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{ B <br /> <br /> • <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ~7 <br /> <br /> Ei ~D f'' C E e I'1 <br /> <br /> ! HANCE L i C: E NS I NL= p , P; P r: E a , U . , . <br /> ~ d~'~N S A N +.7 B m a L3 0 AR D~ 9sP,i?N aP uT 1 f~!C PT I'; ~ . <br /> • _ _ <br /> E S 0 F ~ t G ~1 S A ND F. 'y _ L;.; C, A 'R D S ,w F' L) <br /> B I N G PE iV R L Ti C 5 FOR 'u' ; O° A1° ! ONF C) <br /> REPEAL1 NG HN'CO!°6 S B S T E: NT F' FR 0 1f ~ ~ 101 S _ <br /> ;i.f . ~ ~~da a:a~~?~~-~~..19 ~-i• 7-:~~ °di I ~ag~ 0: ~rder? F111I fw erjes Fa~.•~b~ orm _ <br /> ds+ <br /> .>2,4~a-~o n 3. Defini-'rtonse (a) Sig~is, '~"or -'rhe pua-posea cef th6s <br /> u,r r~ .,_=ws~~~ a si gn i s defi bned am a roame, ~dont "s ficas• fion,. daccript i on, . <br /> a d "n~stra-i-son ~ar dev ice vyhfch 's~ ~f f ir~~~ tr,e p,~ frifeci, or <br /> a°up; Eu anted. d3 r3ct Iy v~ : i nd i r-ect I y upon abui!ding or•oe~'beP surface, <br /> cna~ i-,_~,ce of 9 anda and wh 1 eh d i e-ecfis a'r$er~t~ ~n to aPi obf eci , produc~~, <br /> pdb~ca;; ac-i av1`rYe ~.~.erson, instttufidon9 orgarmizatdonD or busoness, <br /> 136 9 ±boac°ds. The fierm e`b 6 i f board" ~s used : n th6 s or°d?nance- <br /> fa:;s € ! inean and i r:c I ude a I i strLici'u res or sigaas c,f whafa`rer maier i al <br /> -a-c Sams inay be coi1 ; i o-uc ted w9)( ch are 3 r:d~~~~de-iii°! y sappya ted or <br /> o,s the cse-oured or upon fihe roofs of but R di r9gst and whici~ ~rp- <br /> 4•~;~-at,~a, mair:ta? ns( or used fior the out-ofimdoor pub? i c "gispI ay caf <br /> pr°;:-~: ed ~r paIn~-~.E~ pos'~ersp signsg p'~:tu~-es or o,-~aor ,,°c-res~ia.l ~sr <br /> i r' r:~ i71 <br /> f cl y i s'.:• 6' . <br /> So,0' S o69 2. -9ei' m 8 t3" ed S d g h s fQ P' WhS ch No Pef C's I t or L9 C w li se @ s <br /> o 1 G" ~ <br /> N"; Far B da:ense shali be reqaw ;rsd -i~os° iye <br /> (ai 'O;'• ;D uni ig!3 tl eCe O V° 9 h d ! C' eC tly g 1 l1J Ull & nats' eA ~ ~i ; e i : a ~ 9 ; i C.• r-' ~ 6,. .a <br /> E r; 7 i wc squae°-; feet in area announc i ng on& y the iaams. and ! o_datd ~n <br /> oe -iho occur:~asits of a residence 9ocafed on i-h~ ~amN <br /> ~u-_h <br /> (b ) One bul9 eto n board e~ot e.cceed i ng t?~~ntlym~our° squao°e. ~eet 3 n : <br /> area r'or churchese schoolsg hospafials or pasbl 3c or semi-pub9 ic <br /> i~~~ ituf d ons 6ocated oro the same preen i ses as sueto bcaardo Any I g i- <br /> umina-r Qon sha1 1 be di gfused or i nd i r~~ct and the 6 ~hai 6 be sei- , <br /> back at Ieast tsao-i-h i rds the dis$ance of ara- r~~~ 'vrad s:t--back firom i <br /> a:i`~ ~~operty 1lno as se-F bgr ords nan~e 4or- bul's d°a r:gW or othersfiruc-;uroso <br /> (c) ~n e°est reni-ial areas one unl lghted r°eal es'rz%:-~e °9For 'Saes89 0r <br /> "For Fent°° si gn not exeeed i rog four ScqLiare feet 3n areaa ~:orner I ols <br /> ffiay have tmso such signs. <br /> <br /> (d) On.e ondirec t! y il! urro f nated pe-ofess €ona 9or annoua~cement s e gn <br /> not exceed3ng rour square feet and a-t ~~ched f8at ~~Iqai nsi° .;`he bu i B e' ng o <br /> (o) !n business and indcastriat ddstrdctsP one 69Fp^s° Ran4v3 or 8~~or <br /> Sa1e`° slgn saoi- exceed i ng th i rty square reefi °s n car°ea sria6! be perme'. °fed e , <br /> acor-neP !ot may have $wo such s4gnso Any such smgns shai9&ae set <br /> baa k at ~eas°t two-fih 6 rds the d i s$ance of any reqLiired setW back frcr. <br /> -.any p roperty 1 i ne as prov i ded by ord 6 nance for bLl6 3 d i r~qs or structu res. (f) Anys ofifiiciai court or pubiic office noticaro <br /> <br /> <br /> (g) Any sign located completely eaithin an encBosed builc9Ang unless <br /> othee'wise specified herein. <br /> <br /> Section. 3m Sigras to CompBy with othes- Orddraances. <br /> <br /> A8l sagns in the Vil0age of Rrden H99lsg except •I-hose rererred to <br /> i n Secto on 2 hereof, shaI I be cons 3 dered as a str•aacture or a part <br /> o$ a structure fior fhe purpose of app i y fing s i de Jot c 9earancee <br /> front setmback, aind a I I other appropri ate prov's s tons of the Zon lng. <br /> <br /> <br /> -1- <br />