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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> d <br /> CiR . . , .u ~ e. ~ ' ° 1 s <br /> S ~ <br /> ~ <br /> Plc~" so d b o Fl1r;~ , <br /> i I 651 d l Y: e ~ ted , `r 0 . ; c ' <br /> o 'c u n'i ',3_ I r a d a ~ c. i5 n dl t ! cC i ~ o r , ' . _ a <br /> t~e . . . a . , <br /> Tempoo-a ry L fcenses. <br /> Upon appi6 r;ation an-? the payment of a 0( cees~~ fee a-. her *onbefo~~ <br /> providad teonp~,s°ary 9 icciises for a pee°i od of n.oi` more, -o haEl F rnonths <br /> may to 1csuee:J l'or signs whan d ora! id need thes-e-yos° as m, hc:-,;; -Oo <br /> e x a sl, b+,~ v'l rtai~ saf an emergency sii-uati on suc67c as h ? ~;r ~:.onsts-uc- <br /> t1or.. Such ; r,mpoa-a ry I i censes sha9 I be issqe-d o~ ly ?iy -a ioe Counc i B <br /> a f~~~r refre ran+ue the reto by the C9ork and sk4a d 4 G~e rexnoved by the <br /> app8 icvnt a-e the c:onc 0us i on of the iraren f's xed by -o he C~uncb 3. Saach <br /> s 6 gn: <.;hall be so consfructed and B ocatmd as to mpei° a19-,= the re- <br /> qu 4 re+aaen-rs o1 xed by the Counc 1 1 i n accordance s,~ d y h tEie r~ec'ds of i-[ar <br /> part icuIao caseQ and need nof conform to the h"eC'!9 6 P'@mGCStS utherwd se ~ <br /> €:s¢ab E isiied by th i s Ord inanceo 5ection 13. Remova 1 of Unauthor t zed -S i gns or B t! 6bo:r ;-ds. 19pon re¢or'r by the Po l ice Deparfment to the Counc~9 o i any inauthorm <br /> <br /> <br /> Ized sQgns or bi 9 Iboards 1n Ardero Hi t Is& the Counc; i m-ay, in its <br /> d i5crotAon, q a ve the owner o$ the p rem Bses upon wh icEa su.c:z si gn or <br /> b 1 i I boa rd A s i oca ted af 0east 30 days we' itten no a` a~e tfiai° ~,.,rii 5 i gn <br /> ts in aa i ola1- i on of th i s, Ord i naeace, wh B eh nsatf ce sha: 3 be C1von on <br /> the same manner as pr-odided 6n Section 11 hereo•a o Bn the svont <br /> fihat sai d b t 9 Iboa rd or s 1 gn f s nofi rQmoded e or alicers aeF if oI 6§ i bIs <br /> ficr a I icense, fiherefor is roofi ob-Fained, withan the 1-is~e s--ratod 6n: <br /> ^h nof i ce, i-hG sars; rtfay be remvved by tije d d 0 B ago 3f •i•4: scondePana- <br /> fi tor: i n the se dri: as prav i ded fcr° i,;:P condlr!rn^ !^.:,r <br /> truc `ion of bt's ldb ngs or si-rucfiurss i n the Bu3 E d tner Codeaar dtEi~ <br /> exp~~se Of su<a h coz}demnat3 on ansa destruct6 an i nc ! ud 9ng the expense <br /> o~ ~~~~~s_--r°d lc;ca) pPOCeedtrogs shal B be imposed a; 9 tees iipon said <br /> pv°,ima ~es. <br /> S~ction _o 4. Reqteests for Vardances aead AppeaEse <br /> (a) In ti~~ ~vsnt that an appl icat3on vrr- a parsiaf-~ or E ic6nse i1ere- <br /> under i d d8n bed by the Cler4c or Bui 0 d i ng Iraspector eos° any rea5oea <br /> whatsoederD the app I o cant may t~en appea 8sueh denaaI 'a o'she Board <br /> of P,ppea!s estab 8 i shed and acfii ng under the po ov's sdons o-; Section 9 <br /> of Ord A nance hJo. 18, the Zoni gg Or-d dnaeace. Such aprea?s a~~ay be taken . <br /> by Ietter d B rected to e 3 ther the C 0 es-k or the Bsa i1do ng 8 nspecfior, <br /> wh 1 chever i~sued the pa rfi icu I ar den i a i ID and it shaI 6 then be the datty <br /> cf the CIerk to foreaard such 8efifer of appeai, the apP@ dcatione and <br /> a 9 I other re9evant data 3 n the possess 's on of the C 0 erk ear the Bu i 0dm <br /> i ng d nspectar -Fo the Board oy Plppea 1 s for cansi derata on by It. <br /> ( b ) The Board of Appea I s sha I! make sueh i nvesfi 6 gati on and ho 9 d s~ch <br /> hcarings as it deems advisable to obtain the fu@8 facts is1 connection <br /> . w 0th the appea9. The Boae-d sha 0 1 act upon the same p r 1 nc 6 4, !es as <br /> sei~ ~orth in the afioresaid Sectian 9, and shal @ part9cuEeii-iv cons1da.s- <br /> whether the proposed s 3 gn or b i i I board D oa° non-conformi nc; y 6 gn or <br /> v ; : ~ I board, as the case may be, w a 1 9 be a dar I ance frem the ;~arms ancl <br /> prov t~ sc.-+1 ertf~b 1 i shed by th i s Ord i naeoce as~~ ~:heti,cr, 1 1, +I-:=:'r bc the <br /> case, not granfing the eariance wt I i result in unnecessat-;r or unreasc-n° <br /> ab B e hae-dsh ip to the app 1 i cant, and whethersuch qranfi 3 ng wi! E be <br /> confirary fio the pub I ic interest. <br /> Cons i derat ion by the Board of Appea 9s tn such cases shcu@d inc iude <br /> the posltton of the proposed sign ar bi6 Iboard w6-'r~, rafe:-~n~e to ehc <br /> a mmed3a-te i ocaI I ty 1 n evh i ch it i s p 6 aced or to be placed,a;we8 9 <br /> as the overa I t ef fecf of such s c gn or b o Ilb~ard on -i he p r°obab€ y dem <br /> velopmen t o# the parfi i cu 1 ao- area, and such oi-h~~ ~atters Es appear <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> -4- <br />