~ 410 <br /> StTPERVISIUN OF ALL CC3NNECTIt3~S Tt3 T I~~LI`NICZPAL SANIT 'Y SETM SYST „ <br /> PRESGRIBTI3G CERTAZN MATERIALS ATM r HODS TO T3E 'CTSEl3 F'C~~t S.~~: ~ - <br /> ''If.~NS; EST.AB~.,I~T~7C~'U :Ei,ECYU3,~'.°I'Z~?I~l'S ,A, a 'f'C) `~T~ES ANI) KI~S ~ OF WAS'I"ES , <br /> M.AY BE I~~SPOSEn OF BY T'tiE USE OF THE MI3NICTP.AL SANITARY~ SMR i <br /> ~ PROHIHITING TkIE I3ISCHARGE 0F ANY T E OR KIN3 OF S'3RFACE 'XNTO <br /> THE MITNICIPAL SANITAR.Y SEWER ~~ST~~ ~ ~CRIBZNG RA.TES AND t~HAAM <br /> DISPOSAL SER.V2CES AND PRFSCR2BING P'ENALTIES FQFt TH'E VTOLA'TZON OF SPJM, <br /> The Vi11.age Council o-f t~~~ Vi1Z.age of Arderi Hi13.s does I~~~~~ <br /> ordain as followeo SECTIQN 1. GEI3 L aP TIflNG <br /> <br /> <br /> The entire ma.niolpal sanltary se~~~ ~~~~em sha1l flperatrdd as <br /> a public utility and aoravenienoa Prom which revers~~~ wil2 be derivedg <br /> sub3ect to the grcavi sions ot' ~~~s Ordi nce. <br /> SECTIUN 2. CC?NNTC'TTCNQ, 'k7TH S M RrQUT D, . <br /> SlaiS.AiA.61i.Le.S.oz) 4'4r, A.G'.tw.'~a'di8ig iAsGd f6*ir h4aEU ~~tatiGfi~ cA~ _ls~r i~ pd+~op~ir1sy ~$djaliM~'diJ 41~ a sewe~' m~.iny o~.° , d6n -R ~}3.att~ i.7.e.o~rt3. 6 ou~ ' <br /> <br /> wbiiob tAl~.' sya~tem exte~#4ds, a~ld iJe ~°ro~~i~r"ted iso 4h!~' i~i.q4.~.L ni{~, ~i y <br /> sew~'ar sysW w.n 4hin L~~ years froffi b~~ daiee on vi31~~ ~ ~~~neo,}~ &~bn,' Is ' <br /> aVail8ble ''ro SLBL'h bLAildi23g0 . <br /> Sa'bdiai slon B. A3.1 buildihgs hereaf~~~ construa~~~ wi~hin t ' <br /> V1lla~~ of Arden Hills on prdper'~y adjacent tm a tewer ma3.n c3r l~ -a <br /> pIat~ed blook tkrc,ugh whtoYz tlae muni~~paZ sanitary sewer sys'Cem tendep <br /> shall be provi+~ed ~~~h a conneetiort t~ the se~er syst+~ the dispos <br /> of al1 human wastesm <br /> SECTICtN 30 SUPERVISIt~~ OF SEa CONNECTIQNS;, <br /> ~~e Vi12age Fluffibing Inspec`~or s ll super~~~e all s+ewer *tr tions <br /> de to the muniolpa3 san3tary sewer system anr~ ~zoa tion for <br /> pose of InstalIing or repairing t;he samee <br /> <br /> SECTION ~n PE~"TTSv <br /> Any person deslrir~g a earsne+~tion'to th~ ~~nicipal sartitary sewsr~ <br /> ayatem shall apply t the V11la~e for a perm9.t ~~~~eforg The appli - <br /> tlon shal1 be su'bm3.~ ed on bl~ s furn2shed by th~ Vi1lage C1erk and <br /> ~hall be a~~~~panied by plansp specifications and ~~ch +~th~r intomap. <br /> tion as is des1rea b tI~e Vil2age PZ hin xnspet3torp tage'~~~r wilh a <br /> permit and 1naDectia ~ ee o~' °~o~t IJo3.iars 410.00). ot~sta ex. <br /> <br /> tk~~ s~s #.z~ciden to .e~.nstaIlat9:r~n ~.~ac~ ~t~~te~`G3.ons s ~,1 be 'iorne <br /> wner, ar~c~ °~.~e_ a er sk~~.~.1 in+~e i~'y t,~~ i2lage.for ar~y loss or <br /> ~ damage tha'C mayp dir' etly or indirectly: be oca~~~on by t3~e l~~talla- <br /> tiozz of the sewex° co neeti.ona 1n~lu ing restoring streets and street <br /> surfaces. <br /> Permits for sue conneetions ~ill bd i~~~~d onZy to the prop~~ty- <br /> owner or to a Derson du~y licensed far such oonnections under the p <br /> vis3arts of t~e Axdert 'Hills Buildi g Codeq C} in ce Number 16 amerkded'o, <br /> ~ <br /> SECTIQN 5- CQi~S TRtBCfiIC~N REQUIR.,.,~NTSe <br /> Su'bdivision A. Materials. .A1.2 pige shali be Cast Iron Soil:.plpev, <br /> conforming to the A,a aT.M0 Standard. ~~~olficatione A-74-62; Vi'~ri. <br /> G~.azed C~.~.~' Sew r, conforming to A.S.T.M. Standard ~pe4ff.- <br /> cations 0-13-44t0 or Asbestos C ent S. er PYpev conforming- <br /> to the speeif icatiora of "Transi~~# As'bestos Cemer~~ ~~~er Pipe. All <br /> pipe aased shall be a least four ln~ diameter pipe* +~xd6pt tha ' t when <br /> Vitrift ed GIazed C3a ~~~e Is used$ it s~all '~e at least'six <br /> ineh diameter plpea <br /> <br />