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#181 Regulating use olake Johanna
City Council
#181 Regulating use olake Johanna
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<br /> <br /> canoe or kayak for his personal use a U.S. Coast Guard approved (d) If a group of divers is operating in a contained area, the <br /> lifesaving device. A lifesaving device of the vest type with no less perimeter shall be mazked and shall be outside of the nomial area of <br /> than 150 permanently inflated air sacs of 12 mil vinyl construction navigation. The markings shall consist of the official diver's flag and shall <br /> and capable of supporting a minimum weight of 13 pounds may be Placed on the perimeter of the diving area at intervals not exceeding <br /> be substituted for a U.S. Coast Guard approved lifesaving device. 150 feet. <br /> (2) All motor-powered watercraft 26 feet or more in overall (e) A diver's flag shall measure at least 15 inches horizontally aod 12 <br /> length shall be equipped with one hand or power-operated horn inches vertically, and both sides shall have a red-colored background bi- <br /> or whistle audible at least one mile. , sected diagonally by a thcee inch wide white stripe having its upper end <br /> (3) All motor-powered watercraft less than 26 feet in length with adjacent to the flagstaff. <br /> construction permitting the entrapment of explosive or flammable (f) A diver's flag shall be displayed in a vertical plane extended from - <br /> gases or vapors must have at least one B-1 type hand portable a rigid flagstaff equipped to maintain the upper edge of the flag az least <br /> U.S. Coast Guard approved fire extinguisher fully charged and in , 30 inches above the wazer surface. <br /> good operating condition on board and readily accessible. (g) A diver's tlag may be reflectorized or fluorescent provided the entire <br /> (4) All motor-powered watercraft 26 feet to less than 40 feet surface is uniformly reflecrorized or fluorescent. <br /> in length must have at least two B-I U.S. Coast Guard approved (h) A diver's flag may be anchoied or secured to the bottom when a <br /> hand portable fire extinguishers, or at least one B-II type U.S. safety hazard would result Crom towing the flag. <br /> Coast Guard approved hand portable fire extinguisher on board If at the discretion of the diver it would be safer and more <br /> visible, the flag may be displayed on a watercraft. When the flag is dis- <br /> in good condition, fully charged and read_ily accessible. played on the watercraft, [he craft mus[ be at anchor or, if not at anchor, <br /> (5) All motor-powered watercraft 40 feet to not more than 65 attended by a diver or a petson appointed by the diver to tend the craft. <br /> feet in length must have at least Chree B-I type U.S. Coast Guard On1y watercrafr displaying an official diver's flag are authorized in the <br /> approved fire extinguishers; or at least one B-I type plus one B-II diving area. <br /> type approved hand portable fire extinguisher on board. These fire 361.09. TOWING PERSON ON WATER SKIS OR <br /> extinguishers must be fully charged, in good working condition OTHER DEVICE. <br /> and readily accessible. Subd. 1. No person shall operate a watercraft on any waters <br /> (6) All motor-powered watercraft over 65 feet in length must of this state, towing a person on water skis, aquaplane, surfboard, <br /> have at least three B-II type U.S. Coast Guard approved fire ex- saucer, or similar device, unless there is in such watercraft another <br /> tinguishers on board. These fire extinguishers must be fully <br /> person in addition to the operator in a position to continually <br /> charged, in good working condition and readily accessible. observe the person being towed or instead of such observer, the <br /> (d) Ventilation Equipment. boat is equipped with either a curved rear view mirror placed so <br /> (1) All motor-powered watercraft, except open watercraft on that the operator may continually observe the person being towed, <br /> which construction or decking-over is commenced after January or a safety warning device approved by the commissioner. <br /> 1, 1972, and which use fuel having a flash point of 110° F. or Subd. 2. No person shall be towed, or shall operate a watercraft <br /> less, shall have at least two ventilator ducts, filled with cowls or . towing a person on water skis, aqua-plane, surfboard, saucer, or <br /> their equivalent, For the efficient removal of explosive or flammable other device on any waters of this state at any time from one hour <br /> gases from the bilges of every engine and fuel tank compartment. , after sunset to sunrise of the day following. <br /> There shall be at ]east one exhaust dUCt installed so as to extend 361.70. CAPACITY OF WATERCRAFT. <br /> from the open atmosphere to the lower portion of the bilge and Subd. 1. CapaCity plete required. Every watercraft manufac- <br /> at least one intake duct installed so as to extend to a point at <br /> least midway to the bilge or at least below the level of th~ car- tured for sale in Minnesota after January 1, 7972, except canoes, <br /> buretor air intake. The cowls shall be located and trimmed for sailboats, and those exceeding 19 feet in length shall have affixed <br /> permanently thereto by the manufacturer a capacity plate which <br /> maximum effectiveness so as to prevent displaced fumes from being shall contain such information as shall be prescribed by the com- <br /> recirculated. missioner. For purposes of this section "manufacture" means to <br /> (2) As used in this section, the term "open watercraft" means construct or assemble a watercraft or alter a watercraft in such a <br /> those motor-powered watercraft with all engine and fuel tank com- manner as to change its weight and carrying capacity. <br /> partments, and other spaces to which explosive or flammable gases Subd. 2. Warrenty. The information appearing on a capacity <br /> and vapors from these compartments may flow, open to the plate shall be deemed to warrant that the manufacturer, or the per- <br /> atmosphere and so arranged as to prevent the entrapment oF such son affixing the capacity plate in accordance with specifications <br /> gases and vapors within the water craft. prescribed by the commissioner, as the case may be, has correctly <br /> and faithfully employed the method and formula for the calculation <br /> 26 11 <br />
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