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<br /> ~ 'STA7`E 61+'•MINNESOTA - <br /> • CENJ~VTY OP°- RA~tgEY ~d) After e, permit o~ licenee hes been <br /> ~ VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILt $ '~'~tefl fbr e partieuler eign. the ORDINANCE NII&ISER 78 sig'a shall not be altered, reswrfaced, Protju~g o¢ Nervicee afPeret}'Por dale,uBa... <br /> AN ORD71N,ANCE LI(EI+YS2IVG p~ , r~0n ~'DCted or - moved to a new o~t' tke pi`emxsBa wheceon'. ths billboard • ~'c ~ <br /> IZ'~GUI.ATIfiT6 SIGN3 E?Irm HILU lOCB~on in Arden H311B if such alter- or sW' 1s to be locatQd. All; permttted <br /> gp,AgD& pRpMBZaNa.,} CM ~,A~ at~fon, resurfacing or' reconetruction sig~'- shell Ue constr~icied loCated and <br /> TXY~'•~ $~$0~~~ . cv~ll ije 9n vioiation of the Provieiong °mal~ine sy <br /> S F QIG ~aND, d~u ch mafiner 4' s to eo~-,~1ND P CR.IBIN~, Fi1`JJ~LTIE$ E10$ of thie Urdinance or other apPlic- , tply ~'}aith 'tk~. followi~g <br /> ld$- ~gul~tioae, to. <br /> ylp~~p~ , .,A~ , IEP~~G . IN_ . abla ordinance of Arden .1~!]ls. 'Any ~v1$ , <br /> CpNgI8TE11IT F'R~3fISIpN~B., ?~loce,tloa In Arden H~lle, whether (a) x'ree-standing billboarbs, or eigne, ~ <br /> Th6. Courlai! of '~he. pdIIe; ' op npon ,tha orlginal prem9seis o; other- not attached to or upon say bnild- <br /> ~ wlse, eliall req~re a new aPPlieation ing or other af.ra~etvre, shall not ea- <br /> Atdea H1lle doRe5ereby qrdaim ns fol- bereuniler, bnt" Yelocation npon the •--ceed 16 4eet 9n height, meesumd froin; <br /> lotiva: ~ <br /> 9ectinn 1, D!(biltlona, (Q) $lg~y. same Pramiees, if atherwIee con- Sroand tevel; and:-every auch hi]]-i <br /> the pn=~eg~.._af g~ o~n~ae a e ~ $arming to all applieabl@.-ordlnaneea, board or'e'rga~ aLaTY}Yeve an opentng I <br /> deflned ee 8' u1~s. itlentltfca,'F,iun, de~c~r! '~bAll not require the -payment of e 'SF ~C 1eeeE 'two #~ieE between' the <br /> ~°D+-~aP1a~r-illuetratlon p" new licenee fee. ~ lower edge thereop and the sronnd,' <br /> is affi8ed °rd~s~wbich ' BecHon 10: Non-Cnnform}ng 91gns', Or i wgcb = <br /> tq,;;'-er reBresent~;die- BkBti~grds,.;Ealsti`ng On the EPfectlve e.~y ma~nn r'whil~e: such billboad or <br /> ' cctlY or in(~irectlY.. nAOn a Tinilding buiiding <br /> oe Da4e :OR Thfe Ord'mance. . , sigry. ktan~s. <br /> nthep-6n~fene or ~Sfecg of'. aRd widch BigAe or billboa;da existqng ia Arden (b) A~ny' sign attached to s <br /> ' dlr6bte atteiit4on to- ~-objeot plroduct, gql]k an the e£fective date of' thie ' eqall be eo locate$ bhat it, will not <br /> I Place, act9vl~.v. ~C <br /> ,rsOn he P <br /> i~at~on; or bAeincse Or~"pce are eIi~'b[e for Ifeeaees hexe. i proz~ct above the roof, Hne of the ~ <br /> i (b) B3~rgg' B . under,. nntwltheteading