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<br /> <br /> inc <br /> ( ~ r ~O~ (d) Said letter shall also lude <br /> I ~j a statement that the applicant ~ <br /> J understands that build';ng per- <br /> I mits will not be granted on <br /> VILT+A(iE OY+' .AgDEN ffii" any oP the praperty on said <br /> OpIINTY OF BAMAEY plat unleSe access to praperly ~ ~Dg ooaettuCted 1n aA area <br /> BTATE OF MINNF.S(YPe1 canstructed street is availatrle. i whare the materiel will not <br /> Q$DINANCE NO. 7 4, EgtgLbllahment and Construction of I gtve eufficient bearing for the I <br /> " Streets in Platted Propeit9. Prior to I road, th8 obiectionable inaterial ' the acceptance, of any_ Final Plat ahall be removed to eYUCh sec- <br /> AN OgDINANCE RFIATIlN(k Z,d THE 1 <br /> g~,~TT~,~} pj~ pgpp~,TY. WTTHIN by the Council, the applicant there- tion end depth se is directed <br /> for ahall submit to tfie Couneil aby the v113age englneer fox the <br /> THF' VII.LAGE OF AItDEN HEUS ge%gn of all the streeta in the pro- proieck, e.nd thls eacavated area <br /> AND THE EBTABIISE(KoT AND poaed- plat, which design shall ahow shall then be back filled with <br /> UONSTSIICTION OF RdA'D6 ON PLAT- the cross-sections and grades of S euitable material aufficient tb <br /> pgOPERTY 'ON"TbIN THE VEL- the proposecl.- streetR and also . the eorrect the condition. <br /> I,AQE OF A.BDEN EM1.5 propoged d•rainage facilities. All such (i) TSie etreet design ehall Indi- <br /> j The Vilfage Council of the Vilkage of platted - streeta shaR show a mini- - cate that the atreefs4 are grad- <br /> : Arden Hllls dces hereby - ordain as fol- mum width of 60 feet- unleasi, in ed in such a manner that a11 <br /> lowa: , view of special circumstances the parte of the road w111 be prop- <br /> . Council shall permit a lesser width, . erly dreined, and - the plan <br /> 1. Fthi&rom e.nd ordinahCe " after no the effplatsective shall be date a~p- of This design shall. be . aigned by a " shall 4ndicate by arrowrg t11« regisRered engineer. . direction of -the drainage. <br /> proved by the Council. unleas they 5 L`pon approval of saSd street plan by (j) So far as poseible roadway sec- - ~ <br /> meet the re4uiYements of this or- the Council, and before the ap- tions ehall be utilized which <br /> dinance. and, in addltion thereto, Proval of the Final Plat oP the wlll make driveway culverts un- <br /> the requirements of the rulea and Property, the applicant for the plat necesearq; where such cul- <br /> regulatione promulgated by the Ram- ahall eubmit to the Counci] a writ- verts are neceasary they ahal] <br /> sey County P1at Commiasion. A copy ten atatement agreeinB to employ a be of a minimum diameter oi <br /> of the latter rnles and- regulationa~ y.eliable eontractor to construct the 15 inchea aad shall be supplied <br /> shall be filed evith the Village Clerk $treeta pursuant to the street de- j entirely by the applicant. ~ and ehall be available for inapection gign, and under the Inslpection of : -(k) In the event the profile grade <br /> ai all times. the village engineeer for the pro- ! of -the road at any point ea- <br /> 2, pr¢liminary Elatting. All applica- fect. 3a1d statemen¢ by the appli- [ ceeda 5%, the applicant wil] <br /> tions for appmva.l nf a plat sBall cant ahall also include the f~ollow- f stabilize the over the <br /> be accompanied by a preliminary ing provisions: r entire area between the gut- <br /> plat ofthe - property whlch- is the (a) The applieant shallfurnish, or'• te[ on either side with as- j <br /> subject of the appllcation. Said plak cyuse the contractor - or a Pur- ~ phaltic road oil. <br /> shall be siBned by a reKisrtered land chaser to fu;nish, a corpurate ~ 1'he applicant, when . uaing a <br /> surveyor and shall inc7ude the fol- surety bond to indemnify the !gutter-typa secGon, shall pro- <br /> ]owing inRormation: Viltage in tne event of " any vide at hie own expense cul- <br /> (a) The outside boundarles- of the 1oW' cauaeof action~ or claim.