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<br /> 9TATE OF MINNESOTA The Heating Inapector ia empow- I,
<br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY ered to make or cause to be made I
<br /> VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILL3 such teata as he shall deem neces- ,
<br /> ORDINANCE NO. 85 sary to ascertain the condition of
<br /> AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING PER- the piping, tubing, fittings, and
<br /> MITS AND LICENSES FOR INSTALL- other apparatus used in the partic-
<br /> ATION, ALTERATION OR REPAIR OF ular syatem. lf upon inspection the
<br /> HEATING SYSTEbIS, GAS APPLI- Heating Inapector shall be of the
<br /> ANCES, ' GAS PIPING, REFRIGERA- opinion that the system as con-
<br /> TION, OR AIR CONDITIONING structed is unsafe or hazardous,
<br /> EQUIPMENT, LOW AND HIGH PRES- or is in a condition dangeroua to
<br /> SURE STEAM SYSTEMS, AND RE- life or property, he shall forthwith
<br /> LATED PRESSURE VESSELS: PRO- give written notice to the owner
<br /> VIDING PERMIT FEES THER.EFOR ; or user of the syatem, and said
<br /> AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 16, THE system shall not thereafter be op-
<br /> BUILDING CODE> AND OTHER ORDI- erated until necessary regairs have
<br /> NANCES WHERE INCONSISTENT been made and the system has been
<br /> HEREWITH. approved by the Heating Inspector.
<br /> The Village Council of Arden Hills Section 4. Applicable Standards. With
<br /> doea hereby ordain sa followa, to-wit: reference to mechanical refrigeration
<br /> $ection 1. Permits Required. It shall sYetems as provided herein, the Safety
<br /> be unlawful for any peraon, firm or cor- Code for blechanical Refrigeration, ASA
<br /> poration to begin the installation, altera- 89.1-1958, is hereby adopted as the
<br /> tion or repair of any heating system, gas standard setting forth accepted engin-
<br /> appliance, Sas piping, refrigeration or eering praeticea and requirements, and
<br /> air conditioning equipment, low or high the provisions thereof are hereby in-
<br /> pressure steam systema, or any pressure corporated herein by reference, in ac-
<br /> vesael connected to said syatms or cordance with statute.
<br /> equipment within the limita of the Vil- 8ection 5. Test Records To Be Provided.
<br /> lage of Arden Hills until a permit for Each person, firm or contractor obtain-
<br /> said work is obtained as herein provided: ing s permit hereunder for installation
<br /> provided however, no permits shall be of a gas or oil-fired heating furnace, or
<br /> required for repair work where the total Sas or oil-fired heating boiler, shall
<br /> cost of the work or the reasonable value submit a teat record to the Village up-
<br /> of the labor and materiels used in con- on forms provided by the Village for .
<br /> neetion with such work is lesa than the purpose of recording the BTU in-
<br /> $150.00. put an$ out-put of satd system, the type
<br /> (a) Permits for air conditioning or of heat, and heat ]oas, and other relevant
<br /> refriAeration work shall not be required information, including the orsat readinSS.
<br /> on the following: Ssid repnrts shall be filed with the
<br /> (1) A domestic installation of 16 cubic Village Clerk and submtted to the Heat-
<br /> feet or leas; ing Inspector for approval immediately
<br /> (2) One or two family dwellinga served upon completion of all work for which
<br /> by one condensing unit where the a Dermit is granted.
<br /> combined gross cubic feet of both Section 6. Licenses Reqnired. No per-
<br /> cabinets ia 16 cubic feet or lesa; $en, firm or corporation shall engage in
<br /> (8) Any refrigeration compreasor un- the business of doing or performing any
<br /> der ane-half horse power. of the items of work described in See.
<br /> (4) Any plug-in paeakage-type refrig- tion 1 hereof without firat obtaining a
<br /> eration or freezer unit. license therefor from the Clerk. Applica-
<br /> (b) Application 4or permits shall be tion for licenses shall be filed with the
<br /> made upon forma supplied by the Vil- Clerk on forma furnished by the Clerk's
<br /> ]age Clerk. office.
<br /> (c) Except as herein provided, permits (a) The licenae fee shall be $12.00 an-
<br /> shall be issued upon approval of the nually, with all licenaes to expire
<br /> Clerk by the Clerk to persona, firma or an June 30 following the date of
<br /> corporations properly licenaed under the issuance unless sooner revoked or
<br /> licensing provisions hereinafter set forth forfeited. There shall be no pro-
<br /> in this ordinance. rating of license fees for part of
<br /> (1) Permits for work as provided here- the year.