the3r locetion, bnil~}ink ~ <br /> ' Hize, p¢'manner of eonetructioa, iP they (c) The numbet op.epunre'feetl in"the <br /> ue~c1 9n th ~~~rd! ~ <br /> 'ia~lu$e a11~ Qtd~a~ ~a mean e,nd ¢;re ~ot {hen •ia violation, of .any other I grot~e sUrPacb areep of all elgas on I <br /> ~1ruaWzea ox, efgas of wha~ 8pp~~~b1~ :ord~paaee - or regulatlon: of the 1ot shall not arsceed t,hrea timee <br /> ever mat§r 1'• tl~e , e m}sy, he..~o4_ <br /> ' etrubt¢a Vbcb ~g M ~epd ntly, QnP' A+rdep, F~j17s br rngnlations, or -ptatntes ~ the rium'6er oY linryal feet, oY front- . <br /> Poi'Eei~ or Plaae'd on the gtoan ~ npon of 4Tie State of Mlnnesata. ApplicaZione age -of. auch lot uBan eny Eiwblic <br /> I the rno4s op building6;'_and 'wLici} ~r~ ~ r':7icenses for the -maintenance op ea4d I etr~ escep$ tbat ~parcels , or tots <br /> ~erectr.y.,a~ya~a~ne~ or.useel ~o~.y~e;an~. Bng'ehall he made to the Clerk withini 'loeated with Prontsge on'hiore than <br /> of.dooY p~ybltc d~y' op- pAU}M or. 80 days aYter the e4fective date oP thie I ane PabHe street may hsve Piftq per <br /> palntdd Dastsre.. eikn€I. Picturea on other Ordinance, c.ent- additloual aqnare feet: of eign ~ <br /> B9etoriel or readink " No ftFrther: permits ehall be grented erea. 9n P~Pm'tion to ea9d total front- <br /> 8ection32 PeFmiltea ; glg~~ .For qry~~b ~~cli non-eoaforming eigne or bill- ' ag'e. In ldte Event the lot: or Parcel <br /> No Permit Or. Y:icene0 Is keq~r~. bO~'~ ~he 31st 'dap "oP December, has lese depth 4rom the Hnblic atreeB <br /> No nerralts or 1icefto g}hiI be.requlr. 1864; shd-all ench noa-conform9ng- eigne than frontage,',the depth of the ]ot <br /> sd.e 9~.' ~1~Shte ~yhd fdolloqr~a9~; ~ billboards mnet b~.rerqoved or con- sliall be the aBP19Gable meaeusement <br /> (g)' <br /> n~~r~~~~ formed by the owner "of the premiAea for purgoses oP determiniaS the F~'_ <br /> d- uPOn-~ovhleh- sach eisne are eituated b m4tted s~ <br /> a,ked n~4nepls.~e Aot ~exceBdln~.'.L7vo 9 n erea. In the event the <br /> ~luate,9~eet~:in : <br /> ,ecr~ antfoarnaia~ bniy a~d ;`7ate: depth 4s nneven, the average deBth, I <br /> ~ <br /> ' the name ,an$' Itippa. ;of. #d{e ,~u- 4~~on •.11. - Inspeetion • Uf 6igne ' By ! ~ ~hry11 aPp1Y. <br /> ftaqtpplt64,a'J~Aerioe 9odat,gq on the PoI[cq De~.r.rt enR Fo~ the PurpoBS df -calculatiag' the <br /> tn~ <br /> eame prevr~lqed ~-qh a~eyYg~. IE.g~hell'p~e the duty o4 the Police De_ Si6n area e8ch st~rface utillzed for <br /> (b) One b~,]i~ti8 boprd'.' not esE@e~iing Fa.'rtn{eut of Arden Hil)s to inepect el] :-dfkolay _ ahti}1:. be ihcludpd;' and aleo <br /> twenty-fopr' g0naie feet .3n,-~ee, for el~~na-, ia- -Ardgn---~lle, €nc}ud3ng those, eP~aUol's, flags, wbrding figures or <br /> ch°~heh, Ai2w hosp3ta14 :br Dublic ~OS ~ht~ Pe'mits or lieenses have beeb , ottier forxna of gt9Phice Painted or <br /> -;an: sealf-PUblic In6Eit4ttions; mhfefi ' iaewedy ..and<„9no.estigpt~: an~r . qomnlainte, I sttacbed to eny . or othes'. <br /> euepanded agon t}ie premisea. <br /> a <br /> _.bnlletla.boa.rd--shall :r¢f~-~-~~~ o~ unaut6orizec3 eigas: In the ebent that i tv lse <br /> ~ etltut9fqn Joee,ted, oa tryer s~ .;p~,~. it' ~finds uneuthorized a9gns or eigne 3I~'R 8reas shall kje calculated from <br /> ' lkn ats suoh lioerd;=ADy: ftlytbinayion wh9cly do-aot-eonform to_,'alY_ 04 t1~e re ~ the onttsllde dimenetops oP any frame ~ <br /> ehsll ~ diffuAeA„pX_In~}lrect;and the 4ttirmnents.4P..this Ordinaaee, it •sha}( ce~'iy3ng . or eontainlag the_ sign. <br /> `el'gn' 6hii11 bb -e0 yi0k B4 l~~ nromptly reporttEhe.eame to the Council. .~S~~' her~~r erected, con"strueted, <br /> th4i'ds ffie i3"reta~", at any~rn'q~g~ The: Council may then, at its diecretinn, ' altered or lora't¢d". iu the Village o4 <br /> set-b9~,, frpat.,anygrrOp~y ]~~ye ~ Slve SO de,ys wrltten.noNce to the liold. A~'den Hille ehall be conetrupfe~} of <br /> , s~ pY '01*°aatee goe btd2dinge,, or er af '~tHe license for such sSgh; ip orie metal. and all poste, braees. aud <br /> qt$er etir¢etnres ' has been ie.auied, og to the dwner oE the frameg ehall tie o£ metg.l (excePt. <br /> (c) In res7deht9al 8i~e6's oae wnliShtei eign or to the ProBertY owner as I horftonfs,l bare; whioh ine,9 be of', <br /> real eat9te "Fnr 9a1e' or ••Foe Iient'• indicaWd' otr tlie r@cords uT the SaviseY.. , Waod). Al] Poata beal'ing. b411board9 <br /> e1911, aot eaceed}aB foBr sgpare {eet Oount'$'• Trp,ievrer. thet 'such . s9gn i9 in. or s3gaas elaall]e set with 'the fonnd- <br /> in eres. Cotaer'lots uiay have 'two °tolaiion of this ordinsnce. 10 days ation at leas$:three,leet below granmd <br /> siiah slg~s: i 0fxer the gI'ving o4 ench aotice aay lf- level, and 3p a eqacrete #opndatioa <br /> (d)--0he Jq4trS,`tiiy,-'4f1'jib`1{~~eg ~Ban~ee. oense~-for said slgu may be revbked. noti, leea then 't'wb', ~PeeE s4uara and <br /> a <br /> ei@ical ;or .,anaonnpeS~~p,a in, additlttn to the other provisiona ;and ,thrtre feet deeB. ~ the end that t <br /> exc@edj;Q, fapr bguere; fept ~~Ist~one oP this Ordiriance the Police II 'eha11 he:e~pe' anfl_secUre s_~~~i <br /> , taclfed ~la~, ag~ndt, thg hUiddinfr~- D9g6;tment e11a11. piomptly report te.the. <br /> !BT I$ -1~ubl~ed ~ndniad~' g1 afeti9 DOUncil any slgn or billboard which ie <br /> ~a4, "For Rent oiz ~•+=a~'q fo,r arly; repieou deems to be in .any, way <br /> . not eaDeedina thi~ sqea~~ f~ ~ nnsePe or to constiitule in any wap e ~ <br /> . area •'shall be 9~fm1St$d