~ verts of suPficient capacity; to . <br /> property and the complete pro- of gny kjII~w•hatsoeyec reault- ; ' oa,rry odt drainage under the - <br /> posed deaign of the plat. ;ng frain negli-Bence in the con-.i atreets, and shall proride cateh (b) The dimensiona of each ]ot atruation of eaid -atreet, basina to drain the water in- ; <br /> I shown thereon, , the localion and- (b) All trees, brusU and under• ~ to theae culvQrte. Z i <br /> width of all streets ahown growth ahall be cleared from ~ (m) The appHCant shall aaeume the j <br /> therean, the general tapography the traveled way and com- 1 respqnsibeliRW for . adviaing ' <br /> 1 . of the land, and a suggeated pletely L removed from the pte--~ county and, state. authoritiea ~ <br /> scheme for Streete in- ~ mqses, -It shall not be p7aced E and ahtaining their cooperation, <br /> cluded in the plat sha11 be on., adiacent propertY without in the-event it is neetssary to t <br /> named as far ary poas[ble in. ~he writt0n conerent -of the ~ connect the draina,ge system ~ <br /> j conformity with those already . owners thereoY.. , ~ - of the platted propecty tn that ~ <br /> , in use in other parts uf Itam- (e) No laTge - stutnpe, or parts' of , of the highway spstem in- ; <br /> sey County where the streets . tieea sha11 be included . in the volved. i <br /> ~ purpor4 to be extensions of - road pTll. . I (n) Tfie app]icant shall be required ~ <br /> other streets. (d,) Exoggs excavation Taaterial; to fumish a minimum of five <br /> ~ (c) he s;tatus of the Froperty , mgy ~ dispo5ed af oII th0 inehes 'of gravel and/or sand <br /> <br /> I surrounding that to be P1atted lplatted p1'operty in the event-. . over the entire road bed; which <br /> shall be shown, and it shall that -1t ie neCeqsaty to raise ` gravel shall be bladed unifor.n- ; <br /> ' ,be stated whether said sur- trie elevation of low lot3, butly into place. The gYaduatian <br /> ~ rounding property is platted or under no circumata.ncea shall r of surfacing shall coaform to ~ <br /> ~ tlpplatted. exeeas excavatidn material be ~ Minnes7ota Highway D'epartment <br /> (d) The plat shall show the title disposed of in sucha manner I Specifications 3138 Yor Class 5 <br /> ~ under which it is to be re- • tq blcek. natural drainage or ~ AKgregate. The roadway shall <br /> corded, together with the nazfie6 exiating drainage. - be bladed and well compacted <br /> and addresses of the owner or ~e) All roada ahall be atablliaed in to the planned section be4ore <br /> owners, the name and ad- acoordance with aBecificatione gravel surfacing shall be con- <br /> dress of the surveyor who has which &re filed - withthe Vil- structed and compacted by or- prepared the plat, the regis- dinazl~ methods as provided in <br /> tration number of the surveyor, lage Clerk and are hereby Sn- , <br /> and a noYation st~.ting the to- corporated by rePetence and, Minnesryota Highway_,Department <br /> made a part hereof. - SePcification 2202.3,3ection C. : -ta] acreage covered by the (f) In the event the engineer is of , Pit run gracel may be used, plat. the opinion that the base of provided that a]] over-aize <br /> (e) When requesRed by the CQUncil, the street contains a type of . materia] must be raked off the <br /> the preliminary plat shall be clay which cannot be easily ~ road and removed, from the <br /> amended to ahow contours gt maintained, he shall order therpremises, and provided further <br /> vertical intarvals of noY more . application of a clean grayel - that such graiel ehe.ll first be <br /> than five feet. materia] which willbe scarified appoved by the village engineer <br /> 3. Flnal P1atthM• UPon apprnval bY and mixed into the top three or council. . , <br /> the Council of the preliminarY plat inches df clay before the final(o) The applicant ar his repre- <br /> submitted by the aPPilcant, the ap- gravel surface isY placed. . . senta.tive 5ha11 assume #ull res- <br /> plicant shall £hen cause 'to. be. pre- (g) In no event shall the use of Ponsibllity for the precautiona <br /> pared anA submitted to the Coun- . top soil on the surface of the . nec0ssary during. construction <br /> cil a Final P1at 1naccordance wlth \ finished grade be permitted. , of the streets, including, sypeci- <br /> the requirements contained herein. (h) In the event the street is be- ~ -•-fically the placing bf night <br /> (a) 'Ph¢ orlginal and four copies lights Por the protection of She t <br /> pf aaid plat shall be submit- ptiblic from any damage in ` <br /> ted, and shall follow the gen- _aolqxtection with said work. I <br /> eral plan as set forth in the 6. In no event shall building permite l <br /> pmliminary plat. The - Final' be granted for the area of the <br /> Plat ehall be submitted after , platted property, or any part there- <br /> the surveyor has actu311y laid of, untit the-'atreet furnishing access <br /> the property in the fiel3, and to the ptbperty in queqtion shall have <br /> it is contemplated that minor , - 'been completed acwrding to the <br /> chanBes in de~gn may be - provisionB of this ordinance. <br /> made in t,pe Final Plaf. In the . 7. t4ny violation of this oMlnance or I <br /> event that the aurveyor finds - any of the -provsions thereof shall <br /> that substantial ehanges aa'e- constitute a miademeanor, and . any ~ <br /> , required, such as the elimin- person vlolating the slame sha11 be ' <br /> ation of a street or changing puniahed by a fine of not tesa than- i , <br /> a stree[ line, applicStion Should $10.00 nor more than $100.00 or by ' <br /> . be trftde to the Council for I _ imprisonm2nt in the Cpunty Jail ior I <br /> amendMent of the preliminary <br /> plat for sluch Prrpose. <br /> (b) At the time the Final Plat is <br /> submitted to the Council for <br /> approval the apPlicant shall al- <br /> - so svbmit a certificate of own- <br /> ership of the property covered - a ferna oE not lees than 8 days nor <br /> Dy the ~lat which certifica.te I more than 80 dapa. <br /> ~ shall".be Bigned bY an aPPrOv- 8. This ordinance -shall be effective I <br /> ed aUatre.efor. from and after the- date of publica- <br /> ~ . (e) The applica.nt -submitting a Fi- ~ tion. nal Plat for aPProval ahall a1- I Fassed by the Viilage Council of Arden <br /> ' swbmit a letter signed by 'Hills this 27th day of April, 1953..I the applleant. Said letter ahall ~ ryvAVPER QUAG2ING,S, Mayor <br /> i include a statement that the I (Village 9ea.1) <br /> ap.pticant will construct the . ATTE$T: <br /> streets shown upon , the plat in <br /> . accordance with the ordinances gKrgLEy D. LU,DLOW; C]eYk, <br /> ' of the Village of Arden Hills, ptybliah May 28, 1953 <br /> ° and shall further include a <br /> ' statement that no lot, bloclc or - 25 31ips . <br /> - parts thereof will be apld un- , - . <br /> i . til the roadwaY or roadwaYS <br /> abuiting upon- said ibte or, <br /> blceks, and connecting said <br /> ]ote or blocks to prevlouslY ea- - <br /> tabliahed and , accepted road- <br /> " wayg shall have - been com- - <br /> pletely constructed in aceord- <br /> I ance with the. requirements of <br /> ~ the aforesaid ordlnance or or- <br /> ~ dinances. <br />