<br /> in upon private residencea (b) Each applicant for a license here-
<br /> by t h e resident or t h e under shall furnish satisfactory
<br /> home owner shall be granted by evidence that he is competent by
<br /> reason of education, special train-
<br /> the Clerk only after the Hesting
<br /> InspecWr has satisfied himself, ue- ing, and experience to perform the
<br /> on proper inquiry, that the appli- work for which a license is re-
<br /> cant ia competent to perform the nuested in accordance with all
<br /> work which is the subiect of the state laws and village ordinancea.
<br /> permit. Licenaes as hereinafter (c) The Couneil of Arden Hills shall
<br /> provided shall not be required in have the power to suspend ar re-
<br /> casea of wark to be done by the voke any license grantecl here-
<br /> resident or the homeowner, after under if work performed by the
<br /> approval by the Heating Inspector licensee or under the license oY a
<br /> as herein provided. licensee is found to be improper or
<br /> epp_
<br /> 9ection 2. Permit Fees. In esaea here- dardizeefective life or or so unsafe Property. as The to C joun-
<br /> under where permits are required Fer- cil shall give 20 days notice to
<br /> mit fees on air conditioning and refrig- the licensee of intent to suspend
<br /> eration work shall be charged in ac- or revoke the license, and shall
<br /> cordance with the following schedule:
<br /> (a) $3.00 for each 30,000 BTU rating xive the license an opportunity to
<br /> per unit, or fractional part oE said be heard before such revocation or
<br /> 50,000 BTU cancellation. All notices hereunder
<br /> s.
<br /> (b) $1.00 for each 10,000 BTU rating shall be sent to the addresa of the
<br /> licensee as shown by the Village
<br /> or fraction thereof thereafter on recorda, and the licenae may be
<br /> each unit after the initial 3Q000 suspended or revoked 6 days after
<br /> BTUs.
<br /> (c) UPOn alterationa and repairs af- the date of the hearing provided.
<br /> (dl No licenses shall be required of
<br /> ter original installation, $3.00 for residents or homeowners doing
<br /> each $500.00 or fraction thereof
<br /> of work on their private residence as
<br /> actual cost or, if no actual
<br /> cost figures are available, uBOn provided under Section 1 (c) (1)
<br /> hereof.
<br /> the reasonable value of labor and Section 7. Penalty. Any person, firm
<br /> material utilized. or corporation who shall violate any of
<br /> (d} Where permits are,required here- the provisions of this ordinance shall be
<br /> un~er upon work which cannot be punished by a fine or not more than
<br /> evaluated under (a) and (b) here-
<br /> of, the permit shall be calculated $100.00 or by imprisonment for not more
<br /> at the rate of $3.00 for each than 90 days.
<br /> Section S. Amendment of Ordinance
<br /> $600.00 or fraction thereof af ac- No. 16, The Building Code, And Other
<br /> tual cost or, if no actual cost fig- Ordinances.
<br /> ures are available, upon the rea- The provisions of Ordinance No. 16,
<br /> sonable value of labor snd mater- communly known as the Building Code,
<br /> ial utilized. and of all other ordinances containing
<br /> (e) In no event shall the permit fee provisions inconaistent herewith are
<br /> exceed $50.00. hereby superseded.
<br /> $ection 3. Inspection. 3ection 9. Thia ordinance shall be in
<br /> (a) It shall be unlswfu] for ownera, force and effect from and after its
<br /> contractors, or workmen to lath passage and publication.
<br /> over or in any way eonceal any- Dated at Arden Hills, Minnesota this
<br /> . Iiiping, outlet boxes, arother pai-t g ~~ay of March, 1965.
<br /> of a refrigerating or sir condition- D. F. Kennedy, Msyor
<br /> ing syatem, or other system re- Attest:
<br /> quired to be inspected hereunder, Lorraine E. Stromquist, Clerk
<br /> until inspection has been made
<br /> thereof, and due notice has been (guiietin, March 18, 1966)
<br /> given of approval by the Heating
<br /> Inspector. When any obstruction
<br /> has been placed so as to conceat
<br /> . any piping or part of the inatalla- tion before the Heating Inapector
<br /> has made an inspection thereof,
<br /> said inspector may remove or
<br /> cause to be removed any auch Iath
<br /> ar obstruction which may conceal
<br /> the work so that proper inapection
<br /> may be made. Upon completion of
<br /> the work, it shall be the responsi-
<br /> bility of the licensee to notify the
<br /> Heating inspector and request an
<br /> inspection. -
<br />