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<br /> STATE OF MINNE30TA the proposed licenaee will operate and therefor should be set with thia factor
<br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY its, location, whether applicant ie owner in mind, as well as the factora of ad-
<br /> VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILI,3 and operator of the buainess, how long ministrative expense and itema of Vil-
<br /> ORDINANCE NO. 92 he has been in that buainess at that ]age expenae sueh as police superviaion,
<br /> AN ORDINANCE LICENSING AND place, the information required under fire protection, road maintenance and
<br /> REGULATING THE SALE AND CON- Sec. 4, Subd. 2 hereof, and such other the like. The Council has further deter-
<br /> SiJMPTION OF INTOXICATING LI-- information as the Council may re9uire mined that there is a definite relationahip
<br /> QUORS, FIICING LICENSE FEES from time to time. In addition to con- between the burdens, responeibilities and
<br /> THEREFOR, PROVIDING PENALTIFS taining such information, each applica- riska of the Villgge with resDect to auch
<br /> FOR VIOLATION AND REPEALING tion for ]icenae aha11 be in the form "one sale" liqnor establishments and
<br /> ORDINANCE NOS. 32, 68 AND 76. preacribed by the Liquor Control Com- the area in auch establishmenta which
<br /> The Council of the ViL'age of Arden misaioner. No person shall make a falae is utilized for the sale and consumption
<br /> Hills does hereby ordain as follows: statement in an application. Applications of liquor. Accordingly "on sale" liquor
<br /> Section 1. Definition of Terma. for an "on sale" or "off sale" ]icenae license fees are established, as herein-
<br /> Subdiviaion 1. As used in thia ordin- on behalf of a corporation shall include, after set forth, with relation to said
<br /> ance the term "person" includes a na- in addition to the foregoing, informa- area.
<br /> tural person of either sex, co-partnerahip, tion as to the names, addresses, and oc- Snbdivision 2. Area Information Re-
<br /> wrporation and assoeiation of persons eupations of the stockholdere and offi- qnired. Each application for an "on
<br /> and the agent or manager of any of the cera of the corporation. The transfer of sale" liquor ]icense shall include infor-
<br /> aforesaid. The sinsular in number in- stock in any corporation holding an "on mation, on forms to be provided by the
<br /> cludes the plural and the masculine pro- sale" or "off sale" liquor license in this Villap,e, setting forth the area in the es-
<br /> noun includes the feminine and neuter. village shal] be deemed a transfer with- tablishment which is propoaed to be util-
<br /> 3ubdivision 2. "Intoxicating liquor" in the meaning of thia ordinance, and ized for the purpose of sale or conaump-
<br /> or "liquor" meatia and includes distilled, na such tranafer of atock shal] be made tion of liquor. The information provided
<br /> fermented, spir.tuous, vinous, and mglt without the consent of the Council. It as to such area shall be verified by the
<br /> beverages contdining in exceas of 3.2% is hereby made the duty of the officers Village Clerk and report thereon prompt-
<br /> of alcohol by Weight. The term does not of anq corporation holding such a li- lv submitted to the Council with the
<br /> include ethyl alcohol or neutral spirits or cense to notify the Council of any Dro- application.
<br /> substitutea Nierefore posaessing the taste, poaed sale or transfer of any atock in Subdivision 3. Licenee Feea for "dn
<br /> aroma, anl characteristics generally at- such corporation. The tranafer of any 3ale" Liqaor Licenses. Upon the basis
<br /> tributed ta eth91 alcohol or neutral apir- auch atack without the knowledge and of the information given in the appli-
<br /> ita. consent of the Council shall be deemed cation as such information is verified or
<br /> Sabd'Viaion 3. "Sale" and "sell" in- sufficient cause for revocation by the eupplemented by the report of the Clerk
<br /> cludes 5n addition to the accepted mean- Council of any licenae granted to such thereon and by such othei investigation
<br /> ing rf the term, all barters, gifts, and corporation under the authority of this as the Council may deem advisable, the
<br /> othee means of furnishing intoxicating ordinance. In addition the corporate offi- license fee for "on sale" liquor licenses
<br /> ]jqfor in violation or evasion of this or- eera shall also notify the Council when- in the Village, commencing with the
<br /> &nance. ever any change ia made in the offi- license fees to be charged for the calen-
<br /> Sn6diviaion 4. "On eale" means sale cers of aay such corporation, and failure dar year 1966, shall be for a specified
<br /> of ]iquor by the drink for conaumption to so notify the Council ahal] likewiae sum for each license determined by the
<br /> on the premisea only. be sufficient cauae for revocation of any area within the proposed eatablishment