a' earnejf~ trrtYtio hazerd. The Conncll mes thea. I <br /> ..lot me~ have ~o eaeh gny iri94s dlqeration,.xive notiee ae..,Provlded <br /> sueft slgns 'shal~ be AeE ~i~ gg Ien in thig 'section arid, e.fter notiae, rnvoke 1 <br /> t*&*tSiVde'• the diita.na9 64 eny re. sny 1leense 9seued for ench eign. ~ <br /> ~ 44ire3 eet-becle froin -apy Praperty TbQ gi°in8 af the _noticeg ee herela <br /> line, a9 Dravided. by--aedinanee for indicat~d is=diaeretioneay with t,f~e Cown- <br /> bulldings or etructpres; eiV Bnd -9s not xe9uired as a condition 4or <br /> '(f) Any off.iclAl coqrt 6r ptiblia: of4ice !e°°eat°n by the Conncil. <br /> nogdes: 6eCtlon 12. Temparaty IrfcensVs. I <br /> ~(8) Any, ejgn, wtthin Upoa aPPlicat9on and'the'paqment ot <br /> an M.en¢laeed ..bu3ldixe, iyglCae -v},her. a.rJiqense hereinbefore prov9ded <br /> t- wise ; speE'if}ed here9,n.. = tetr}0g.~ry 1_9aenaea for a period oP' nnt <br /> 9eeblon 1i 61ghe To Coi~itl~ly'i'Vith Ot4er ma~'b' t6an' 6'muritbe may, bc~ 9esued fo1sr <br /> IOrdl~iancen:x. ' - 'etgai when a valid'need thenPf- <br /> AIT.'s~ne •fji the Vff gssoY ~r$cm' Hi81s, ehown- to exist by vl~,~ s-~ergencs <br /> eacepE' thase YeA erreito Jn $ecElon 2 eitaet9oa suci~n~--'iG~h~ray conetruction. <br /> hereof, eWl be coneidered ae g atruc. &teb'." temParar9 liceneea sha11 be is- <br /> tnre oY a part oY e strnctura'for the.pnr. euea -Only, b9 +.he Ooupcl], e.fttey refer- Soerd ehall Tepu~'.£o the . Coancil !fa <br /> pose ot appiqing eide lof clesrenc& ~~ot eace- b7iereto by the Clerk, and shall be recommendation for- 8re.ntln~' cK denial , <br /> ' set-hack, end a91 oth'ea : ePPraPrlate pro. removed 8y . tfie apDlicant. :at the con. 04 euch apPee.l., The Boerd'. ma9. _ if it ' <br /> viefqgs 9f:the:,.&oaqn Qrdi~ance,-~~. the olq6ion oP the term fiaed by the Conn- deems it aPP~P~~a.te. e.o~oniPah9 s~uh <br /> Sui}'ding Ocde .0$ ls, as the eiL'Snch slgne' s4aA. he eo eonstxncted rPCammendittioa by: lptw ` edf,inr j <br /> same hnve been amend~ or maq be and-loqateCes to n1mt allof the. reqnire- forth any relevant me.kter6 _ in#inenving_ ~ <br /> emended, an8 eign~ ahall conform tu e.ll meats ~Fi~ed by the Comncil in accard. itie recommendation, - - I <br /> sach Drovleione 9n addit9oa to the Brovl. .aace w:ith the, needs riP the, particnler (d) Withia. 80 daye aften teaeiDt bY° ; <br /> eione contained,heneiin, except as oEher• tge4 end need not eonform to the re- the CohneR o4 snclx rceommehdation by' <br /> wiea provided 9n Sectloh, y,erepf.