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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA <br /> COUPlTY t3F RAMSE" <br /> CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br /> ORDINANCE N0.200 <br /> AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORD![JANCE IVO. 92, <br /> AS AMENDED, THE INTOXICATING LIQUOR OR-DINANCE, BY ADDING CERTAIN PROVl510N5 <br /> AUTHORIZING ON-SALE WINE LICE.NSES AND <br /> ESTABLISHING A FEE THEREFOR <br /> The City Council of Arden Hills ordains: <br /> SECTION 1. Amendment of Section 1 of Ordinance <br /> No. 92 by Atlding a New Subdivision II ThereTo. SecTion 1 <br /> of Ordinance No. 92, as amended, entiTled "DefiaoiTion af <br /> Terms", is hereby amended by adtling ihereto a new <br /> Subdivision II to read as follows: <br /> "Subdivision II.'ResTauranY meansan establishmer.i <br /> in which the maior business is preparing ana serving <br /> meals To the publ ic to be consumed on the premises, and <br /> with respect to any restaurant selling intoxicaTirig <br /> liquor in addition To food, reference is made to the <br /> staTutory requirements imposed ihereon by Section <br /> 340.07, Subd. 14 of Minnesota STaTUTes Annc!a!ed, as <br /> amended, which provisians are incorporated herein ty <br /> reference." <br /> SECTION 2. Pmendment of Subdivision 7 of Section < <br /> oi Ordinance No. 92, as Amended. Subdivisian 1 ofi <br /> Section 2 of Ordinance No. 92, as amended, enliTled <br /> "License Required", is hereby amended in i}s entireTy <br /> To read as follows: <br /> "Subdivision 1. No person, except wholesalers or <br /> manufacturers to the exTenT authorized under sta?e <br /> license, shafl direcTly or indirectly tleal in, sell or keep <br /> for sale any intoxicating liquor without first having <br /> received a Ifcense to do so as provided in this Ordinance. <br /> Licensesshall beoffour kinds:'On-Sale','on-sale wine', <br /> '', and dub licenses." <br /> SECTION 3. AmendmenT of Subdivision 2 of Seetion 2 <br /> of Ordinance No. 92, as Amended. Subdivision 2 cf <br /> Section 2 of Ordinance No. 92, as amended, entiTled <br /> "License Required", is hereby amended to read as <br /> f01IOws: <br /> "Subdivision 2. 'On-sale' licenses shall be issued only <br /> to hoTels, clubs, restauranTS and exclusive liquor sTores <br /> and shall permit 'on-sales' of liquor only. The Counci! <br /> may, in iTS discretion, granT 'on-sale' licenses To the <br /> maximum number permiTted by the laws of the State of <br /> Minnesota." <br /> SECTION 4. AmendmenT of Section 2 af Ordinance <br /> No. 92, as Amended, by Adding Thereto a New Su6- <br /> division 5. Section 2 of Ordinance No. 92, as amended, <br /> entitled "License Required", is hereby amended by <br /> adding Thereto a new Subdivision 5 which reads as <br /> fol lows: <br /> "Subdivision 5. 'On-sale wine' licenses shall be issued <br /> only To restauranTS meeting the qualifications of Section <br /> 340.11, Subd. 20 of M)nnesota StatuTes AnnoTaTed, as <br /> amended, and shall permit only the sale of wine noT <br /> exceeding fourteen percent (14) alcohol by volume for <br /> consumption on the licensed premises only in con- <br /> iunction with the sale of food; provided, however, that <br /> innaevertshall such'on-salewine' licenses be issuetl To <br /> 'fast-food restauranTs' as That Term is defined in Section <br /> VI, Subdivision 6 of Ordinance No. 99, as amended by <br /> Ord'rnance No. 188. A!I references in This Ordinance to <br /> - 'on-sale'IicensesorsalesshallbedeemedTOinclude'on- <br /> sale wine' licenses or sales unless the context in whicfi <br /> the term is used clearly requires a different in- <br /> tzrpreTaTion." <br /> SECTIQN 5. Amendment To Section 4 of Ordinance <br /> No. 92, as Amended, by Adding Thereto a New Su6- <br /> division 4 and Renumbering ExisTing Subdivisions 4, 5, 6 <br /> and 7 Thereof. Section 4 of Ortlinance No. 92, as <br /> amended, enTiTled "License Fees", is hereby amended <br /> by adding a new Subdivision 4 thereto which is en}itled <br /> and reads as follows: <br /> "Subdivision 4. 'On-Sale Wine' License Fee. The <br /> license fee for on sale wine licenses shal I be establ ished <br /> from Time To time by Resolution adopted by the Council, <br /> buT shall in no event exceed $2000, or Vs of the fee which <br /> shall be charged for an on-sale liquor license, whichever <br /> is less. <br /> SECTION 6. Effecfive DaTe. This Ordinance shall be <br /> in full force and effect from and after its passage and <br /> publication according To law. <br /> Passed by the City Council This 131h day of February, <br /> 1978. <br /> Nenry J. Crepeau, Jr. <br /> Mayor <br /> ATTesT: <br /> Charlotte McNiesh <br /> Clerk-Adminisirator <br /> (BulleTin: Mar. 30, 1978) <br />