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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Ordinance 213 (continued) 55. Garage, Truck - A building which is useq or in- or more and removal inereot trom the siTe. <br /> tended to be used for the storage of motor irucks, truck 85. Mobile Home - Any type of Yransportable <br /> private and public, of the ciTy and its environs antl may ?railers, tractor5 and commercial vehicles exceeding sirucTUre or vehicle not drawn by its own power with <br /> include, but is not limited to, the following; statemenis one-ton rated capacity. permanenTly atfached undercarriage and wheels which <br /> of policies, goals, standards, a land use plan, a com- 56. Grade - The lowesi point of elevation of the is designetl, consiructed, and equipped for use as a <br /> munity facilities plan, a iransportation plan, and finished surface of the ground, paving or sidewalk single family dwelling place, living abode, or living <br /> recommendations for plah execuTion. within the area beTween the building and the property quarters, suitable for occupancy during the entire year, <br /> 29. Council The City Council. line, or when the properiy line is more ihan five (S) teet which contains the same water supply, waste disposal, <br /> 30. Day Care Facility and Residential Facility- Day from the building, beiween the building and a line five and elecirical conveniences as immobile housing. It is <br /> Care Facility means any facility, public or private, f5) feet from the building. ihe intention of the Council ihat ihis definition shall <br /> which for gain or otherwise regularly provides one or 57. High Water Mark -Means a mark delineating the include "mobile homes" as defined in Sec. 327.14, Subd. <br /> more persons with care, fraining, supervision, highest water level which has been maintained for a 2 of Minnesota StaTUtes Annotated. <br /> habilitation, rehabilitation, or developmental guidance sufficient period of time to leave evidence upon the 86. Mobile Home Park - Any premi5es on which areon a regular basis, for periods of less ihan 24 hours per landscape. The normal high water mark is commonly parked iwo or more occupied mobife homes, excluding <br /> day, in a place other than the person's own home, in- ihai poinT where the naTUral vegetation changes from premisesonwhich mobile homes are sold for removal to <br /> clutling bui not limited to fam'rly day care homes, group Predominantly aquatic to pretlominantly Terresirial. another site. <br /> family day care homes, day care cenTers, day nurv 58. Home Occupation - An accessory use of a 87. Non-Conforming Building - q building lawfully <br /> serres, nursery schools, tlaytime activity centers, day resideniial siructure for any gainful occupation or existing as of the effective date of the adoption of ihis <br /> treatment programs and tlay services. profession which (7) is engaged in by an occupani of the Ordinance, or amendment hereto, which untler the <br /> ResidenTial Facilily means any facility, public or Premises, (2) is, in respect To the residential site, provisions of ihis Ordinance could noi be built because <br /> private, which for gain or otherwise regularly provides conducted entirely wiThin the dwelling, (3) does not ot resirictions on height, selbacks, yards, loi coverage, <br /> one or more persons with a 24 hour per day substitute occupy more ihan 33 percent of the gross floor area of floor area ratio, or other characieristics of the building <br /> for care,food, lodging, irainin9, education, supervision, the dwelling, (4) does noi require any special entrance or its locationon the lotwhere it exisis. <br /> habilitation, rehabiliTation, and TreatmenT ihey need, into the sirucTUre, and (5) has no exTerior evidence of 88. Non-Conforming Use - A building, siructure or <br /> buT which for any reason cannot be furnished in the ihe accessory use. Any aciivity resulting in traffic, use of a building, structure or parcel of land, or a por- <br /> person's own home, including but not limited to, state noise, light, fumes, and odors to such an extent thai it is tion Thereof, lawfully exisiing as of the effective date of <br /> insiitutions under the conTrol of the Commissioner of noticeable ihai the properiy is being used for non- the adoption of ihis Ordinance or amendment hereto - <br /> Public Welfare, foster homes, resideniial ireaiment residenTial purposes shall not constitute a home oc- as a matier of right or by permit - which is not per- <br /> centers, maternity sheliers, group homes, residential cupatioh_ mitted in the zoning disirict inwhich it is located. <br /> programs, or schools for handicapped children. 59. Hotel-Motel - Any building, or group of buildings, 89. Nursery - Any land used to raise irees, shrubs, <br /> 37. Density- The number of dwelling uniis permitted having six (6) or more guesT rooms intended or designed flowers, antl other live planis for sale and commerce. <br /> by this Ordinance on one (1) acre (i.e.43,%Osquarefeet to be rented or hired out to be occupied, or which are 90. MulTi-Purpose 8uilqing - See Use, Principal. <br /> oF land). occupied for sleeping purposes by guesis. 