~, qlLirementa othe~se_ establiehea by_tb3e the Board of Appeals the Connc9li.aPter <br /> ' . <br /> 8ectfon 4. Perpnit Reg~~1 P=dinanpe. _ any additional inveetigatton 'or-$eariag ~i <br /> ~~Pt ~ks herpinbefore prot~lde8, no ~pitloa 19. Rem,oval of-UnanthoFized that it deema aBnt4griate, ehall act up- <br /> siga or 1i9l1kpazd sh¢11-'be ¢reoted, con. ejgns Or $illboatds.: " oa ench apPe91 ' b~y, 6ranttng !or danying <br /> structed. looated or plaeet~ npbn any UPOn .neport by the PaHce DepatE: it. The _of, the 'Coux~b~l.4.hereea <br /> gropertp~ip tb¢ yillage of Arden H311e ment to the ConnciI oy any nnauthorized ahall' lie'governed~ by Ehe etshdeid8' 6W <br /> witho~' tlMe Ieaaaaep up a pexmit there- eigns or 7iqtlbo4r& ig Aivieb' Hille, the forth 9n the.-a£oraeaid Sabtion- 8-of <br /> for ee hereini provlded. Counoil may, in its ddiscretion, give the Ordfnance No. 18 -ead the other etaad— <br /> 8wtioa.6- AP1+,Uestloa For Pecjnlt, ocvner of the prem3sea nPbn wh3ch sucli erds seE. forth herein.. !o tUhe, e~ $hgt'.: <br /> APplicantp for qlgn or liillboard pen or billboard ie ]ocated, at ]eaet. SO ~e Dnblic -iatExest , e BroPa,r7y I <br /> mits ahall file an annlicaHoa. with .the d$sB' wrltten notfc'e that.'such eign is~in B~moted and ssfegaaxded " <br /> - - <br /> Clerk on, fo;tns p;odded,-Jy the Clerk,. '~lolation of this Ordiaance, whieh no. 8ecttoa 15. Inem~slatent Ptpvlsiona ~io- <br /> Snch: appLestlqns, •yhe11 ,•coqtaip, a dee- tice e611 be e'iven 9n the ee.IIie mannet. pealed. <br /> crlgtiom`. o~:1t6e ~oBOS~Si,,:Jiilmbarr} ..up 6s providPd• in-Sectfioa Si $ereoP. Ia the AI! provleiPas ralative So afgbtt eY` <br /> eign; a"•eketich fitwwtng thg `eize "up the event that eaid billboard or eign iQ not billboafds . herettifore. eriactsd.,by: ,thfs <br /> eign aad its location oa thq IQt, a_eta£e. ~oved, or a licensp if elig}bke fur ]I- Oonncil ahd incons9etenti with khe"pru- <br /> mbnt as to'tjAe'me,ter}als tp y~e us~:9n cep6e, •therefor 9s not obtained, within vleione "eoatained fierein-¢~ h~r41iS . <br /> the sign, and `a 'deaeription af. Ehe mQ.n. ~e L3me atated in snch. notlee, the, seme pealed, includiag .~gaztarly ench.'-refei' <br /> ner:of;t~,tf4RtIIS' dL?:iro~ktrae~inB2-tYi~"'s9gn. tAO' he iemoved by',thV' Village ;a~ter encea to's'igab or- billb~aadb as.:grei~An- I <br /> Said aggliBation ehgll be acCO~npanied b9 ~rt4emnation 9n the' samc "manner ee tained 9n brdinance Na 18 the Zotula6 <br /> e~ermiE yee oft Ffve Dollara ($6.00} an$ P ded for the condemnation and des. Ordinanoe atEd Orflin$nce ZV'b 18o the ~ <br /> the license fee forthe YirQt year as tru75 bn of buildiag9; or sttnetnrea.,in Shilding Cade; and fitilex[d106V,1ffe_;i <br /> herdnafter -Pruvide& -~heY U2eric sliall tfie ~ qHfding Code.