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<br /> <br /> <br /> ~ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ~ <br /> i' <br /> <br /> ~ Legal Notice <br /> i; STATE OF MINNESOTA <br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br /> YiLLAGE OF ARDEN HILL.R <br /> ORDINANCE NUMBER 60 <br /> ~ AN ORDINANCE AMtNJING ORD4 <br /> NANCE NUMBER 18 THE ZONING <br /> ~ ORDINANCE W1TH 'I2EFERENCE TO <br /> THE PROCESURE TO BE FOLLOWEll <br /> ORD NMANCENTO REZONE ANY PROY- <br /> ERTY"WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF AR- <br /> DEN HILLS, AND IMPOSING RE- <br /> ~ QUIRE141ENT3 FOR NOTICE AND PUB- <br /> LIC HEARING. <br /> 7'he Village Council of the Village of <br /> . ,trden Hills dn'PS hereby ordain asfollows:. <br /> Section 1. Section 14 of the Ordinance <br /> Nvmber 18, knoRn as the 'Loning Ordi- <br /> ~ nance, ic hereby amendtd to read as fol- <br /> . . . lows. to-wit• . . . . <br /> Section 14. Procediae on Amendmeett. <br /> k The Village may from time to time <br /> amerrd this Chdinance anfl t6P ^{firial <br /> Zoning Map. In the event that the Zoning <br /> Ordinance and Zoning Map are to be' <br /> amended to change the zoning of any <br /> proT~erty within the Village, the Council <br /> shall ' follow the procedure set Eorth herein. <br /> Sttch amendinR ordinances must be ap- <br /> f•.uved by a twd-thirds vote oC the Coun- <br /> ciL <br /> + (a) APPlicatioa <br /> . . . AnY Person, firm. or eor~ration havin¢ . . , <br /> an ownersh~p interest m real estate <br /> in the Village of Ardrn H01a mav file <br /> xn aPP3ieation with the Village Glerk ~ <br /> ro rezone such real estate or any real <br /> . . . . . estate a#lutting thereon. Such. applica- ' tion inav be in the fnrm of a etter <br /> ' or a peiitidn, and shall be accompan- <br /> . . . . . . ' ied by an . abstracter's ownership rr . . . . <br /> . " . . . . . . port . showingthe pTCrperty _ omners : Wlt}lllifW0 hundrerl' fifty (250) {eet . . . oF the outer boundaries o( the land <br /> proposed to be rezoned, and the own- <br /> ershin of the p*dper?Y souSht to be <br /> rezoned, tnqether w•ith a snrvey oP <br /> the ProneitY ro be rezoned. Tbe Vii- <br /> IaRe Cerk shall momptlv refer the <br /> . . . . apDlication, mrr,ershin reTort and su- <br /> . . . . . vrv tcrthe VillaReG"vr'eil for con-. . <br /> sideration. <br /> (b),.Cameil Conddsration' <br /> , . . The Village Council mav rrfer such . <br /> :,pplication. for appropriate commi,ttee . <br /> study or enay, in the event it deter- <br /> mincs the apptication is withovt suf- <br /> ficient mesit to warrant further con- <br /> . . . . sideration, retqrn the application to : . . . ~ . theaPPlicanL . . , : . . . . . . . . . <br /> In the event that the Council considers <br /> such apPlication td have merit, the . ' <br /> . . Council sHall'order the matter to fie <br /> considered by the Council at a public <br /> , hearinR. Published notice of caid hear- <br /> inR shali be [Civen in the oEficial Vi1- <br /> . . . . lage newspapv by pajblicatian at ieact . . . <br /> nnce ren days . before the desiRnatccl <br /> date of the hearrnR and not mme than <br /> thirty dac; before svch desi4natrcl` date. . j <br /> Said Published notice shall cmtain x <br /> descriPtion of the land prMM4ed to br <br /> rezaned and the nature o( the proposed <br /> change in zoning. <br /> (c) Malled Nodts. <br /> At least tm dayx before t}- dntA of <br /> said hearinR the- Vitlaga C!erk shall <br /> ~nail a copy of such notice ta ench of <br /> the owners of the proFxrty soii¢ht to <br /> be rezcmed and to tach of the prntxrtv <br /> rnvners within iwo hvndred fifty (250) <br /> fert o( the olrttr boundariec rrF the Ixnd <br /> . nroP!,sed to lx rezonetl: The Clerk sha? <br /> take said' nar»es from the aforesaiA <br /> ownership retwrt, and shcxrld mnke <br /> rtasonable inquiry to verifv thr nd- <br /> dresses used, but in no cvent shall the <br /> C!erk be required to Rearch further <br /> than the tdePhone direct"ry (or the <br /> Citv of St. Paul and, if the C!erk <br /> . . . deeme~ it necessary,. ~te"'phone inryuiry o( the oftiee of the Ramscy Cainty <br /> Treasurer to determine the names and <br /> addre}ses used by Ehat ci(fice with ref- <br /> erence to said nareds. In no event <br /> shall failure of the Clerk to mail anch <br /> ..nrire: n, failun 'to receive such not- <br /> ice invalidate the prtfce«iing. <br /> 46 (d) TLs Publie HMrlnt <br /> At the time of snch in:blic h"rinz, <br /> or at such time thereaf+.r ac'the Covn- <br /> cil sha!1 clioose. the Crnincil mav (I) <br /> . . . . . reiect theaUPlication for rezoning: (2) . . . . rnact aii . amendment te . the zoning ordinance in aa;ordance with the xp- <br /> r';~nn~ (3) enart cuch modi(ication <br /> o[ the zvaing ordinante with respect <br /> . . . . tothe. proptrtY in thP . . <br /> plication as the Couacil map deem <br /> proner. No additional pablic heariap <br /> need Ue held in connection with any <br /> furthor Council consideration of the <br /> amrndmrnt to the Ord'mance. In ar- <br /> ging at its determinatidn herein the <br /> unciL may ccrosider' alt of the fao- <br /> tors rdating to the applieation aa it <br /> affectq the Dublic welfare, incluAing <br /> Possible depreCiatiaq d rurmun4inic • <br /> property valuee. pose'bk uatNc baa- <br /> ards, and the e{fect of the propoNd te. <br /> (e) zoning upon UVGTHII ' VIIIpg! PIAt4O1Dg. <br /> The Crn.-cilmav at snr Lkae. uvwn it+ <br /> own motion and witho~t ~po~~ <br /> initiate amend~nente ro t1k aftiiR Qr: <br /> dinance, but ahall telkA? t pw~eednre <br /> cet forth herein For a~e lfeariag <br /> aad mailal nublishd <br /> =rieslno 2. 1'his ddlsalllee shtn be ia <br /> i . . F-om and after i4 OofluiRe and pob- ication <br /> Hqi)I~his 1 <br /> Atha • i ~ j~ <br /> R <br /> T,ORRAINE <br /> PnDlish Illier.. 22 <br /> ~ <br /> ~r; <br />