91. Oflice(s) - A room, suite of rooms, or a building <br /> 32. Density, NeT - The number of dwelling units 60. Houses of Worship - A building, together with its containing rooms or suites of rooms in which persons <br /> permitted by ihis Ordinance on one (1) net acre of land. accessory buildings and uses, where persons regularly conduct commercial activities, provide professional <br /> 33. DensiTy Transfer-The relocationof housing units assemble for religious worship, services, or carry on occupations and where goods are <br /> orsquarefootageofbuildingareacomputedononepari 61. Industry - Uses such as the manufacturing, not stored, protluced, sold ai reTail or repaired, in- <br /> of a building site to another part of the site resulting in compounding, processing, packaging, treatment, cluding but not limifed to the tollowing: financial in- <br /> an increase in density to the transfer area for the assem6ling,orwarehousingorproducisandmaterials. stiTUtions, executive and adminisTrative offices, <br /> purpose of preserving open space,forested areas, en- 62.Institutional Housing - Siudeniorfaculiy housing business offices such as insurance, real esfafe, sales <br /> vironmenTal or Terrain features deemed worihy of for four (q) or more persons on rental basis, rest home, antl similar offices, professional offices such as offices <br /> preservation by the Planning Commission and Council, hospital, sanitorium, nursing home, convalescent home, of engineers, surveyors, archiTects, accounianis, at- <br /> 34. Density Zoning - Density Zoning shall be in- orPhan home. torneys and bookkeepers and similar offices bui ex- <br /> terpreted as the provision of loT areas smaller than the 63. Junk Yard - An open area where waste, used or cluding medical clinics. <br /> minimum requirement of this Ordinance under con- second-hand materials are bought, sold, exchan9ed, 92. Olf-sTreet Parking Areas - SirucTUres or areas of <br /> ditionswherebyihetotalnumberofdwellingunitsisnof stored, baled, packed, disassembled or handletl. In- ground used for the stora9e or parking of motOr <br /> greater ihan the amount permitted under normal cluding, but not limited to, scrap iron antl other metals, vehicles. <br /> conditions. paper, rags, rubber, tires, and boitles, A junk yard 93.OpenSalesLot-Anylanqusedoroccupiedforthe <br /> 35, Dog Kennel - A siructure specifically designeq includes a motor vehicle wrecking yard buT does not purposes of buying and selling any goods, materials, or <br /> and used for the harboring of ihree (3) or more dogs that include uses esiabl ished entirely within enclosed merchandise and for the storing of same under the open <br /> are more Than six (6) monihs old. buildings. sky prior to sale. <br /> 36. Drive-In Business - Any business establishment 64. Land ReclamaTion - The deposition of 400 cubic 94. Open Space - An unoccupied space open to the <br /> offering To cusTomers a service or commodities such as, Yards or more of earth materials on a site. sky. <br /> for example but noTby way of limitation, prepared food, 65. Landscaping - Plantings such as trees, grass, 95. Parking Space - A land area of not less Than iwo <br /> beverages, and dairy producis, eiTher collectively or shrubs. hundred (200) square feet, exclusive of driveways and <br /> individually, which is primarily or exclusively laid oui, 66. Loading Areas - Any area where trucks are aisles, of such shape and dimensions and so prepared as <br /> designed, equipped and operated so as to allow its maneuvered and parked, for the purposes of loading or to be usable for the parking of a motor vehicle, and so <br /> customers to purchase, receive and consume (if ap- unloading producis, materials or equipment, located as To be readily accessible to a public sireet or <br /> plicable) such service orcommoditieswithouihavingto 67. Lotlging House - A building where lodging is alley. Truck loading and unloadin9 space shall not be <br /> enter the builtling on the premises of the establishment Provided for compensation to more than five (S) persons includetl in such area. <br /> and usually while remaining in iheir automobiles. By in conTradistinciion To hotels open to iransienis. 96. Pafhway, Pedesirian Way - A public or private <br /> way of illusiration, but without IimitaTion, drive-in 68. Lot Area per Family - The lot area per famity is way, running across or locateq within a plaited lot or <br /> businesses include the foilowing: drive-in restaurants the lot area required by ihis Ordinance to be provided block or an unplaTTed parcel of land, used primarily for <br /> or cafes, drive-in theaters, drive-in banks, drive-in for each family in a dwelling. pedesirian traffic. <br /> liquor siores, and drive-in laundry or dry cleaning 69. LoL Corner- A Iot situated at and abutting on the 97. Person - Any inaividual, firm, parinership, <br /> esTablishmenis. intersedion of iwo (2) or more sTreets having an angle corporation, company, associafion, joini stock <br /> Grocery stores, confectionary stores, drug stores, or of intersection of not more ihan 135 degrees. A lot association or body politic; includes any Trustee, <br /> resiauranis which offer "take home" food services as abutting upon a curve streef shall be deemed a corner receiver, assignee, or other similar represenTative <br /> an incidenfal parT of their business shall noi be con- loTifthe tangentsto the curve afits poinis of beginning Thereof. <br /> sidered drive-in businesses, within the lof or at the poinis of inierseciion of the side 98. Personal Services - Services customarily ren- <br /> It is recognized That automobile service stations are loT lines with the sTreet line inTersect at the interior dered for compensation in a building where stock in <br /> drive-in businesses within the meanin9 of the fore9oing angle of less ihan 135 degrees. A corner lot shall irade is neither siored on the premises nor sold over the <br /> general definition, but They are excluded from the maintain front yard requiremenis for each sireet counter at retail, including such services as apparel <br /> definition as used herein since ihey are treated and frontage. repair, alteration and cleaning; hair styling, irimming <br /> defined separately in ihis Ordinance. 70. Lot Coverage - The total allowable amount of lot and cuTting; beauty services; phoTographic services; <br /> 37. Dwelling - A building, or portion ihereof, area, expressed as a percentage, which may be covered and other services of a similar nature. <br /> designed or used exclusively for human habitation, and by a principal use and its accessory structures. 99. Planned Unit DevelopmenT - The development of <br /> consisfing of one or more dwelling uniis. Lof Depth - The mean horizontal distance bet- a iract of land in a unified manner, pursuant To a <br /> 38. Dwelling, Multiple-family-A dwelling containing `^'een the mean front road and the mean rear lot line. development plan specifically approved by the Cify. <br /> three (3) or more attached dwelling units which have The greater frontage of a corner lot is its depth, and iTs 100. Public Uses - The use of any lot, parcel of land <br /> access to the outside ihrough a common hall or poinT of lesser frontage is its widih. and any siruciure or building ihereon exclusively for <br /> eniry. 72. Lot Line- A properTy boundary line of any lot held public purposes by any department or branch of <br /> 39. Owelling, Single Family - A dwelling consisTing in single or separate ownership or separatety 9overnmeni- federal, s1aTe, county or Gity, excluding <br /> of one (1) dwelling unit. described; except ihaT where any portion of the lot independent school disiricts, without reference To the <br /> 40.Dwelling,TwoFamily-Adwellingconsistingof exTendsintoTheabutTingsTreetoralley,fheloflineshall ownership of said lot, parcel of land, building or <br /> Two (2) dwelling uniTS. bedeemediobeThestreetoralleyline. sTructure. <br /> 41. Dwelling UniT - One or more rooms which are 73. LoT Line, Front - The boundary of a lot abutting a 707. Public Waters - Means a body of water capable <br /> arranged and designed as living quarTers for one (1) sfreeT. On a corner lot, the shortest street lot line shall of subsTantial beneficial public use. This shall be com <br /> family equipped with complete cookin9, bathing, toileY, be the froni loi line. sTrued to mean, for the purposes of ihese regulations, <br /> sleeping and heating facilities, but excluding mobile 74. LoT Line, Rear -The lot line most nearly parallel any body of waterwhich has The potential to support any - <br /> homes. to and mosi remote from the frani lot line. type of recreational pursuiT or water supply purpose. A <br /> 42. Dwelling Unit, Attachetl - A dwelling uniTwhich is 75. LoT Line, Sitle- LoT lines other than front or rear body of water creaTed 6y a private user where ihere was <br /> joined to one or more ofher dwelling units. IoT lines. no previous shoreland, as defined herein, for a <br /> 43. Dwelling Unit, DeTached - A dwelling unit which 76. Lot, Interior - A lot other Than a corner or designated private use authorized by the Commissioner <br /> is noi joined to any other dwelling uniT, and is located on reversed corner lot, of Natural Resources shal I be exempt. <br /> a separate lot with the strucTUre surrounded by open 77. Lot, Reversetl Corner A corner lot,the rear of 102. Railroad Right-of-way - A sTrip of land with <br /> space and having a separaTe point of eniry. which abuTS upon the side of another lot whether across iracks and auxiliary facilities for irack operation, but <br /> 44. Earih Sheltered Home - A dwelling consiructed an alley or not. noT induding depois, loading plaYforms, station, train <br /> so ihat 50 percent, or more, of ihe exterior surface of the 78. Lot (Of Record) - A parcel of land described by sheds, warehouses, car shops, car yards, locomotive <br /> completed building, excluding garages or oiher ac- metes and bounds measurements, reference fo a shops, or water tower5. <br /> cessory buildings, is covered with or bears against Registered Land Survey or plat, or other means and 103. Research- The use of any lot, parcel of land and <br /> earih. separated from other parcels or poriions by said any structure or building located Thereon for the pur- <br /> 45. Easement - A right or privilege in favor of a description, as of ihe effective date of this Ordinance or poses of studying or investigating facis not readily <br /> person or a governmental authority To usz a parcel of approved by ihe City as