• end the expenae oE, 8eatlba T8 , 9avhtSe Clsnee, . <br /> ! <br /> thareuyon:•xefer-4he gg;rli~tS~S''Cvr~ 0 eucE~1 condemnetiqp,.sauddestruotion-in. In the evept`aify,one or M.Roke c! the <br /> Bnijdi~s Yn~p~~ r fpr. a'i+L+$~'"9ve~"3u ~e. cluii{ng the expem9e oE neceasary leES~l arovisione - ot thie OrdIna~6e _ah'a11 . <br /> eve~ tlte ,~Hul18an8 Insnee~r tiade that ~Praoeediage, -shall -be -imPosed ea- e~ -lien determined, to be illese],- nnltwful or u~ <br /> f the g+1sa ooePorme W.ttii+- pf~o~3eionsS ' nPPri'eaid°nrs~n9eee. constitut~ona~l. the eeme " -nkJall ;not <br /> thls drdi~S~e eTad bClier sppliceble prdi. SesL4"oA 14 Rega" . For Varlancee aonetraed or •fieIa to aiter. 'eanul nr. i&`I <br /> aanee4,' .04 the Vllls'ge he a11a11 ishue: a Ainl A{ipehls. Beal,,.or otherwlee af3ect, any of the 1 <br /> n.Omit.tbnef4r..: . {a)"In".Ehe eveat that sn agplicatioa other.terms...em~9onr~..restir.ictione, xe. ~ <br /> $eetien BEertBip Qlgng .Aftd'Bill- lQr,e~ermit or -1i'sesee- hererinder is 4nirementa oF conclitions, oE thls• Ehdi~--r-- - <br /> bQards:-Pro b7t#~1. denied .~by,the Clerk or.'Building.In- nance.. . <br /> Eack pt e~~ ~heregabe4ore.~ p~opic~ed. no epector fur aqv reaaon-whats'oeQer. the 8~tion f~.-`E~tecttve;DattB; <br /> e{gas nr fii33~ds dbati, =be. <br /> S~si~ifsined BPBlfcsnt may then aPPea1 enc}i. denial Th3s' Ord9nance shsll take eileoE Aod ~ <br /> is the Village of Arden gil]~ ,,uW~s },bey to #he-.Bnard- oP -APn~ls established ~and be in force. from--and. a4ter its--p ~ <br /> are licen6ed - as - herdng{ter pzroc'~" acting unc}er-. the grov~wns'; df 9ectiAn ~d Pnblication according: to law: <br /> 9cedon 7~.[lensee.: ~ 9 u4"Ordipance No. 19 fhe.Zoning. 6rd1. Pea9ed bY the :Council ot Atdeu RiN »`i <br /> The ovrttex 4$_anp eisa or billbuaTd; ea. nanoe. 8ucli appeal may be taken by ~ 18 dsY oi Jann~y, ]984 <br /> cePt ea grodided i4 `Section 2&Pre4, I~t¢~' ~direeted to eibher the Qlerk ar D. F. Hennedv ' <br /> ~ aha11 pay*t,a the:.^Vf1~Tase Cl~erk oY Axden tiss. $uildlng Inspector, whichever iaened . MssQr. . <br /> j HiIIe en aartuel 'licenser:fea o4 x+,'ive.'Dol. pgr~l,aq~ar denial,-and It ehatl'then Attest: i <br /> I gre ~$5.Db1 tur...,eaah :§I8rt or billlbvoard be ~P18 duty of tho Cierk to forward euch Lorrafne E,$trovaquiat-- <br /> + Ioeated a~9d`,malnte1pqd iu the - VMage Ir 'of a~geal,'~the appllcation,'and all Clerk <br /> kh ;_~_-a <br /> 04 Arden H1114n. A~p4ce,tion to tlie'' Vll- ot}seY r~]evaa~ datti~ in the posseseion aP - <br /> lage Clerk 4or,.