<br /> Subdivieion 5. "Off sale" meane the liquor ]icenae grar.ted to such corpora- which wi? be utilized for the purpose of
<br /> retail sale of ]iquor in the original pack- tion. selling or conauming intoxicating li-
<br /> age for consumption away from the
<br /> Su6diviaion 2. A surety bond, liabil- cluors, with the fee determined to be the
<br /> premises where sold. ity ineurance policy, or in lieu thereof aatount set forth opposite the bracket
<br /> 3ubdiviaion 6. Package" or "original caeh or United States Government Bonds within which the particular establiahment
<br /> package" means any corked ~r sea.led of e4uivalent mazket value shall ac- falls, the achedule being as followa, to-
<br /> Subdiviaion container or 7. reeeptacle Hotel^ mholdingeans li an 4 esuor.- company each application for a licenae, wit: tablishment where food and ]odging are the amovnt recoverable to be measared by Area where Liquor is regularly furniehed to transients for a the actual dEWmagea: provided, however, Served or Conaumed Fee that in no case shall such surety be 0 - 1,999 aq. ft. inclusive $2,600.00
<br /> price. For specific re9uirementa with liabie for any amount in excess o£ the 2,000 - 2,999 aq. ft. inclusive $3,600.00
<br /> respect to "hotel" references is made to
<br /> 500.00
<br /> ft s9. and ft. over inclusive $5$4,,600.00
<br /> the statutory requirements imposed there- penal amount of the bond or policy. 3,000000 - 3 sq,. 999.
<br /> on by Sec. 340.07, Subd. 4 of Minnesota All such bonde or policies shall be for 4, Statutes Annotated, which provision9 are the benefit of the obligee and all per- For the purpose of verifying the area
<br /> utilized for sale and consumption of
<br /> sons suffering damages by reason of the
<br /> incorporated herein by reference.
<br /> Subdivision 8. "Exclusive liquor atore" breach of the conditions of the bond. liquor as set forth herein, and the use-
<br /> meana an establiahment used excluaively In the event of the forfeiture of any ability thereof, the Council or its de- for the sale of intoxicating ]iquor, ci- signated nominees shall have aecess to
<br /> such bond or policy for violation of law, the court may forfeit the penal aum of the premiaea of the applicant or the
<br /> gars, cigarettea, all forma of tobacco, the bond or policy or any part of it to the licensee at all reasonable timea upon
<br /> non-intoxicating malt beverages, and soft Village of Arden Hills. reasonable advance notice for the pur-
<br /> saled" rinks or at both. retail, It shaeitherll " be on unsale"der or "off control $ubdivision 3. The security offered Pose of making such measurementa of of an individual owner or manager. under Subd. 2 shall be aPproved by the the plicant premasiaes ma9 of be the deemed licensee ad or the ap-
<br /> visable by
<br /> Subdivision 9. For definition of the Village Council and in the case of ap-
<br /> term "club" as uaed herein reference is the Council or its nomineea.
<br /> piicants for "off sale" licenaes by the State Liquor Control Commiaeioner. Subdivision 4. "Off Sale° and "Club"
<br /> made to Sec. 340.07, Subd. 7 of D/Iinne- Surety bonda and liability insurance poli- Liqaor Licenae Fees. The annual fee for
<br /> sota Statutes Annotated, for the etatu- cies shall be approved as to form by an "off ssle" and "Club" liquor lieense
<br /> tory requirements imposed therein, which shal] be $100.00. The annual fee for a
<br /> the Village Attorney. The operation of
<br /> shall govern for the purposes of this or- specia] club licens
<br /> dihance. Said statute is hereby incor- e sha? be $100.00.
<br /> such "off sale" or ' on sale" liquor busi- ness without having on file at all times Subdivision S. Payment and Disposi-
<br /> porated herein by reference. with the municipality an effective bond, tion of Fees. All applications for "off
<br /> Subdiviaion 10. "Drug store" means insurance policy, or other security nas sale" licenses or special club licenses
<br /> coanympounded, and establishment sold if where it d is rugs at all are kept, times required in Subd. 2, shal] be grou d s
<br /> shall be accompanied by certified check in charge of a regietered pharmacist or for immediate revocation of the license. or money order to the Village Treasurer of a registered assistant pharmacist dur- Such surety bonds or other security shall for payment in full of such feea. ing the temporary absence of the regist- All fees referred to in this section
<br /> ere pharmacist. cant for an "on sale" license and $3,- shall be paid into the
<br /> be in the sum of $5,000.00 for an appli- general fund of the Section 2. License Reqnired 000.00 for an "off sale" licenae. A31 auch Village. Upon rejection of any applica-
<br /> 3abdivieion 1. No p e r s.o n, except bonds or other aecurity shal] be condi- tion for a license the Treasurer shall wholesalers or manufacturera to the ex- tioned as follows: refund the amount paid with the ap-
<br /> plication.