a loi subsequeni to such date, available, such as, for example, medical, chemical, <br /> land or portion Thereof for a specific purpose, and which is occupied by or, under ihis Ordinance and elecirical, metalWrgical, or oiher scieniific research <br /> 46. Electronic Towers - A sTructure which fs htgher other applicable Ordinances, is suitable for occupancy buT excluding the manufaciure or processing of <br /> in elevation than its diameter, and is used for iran- bY one (U principal building or used together WiTh any materials or goods for sale. Research with animals <br /> smission, relay or emission of electronic waves. accessory buildings or usesand such open spaces as are considered a separate category. <br /> 47. Exterior Storage - The storage of goods, required by ihis Ordinance. 104. ResideMial Recreatian Uses - Play apparatus <br /> materials, equipment, manufaciured products and 79. Lot, Through - A loT which has a pair of opposite such as swing sets and slides, sandboxes, poles for nets, <br /> similar items noT fully enclosed by a bui Iding. lot lines abutting iwo substantially parallel sTreets, and ptcNc tabies, lawn chairs, barbecue siands, and simiiar <br /> 48. Family - An individual, or iwo or more persons which is r.oT a corner lot. On a Through lot boih streeT equipment or siructures but not including electronic <br /> related by blood, marriage or adoption living together lines shall befront lot linesfor purposesof applying ihis Towers, iree houses, swimming pools, playhouses ex- <br /> as a single householtl unit; or a group of persons living Ordinance. ceeding twenty-five (25) square feeT of floor area, or <br /> Together as a single housekeeping uniT. 80. Lot Widih - 7he mean horizontal disYance bet- sheds utilized for storage of equipment. <br /> 49_ Floor Area - The sum of the gross horizontal area Ween the side IoT lines at the front set-back line. 105. Rest Home - A private home for the care of the <br /> of the several floors o( a building measured from the 81. Manufacturing and Processin9- All uses which aged or infirm or placeof rest for those suffering bodily, <br /> exierior walls, induding basemenis and attached ao include the compounding, processing, packa9ing, mental or emotional disorders. Such a home does noT <br /> cessory buildings. treatment, or assembly of producis and materials. coniainequipmeniforsurgicafcareorforiheireaiment <br /> 50. Floor Area, Habitable - Floor area as de(ined Generally, ihese are indusiries dependeni upon raw of disease or injury, nor does it include maternity, care <br /> above, excluding all areas occupied by cellars, garages, materials refined elsewhere. Such uses include but are for mental illnesses or infirmiTies; indudes nursing <br /> porches, atfics, stairways and storage, utility and not limited to the following: lumber yard; machine home. <br /> heating rooms. shops; products assembly; sheet metal shops; plasiics; 106. Restaurant A business esTablishment whose <br /> 51.FIOOrAreaRatio-7heratioobTainedbydividing electronics; general vehide repair; body work and principalbusinessisThepreparation,serviceandsaleof <br /> the sum of a building's floor area by the amouni of loi painiing; coniractors' shops and storage yard; food and food and beverages to be consumed by customers while <br /> area. non-alcoholic beverages; signs and displays; prinTing; seated attables or counTers bcated wiihin the building <br /> 52.Frontage-Theuninterrupiedfroniboundaryline publishing; fabricafed metal paris; appliances; onThepremises. <br /> of a lot, or the leng}h of such line, which abuts on a cloThing; textiles; used auto parts. 707. 2estauranL Fast Food - Any restaurant which <br /> sireet. 82. Medical Clinic-Abuilding, structure or premises meets a number of the following requiremenis: <br /> 53. Garage, Private - An accessory building or in or on which physicians, dentisis, chiropractors, Customarily provides quick service of food and-or <br /> portion of the principal building which is inTended and osteopaihs antl the like diagnose and ireat the ills of beverages to iTs customers; offers to iTS cusTOmers a <br /> used for the storage of the private passenger vehicles of iheir paTienis, excluding hospitals. limited, standardized menu of inexpensive food and-or <br /> the family or families who resitle upon the loT upon 83. Metes and Bounds - A method of property beverages; serves its customers from a counTer located <br /> which the same is located. descriptian utilizing directions and distances com- within the building on the premises and does not <br /> 54. Garage, Repair - A building or space for the mencing hom and Terminating at an easily identifiable customarily offer service at the table by waiter or <br /> repair or maintenance of motor vehicles but not in- point. WaiTressiheir orders offood and-or beverages at tables <br /> duding factory assembly of such vehicles, auto 84. Mining - The exiraction of sand, gravel or other or counters wiThin the buildin9, in iheir automobiles <br /> wrecking establishmenfs, or junk yards. material from the land in the amount of 400 cubic yards parked on the premises, or away from the premises as <br /> the customers choose; packages and serves a sub- <br /> Page Three <br />