~.,Heense for t~ye majn- t&e Clerk or,:th'e Bwflding Inepector, to <br /> }saance op eaid'ileign or .billboe,td''slirill he ~e Soaa'd oE APPea1s 4or„cansi~ierQtion <br /> made on the ~P,_ pPOVidpd bY d& ' <br /> C1erk. AU Hceasa pes ehe,ll bo. ~ ene (b)' Tiie' 86aYd'6f AppeaTs' sbali 'tnake ~ <br /> ~ 9.ftnual baele, AxpJking-, oa the S'1Bt day meh iavestigation and Bold euch hear- <br /> oP Deaember in the~i~;o4 iesueace. No deeras edv3ssbla to.obta4n. the <br /> pro-rating ehell-he, all',ided fat an`y",Pon inlf,lacbd in- connection.with the 'eP- ! <br /> tion oP the 9ear -cvhich ,lne9 he,ve es• Peit} 71re _Board ehall act npon the ' I <br /> Bired prior to {,be;. ~W.op }he. apPHen. eanµe•priae9Ples ae seti forth in'the aPore- i. <br /> t3on, por $or any, 1noi+ti~tln after eancella. 9ection 9, and ehall partjcularlq ' <br /> tlen ^-0f "the license.i ;Licetme feea for congider whether the proPoeed eign or ~ <br /> signe ex{yt{ng prim. ~;the e1~Pecatiiae daY.e b[Ilboard, or. non-con#orming eign or P' ~ <br /> of±Ehis_stdinance'ehy3lirue antl pa9. biIlbbard,'asr*t3ie case may be, will be' <br /> able within thirty..(30)' days ekter the a varience -from the terms and pravY= <br /> pu6llcat{on of thip Oxdinsnce. aiona -eat4bl#ahe~1' bg this Osdinance and . <br /> mitted by the prooig;ona 4f t}us e,r,pd oYyet• wh;lethar, if thst be the ceme, not graAt- <br /> I epglis~mb k <br /> ~ <br /> l ordin `noes, thS 1lcenae aha~! ba ing the, varl'anea, wi1T restiilt. W. nn- <br /> iesued b the Clerk. neqeaeary "q'r nnreasonsble hardehip tq- <br /> seotlo~ B.. 91gne Arid' 'HiDbaatd#;•Prn- ~d "applicant; `aRd wHe~her 'such ~rant+ <br /> ~ hibited Yn 8eeid~dnNat preas ing wilt 6e contrary Eo the public Ynter- <br /> ;.ExcepYr_es nmvided'in Sectiob 2 hAreof. est• . . _ ~ <br /> ~ permits or Iicengea ehall not be iasued Coneideration by the Board oP Ap- ; I I i t <br /> for slgns or billboards in • rgeisTentlal . suoh cases ahoald include the <br /> areae of A4,an H{lls, incladi~µg = 41~emia PoOition o4 •the -prolosed gign or bill- ' <br /> I R-3.' P~•2' amd R4. 'ibt shali stknm qr bill- board YVith referenee fio the i}pmediate <br /> boaida'-be ma3ntafued there3n--vx6ept ae local3ty iri whjch 9t ie Placerl or to 'lie ' <br /> provlded in Sectton 2 and 5ectie3u lU oP placed, _ ' es well as the oveiali ef-£€et i ~ <br /> ~ th3e Ordinance. ' oE `suah- algn or -hillboar@• on the prob- , <br /> Seelion 9~(3en,&reyl Re~lB~ah~'f,~ppUc.r able'develoPment' of`th¢ Paitieular aYea, ~ <br /> able'=to 81gMe,0l~glbje~irqr,Feria~ts O and euch,nther matters, ae ePPear per- j I I <br /> I.ictinbas4 z'.;:. tln"ent Poc; the sa4eguarding - 4P .the Piil~ ~ I <br /> pits-or,~ltaen~¢a she~lisp <br /> ~en Cot be iasued I!o^fn$erest.' • , i <br /> ' for siSne,or billtrosrde ualess aucb 8igna (o) Within 80 e£ter the date <br /> or Mllbqard advectise ar relate to the upipn which the perticuler apaeal is <br /> bueiness ~soaduated uDon the paewiges or. reCeived by the Board o% A88eala the i <br /> - I~ <br /> I, <br /> i <br /> ~ <br /> . ~I <br />