<br /> tent authorized under state licenae, ahall (a) That the licensee will obey the With reference to "on sale" liquor
<br /> directly or indirectly deal in, aell or ]aw related to auch licensed busi-
<br /> ness; license feea, one-fourth of the license fee
<br /> keep for sale any intoxicating liquor (b) That the ]icensee will pay to the as determined and fixed by the Coun-
<br /> without first having received a license cil shall be paid before the issuance of
<br /> to do so as provided in thia ordinance. municipality vchen due all taxea,
<br /> the license; one-fourth of the fee shall
<br /> Licenses shall be of three kinds: "on license fees, penaltiea, and other be paid on or before April 1 of the year
<br /> sale," "off sale" and club licensea. charges provided by law; which is the subject of the lieense, one-
<br /> Subdivision 2. "On sale" licenses shall (c) tion That of in the the event oProvisionsf of any any viola- law fourth of the fee by July 1 of such year,
<br /> be issued only to hotels, clube and ex- relating to the retail "off sale" and and the remaining one-fourth of the
<br /> clusive ]iquor storea and ahall permit
<br /> " fee shall be paid by October 1 of the
<br /> °on sales" of liquor only; provided how- on sale" of intoxicating liquor, year which is the subiect of the licenae.
<br /> ever, pursuant to the proviaions of Chap- such bond, Policy, or other aecur- ity shall be forfeited to the Vil- $ubdiviaion 6. Period of Licenaes and
<br /> ter 284 of the 1963 Session Laws of lage. Renewal Applicatione: All licenses re-
<br /> the State of Minnesota, any eatabliah- ferred to under this section shall expire
<br /> ment in the Village of Arden Hills which (d) That the licenaee will pay bo the
<br /> holds an "on sale" license, or a combin- on the last day of December of each
<br /> extent of the principal amount of year. Each licenae ahall be iesued for a
<br /> ation of "on sale" and "off sale" li- auch bond, policy, or security, any
<br /> censes for the sale of intoxicating li- damages for death or injury caused period of one -(1) year, but if a portion by or resulting from the violation of the ]icenae year has elapsed when
<br /> quor, may sell food. "On sale" licenaee the application is made a licenae may
<br /> may accordingly be iasued by the Coun- of thereto any , prandwinision osuchf law cases relating recoverY be issued for the remainder of the year
<br /> cil to a properly-qualified applicant pro- for a pro rata fee. In computing such
<br /> ~
<br /> posing to serve food on the premises under this paragraph (d) may be had from the aurety on the bond or fee any expired fraction of_ a month
<br /> which are the aubject of the application. shall be counted as one (1) month. Ap-
<br /> The Council may, in its discretion, the policy. The amount apecified plications for renewal of an existin
<br /> grant "on sale" licenaes to the maximum in such bond or policy is declared S
<br /> to be a penalty. license ahall be filed with the Village
<br /> number permitted by the laws of the Clerk on or before November 1 of the
<br /> State of Minnesota. Section 4. License Feee. year preceding the year which i$ the
<br /> Subdivieion 3. "Off sale" licenses Su6division 1. General Coneideratione subject of the licenae, excent that ap-
<br /> shall be issued only to drug stores and Relsting to "On Sale" Liquor Licenses. plicationa for the 9ear 1966 shall be
<br /> exclusive ]i4uor storea and ehall permit The Counci] haa determined that the made with all reasonable Dromptneas
<br /> "off sales" of liquor only. licenaing of "on eale" liquor eatablish- after the effective date of thia ordin-
<br /> Sabdiviaion 4. Specia] club licenaes menta within the Village of Arden Hills ance.
<br /> shall be isaued only to duly incorporated imposea substantial additiona] reaponsi-
<br /> clubs which have been in exiatence for bilities and burdens, both immediate and
<br /> twenty years. potential, on the Village with respect
<br /> Section 3. Application for Licenae. to Policing and aupervising of such ea-
<br /> tablishmenta and tbe traffic that comea
<br /> Subdiviaion 1. Every application for a into the Village for the purpose of pat-
<br /> license to sell liquor shall be verified ronizing such eatablishmenta. The Coun-
<br /> and filed with the Village Olerk. It cil has further conaidered that the op-
<br /> shall state the name of the applicant, eration of such establiahments may well
<br /> his age, representations as to his char- become a nuisance, and the licenae fees
<br /> acter, with such references as may be
<br /> required, his citizenshin, whether the
<br /> application is for "on sale" or "off sale," - '
<br /> the business in connection with which -
<br />