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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> . AIR POLLUTIAN GO\°IlUll. NI I.ES \YC.B AIN POLLL'1'lll\ I:OSI'NOi, IICI,F:S APC 8 <br /> + (iv) Propane gas thawing torches or othcr devices causing minimal allow opcn burning in those arcas in w6ich opea burning is prohibited by <br /> pollution shall be used when pructieable. other laws, rcgulations oc ordinanccs. <br /> (gg) Opcn burning of materials pursuant to par,lgraph (f)(I)(ee), (11), ______,(i) Rccrcational Fires. Fires set for recreational, ceremonial, food prcp- <br /> (gg), (hh), (ii), and Qj) shall be conducted in accordanee with the follnwing aration, or social purposes are permiUed provided only wood, coal, or char- <br /> additional restrictions; coat is burucd. <br /> (i) The location of the burning shall not be within 600 fcct uf an (j} Diseased Shadc Trce Opcn Burning Sitcs. Opcn of ducased <br /> . occupied residence other than thosc lucated on the property on which the shade trecs shall bc permiued providcd na reasonablo altcrnate method of <br /> burning is conducted. dispos:tl cxists as determincd by the Agency, a permit is obiaincd pursuant <br /> (ii) Oils, rubber and other similar smoke producing materials shall to this rk:gulution, and the open burning is conducted in accordance wi[h <br /> not be burned or used as starting matcnals. the rcquircmcnts oi t6is rcgulauon and the conditions of we permit. <br /> (iii) The burning shall not be conducted within one mile of any (1) Site Location. The sites shall be located in accordance with the <br /> airport or landing strip, unless approved by the Director. following conditions or as approved by the Direcfor of Air Qualiry: <br /> (hh) Opcn burning of matcKials pursuaut to pzragraph (fl(1)(ii) shall (aa) Not fcss than 1,000 fcet from an occupizd building. <br /> also only be conducted under controllcd burning mettiocls approved by the (bb) Not less than 1,000 fcet from a public roadway, <br /> D'uector. (cc) Noc ]ess thaa one mile from aa auport or ]andm; strip. <br /> (ii) The burning is conducted under such other reasonable conditions (dd) Not Iess than 300 feet from a strcam. <br /> as the permit issuing outhority may impose. (ee) Not within wetland. <br /> (3) Permit Issuers. In addition to the Agency, the lo4owing persons Site I'rcparation. The site shall be prepared in accordance with the <br /> following: <br /> are authorized to accept applications and issue open bi3rning permi[s; (1;1) Access to the site shall be controlled by a vate which shall be <br /> (aa) A Depnrtment of Naturat Resources forest officer for locations locked whcn an attendant is not on duty. <br /> within his jutisdiction. (hb) Approach roads to the disposal site and access roads on the site <br /> (bb) A Jocal Department of Natural Resources Fire 14'arden for loca- shall be mxintained so that they shall be passable at all specified timen. <br /> tions within his jlirisdiction, cc A crniancnt si n idcntif m the o+.ration iiruicatin thc hours <br /> (cc) Upon aPproval of the Agency, a local pollution control agency and days ihc site in open for use, rates, the peoalry for non-~onforming <br /> for locatians within its jurisdiction, dumping and otlicr pertment information shall be posterl at the site entrance. <br /> (dd) A pcrson(s) designuted by the county board of commissioners (dd) SurEace water drainage shall be diverted around and away from <br /> and epprovcd by the Dircclor for locatiuns within the couilry but oulside the oherating ;irea and asli slarage areas. <br /> the corpornte limns oE citics within the county. (3) Sitc Operaiion. Thc site shall be operated in accordance witli the <br /> (ec) Upon the approval of the Dircctor, either a fire chie[ or a prrsan following conditians; <br /> designated by a township or city for locations within the jurisJictiun of said (;11) Onfy diseased shade trees andJor tree trimmin;s shall be disposed <br /> govcrnmcntal unit. of on the siic. <br /> (m A Region,d Director of the Agency or an employee of the Agency (hb) QualiGcd personnel for general direction and operation of the <br /> aulhorizeJ by the llircctor, who may in their discretion refer the applicant site shall he on duty at aU times while the site is apen for use and for the <br /> to a lucal permit issuing authoriry. dutation of any fire on the site. <br /> (4) Permit Denial. Any permit application submitted pursuant to this (cc) Burning sliull, be conducted only wUen weather conditions are <br /> regulation shall be denied if: - such that a nuisance, Iiealth or safery hazard will not be created. <br /> (aa) A reasonable, practical alternative method of disposal of the (dd) Prior notice shall be given to the local fire authority of the time <br /> matcrinl is nvailablc. and duralion of cach firc. <br /> (bb) A tiuisance condition would result frdm the burning. (ce) Adcquaic dust control shall be provided on the site and on the <br /> (5) Pcrmit Rcvocation. Any penuit is subject to rcvocation at the dis- roads lcading to the sitc. <br /> ctetion oF Uie Aircctor, a Dcpartment of Natural Rescurces Forest Ofricct, ([p Ash residuc shall be collected on a periodic basis and disposed of <br /> the focal fire marshal or i'ire chief, or the permit issucr, if: in an Agencypcrmit;ed sanitary landfill. <br /> (aa) A reasonable practical method of disposal of the matcrial is (4) Sitc Termination, The site shall be terminated in accordanee with <br /> found; <br /> (bb) A ftre hazard exists or devefops during the course of the burn- the follawing: <br /> ing; or (aa) All matcria{s extraneous to the site shall be temoved and d'uposed <br /> (ec) Any of the conditions of the permit are violated, of in an appropriate manncr. <br /> (g) Liability. Exemptioo to conduct open burning ar the granting of aa (bb) The sitc shall be retumed to a state equal to its surraundings. <br /> open burning permit under any provisions of this regulation does not excuse []uly 7, 1969; amended June 5, 1970; amended 5eptembcr 14, 1471; <br /> a person from the consequences, damages oc injurics which may result amended March 12,1916; ameuded May 131976] <br /> thercfrom. <br /> (h) Conllicting Laws, Nothing in this regulation shall be cons[rued to <br /> ~ <br />