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<br /> . „ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> LEG E`iE ..StAto of <br /> <br /> Coi1nlir;~ f9~` ~{~Xt~s By ' <br /> Vil:2!3ge Of .1rden Hill~ <br /> OrdiY)anG 8 luBslbe2' e~' ' <br /> <br /> Al1 oxDzrrANcE AMENAING oRDaNArrCE Nu!AB:ha 18j, TxE zaNING <br /> oxDxNANc~~ REF&ErTcE °.rO TIiE p.RoCFUJF-,E Tu aE FoLLowEn <br /> ! ox AMEvNnMINT oF THE zONyNG vRDTxaAIN;E mO REzoNE ANY PRoPERTY, <br /> WITHIN TliE VtLLAGE OI= A]=;.DEN HILI,S APTD IMPC7SING REQUIREWITS <br /> FaR N CsT IG E ANT3 FU BLT(" HEARING, <br /> The V2Ilage Counoil af the Vi21aga of Ardan Hills daaa hereby <br /> c,rdain as follows: <br /> <br /> sEcTxoN 10 seCtson 14 af tr~~ ~~dir~~~~~ Number 18s known $s tr. ) <br /> Zan3.rag Qrdinas~~e,, iwc hereby amenrled tn rsad as foiloxs, toQWitt <br /> SECTION 14 a FROCEDiTRE ON AMENDMENTS, , <br /> <br /> The V3.11age may from fi :,,e ta time 4amend this ardinance and the <br /> offic ia]L Zontrag Map. In the event th~ ~tha Zoning Ordinance <br /> and Zontng Ma;~ are tca be amended to change the 2orairag of, any <br /> property with3.n the V3.llage athe C'ouracil shall the Fra- <br /> cmdure set f`arth hereino SucYx tmnending orcii.nances mr:st be <br /> $pproved by a twa:~th" rds vote of the CouaasilQ <br /> (a) App].icati , <br /> Any pergon, f3r~, or corparation having an ovinershtp intereat <br /> in rea3, estai,e in the Vi].lage of Arden Hil1s may fi1.e an <br /> applic~tion edith the Vi3.lage Clerk to razone suah real estate <br /> ar ang real estate abuttitag; tlaeroono Such apPlication mag <br /> be in the fcarua of a letter or a pet~tian, and shall ba <br /> accompamied by an abs~~ac~erEs awnersbip rspost show3ng the <br /> property cawnera within twa litanc3rea3 .fifty C250j feet af the <br /> oU1'ier b4ALTndr'7t2'ia3:3 C!f th0 laP'IC'~ p$oXJE?98d ti0 b@ $°9Z4YI@Clg aCaC1 <br /> tYie ownership caf the propQrty gought to be rezoned, togother <br /> with a survey of tVm praperty to ',ae rezoneds The `li11ago <br /> Clerk sYaall prompt1y refer the ap~lioatiOna ownership report <br /> and surQey to the Village Caunall for corasiderationo <br /> (b) Counail Cansideratian. <br /> Thg V'illage Couracil m~~ ~efer auclz applicatiora for appropri ata <br /> comuittee stu.'i~y, ar me.yo in the event it deLernines the applim <br /> catiotx 1s witheaut sufficierat merit to vrarrant further consider- <br /> atidn, rettarn the ~~p'Licatiora to the app2iaantA <br /> In the event that the Counoil oons3.ders such applfcatiozu <br /> ta have merite tYaU Wounail shal1 ordsr the mattar ta be <br /> consfdered bg ~~ie ~ouncil nt a liublic henringq Pub1ished <br /> . notice af said i?ear3,ng eha11 be given I~ the official Vi11age <br /> newspapax by publication at I9ast once ton days before the <br /> designated date oi the hearing and not more tkkian thixty days <br /> before g+~ch dasl.gnatad dateo Said published no'3ce shall <br /> oontaiea a descri~tion of the latid proposed to be rezoraed <br /> arsd the nature of ttze propoBed cYan;e izs z~ning. <br /> 4~~ ~~iled Ntrtioe. <br /> .~t least ven c~nys bafare the dlate of :;ai.d ~earlng, the <br /> V511age Clerk shal.l a~ail acapy of such natice to eacx.? af <br /> the owners of the proFerty so~~~t to be rezoned ana to each <br /> ag the property owne:r¢ ve-thirz f;rvo hundred f2fty (250) feet <br /> og the outer bouradaries af the land prapased to be rezanedp <br /> ' Tha Glark aha3l ta&c~ ~aid names fpom the aforesaid oaner- <br /> , ship report, €snd s2aould rtaak-a reasotaabls Irquiry to ver3.fy <br /> the adtiresses ezsed, but 3.n no event shall the c:l.erk be re-, <br /> quirea to seareYi furthar than the te].ephvne directosy f'or <br /> the city oP S t. Paul L-ind, i:: ttit Cse:~k deems it nec asssry: <br /> telQphone inquiry of the office of the F~am,sey County 7Creasp <br /> urer t4 a3etermine the namss and addresses used bq tkiat <br /> . :"_J.l. fice w..5. t47, rf3 ffi 4"` 4G"# !'-c fi? R? 'd''~ ~a arJ iS.. V ,fsa ro IF. . 1 ~ . GP <br /> . . . ..~.a <br /> i'siSure ux the C::erk to mail such na~~~~ ~r fa1.3ure to re- <br /> caive n~ch :~r~tit:e tnvo~.Idate t2~~~ ae ding, <br />