<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br /> no minimum lot width. Mowever, every single family
<br /> dwelling shal I havE accesf toa s4reef, court or walkway.
<br /> No structure and Fk~I rt~lpYOt'3tructures (such as semi-
<br /> detached dwelling~ br a row of town houses) shall be
<br /> erected witbin twenty-fouf (24) feet of any other y
<br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA structure or group of structures.
<br /> COUNri OF R SEY c• There shall be no continuous 54ructure of town v. ir, ar Me time he submits the Preliminary Plat fw
<br /> VI~L~e AF AN Mll~S houses, attached dwelli~s, or apartmenfs which ex- the -first phase of his tlevelopmenT, the developer
<br /> OR~1Kl~i~t O. 1~1 c~d 150 feet in length unless the design for sTructures requests that any exisTing special assessments which
<br /> AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 98, 1Onger Than150feeTlsacceplableMtheVillage. havebeenleviedagainstMeenTireTracttobedeveloped
<br /> THE SUBDIVISION AND PLATTING ORDINANCE, d. The loca?ion and arrangement of siructures shall be divided and allocated To the respective lots in the
<br /> BY CHANGING THE PROVISIONS CONCERNING ~t be detrimental to existing or prospective adlacent proposetl development, the Village Clerk shall estimate
<br /> RESIDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT OEVELOPMENFS, sirucTUres or to existing or prospecfive development of the clerical cost ot preparing the revised assessment
<br /> RE~DESIGNATING THE AqMINISTRATOR the neighborhood. roll, filing the same with the County Auditor, antl
<br /> 7HEREOF, AND ELIMINATION pF REQUIREMENT e. Open spaces between sTructures, including those making such division and allxation, and upon approval
<br /> IN SECTION 8 B. 9. spaces being usetl as publtc or private recreational by the Council of such estimatetl cost the same shall be
<br /> The Council of the Village of Arden Hills does hereby ~reas, sha91 be protected by YdequaTe covenants run- paid to the Village Treasurer in addiTion to the fees
<br /> ordaln as follows: n9 wiTh fhe land or by conve ances or dedications, as required hereinabove fo cover the cost of preparing and
<br /> Section 7. Amendment of Secfion 73 of Ortlinance No. me Village Councif shall Specify. filing such revised assessment.
<br /> 98, the Subdivision and Platting Ordinance. Section 13 of f. All water courses, drainage ways, channels, vi. The Zoning Administrafor shall refer two capies of
<br /> Ordinance No. 98, as amended, is hereby amended by sTreams, lakes and ponding areas shall be confained the Preliminary Plat for each pAase of the residential
<br /> striking Paragraph (6) in its entirety and substifuting within the common area and no structure or activE Planned Unit Developmenf to the Planning Com-
<br /> therefor the following: facility shall be placed In such a manner that it will be mission, one copy To the Village Engineer, and one copy
<br /> B) ResideMial Planned Unit Development. subiect to floodirig. To the V illage Attorney and a copy each to the telephone
<br /> 1. Oefinifion and Exemptions. 9. Due regard shall be shdwn for all natural feaTures, and power and other utiliTy companies. The Absiract of
<br /> For the such as tree growth, water courses, hi5toric spofs, or Title or Regfstered Property Report sball he referred to
<br /> purpose of ihis Ordinance a'•residential similar conditions, which if preserved will add to the the Village Attorney for his examinatlon and r rT.
<br /> planned unit developmenY" is definetl to include a attractiveness of the development. vii. Within sixty (60) days the Planning Comm~ion,
<br /> planned development as defined by the Zoning Or- h. All utilitigs shall be placed underground and a Village Attorney, Village Engineer, and utility com-
<br /> dinance, as amended; and shall also, include, without blankeT easement To the Village shall be dedieated over panies shel I report To the Council conceming fhelr
<br /> IimiTing the foregoing, Townhouse developmenTS, the common areas. - respective interests in the Preliminary Plat. Included in
<br /> aparTment pro~ecis involving more Than one building, I. Sidewalks and pedestrianways shall be located at the E
<br /> ngineer's report shall be a co;t estimaTe for the
<br /> and mixed commercial and residential developments the discretion of the Village. required improvements.
<br /> which are primarily residenTial in character. In I viii. Within thirty (30) daysof iTSreceiptof the lastof
<br /> recognition of the probabillTy tfiat more attractive • Trees shal l be plantetl throughoui the development,
<br /> residential developmenis may be fostered by the use of N'ith the minimum size and types tobe planted approved the reporis requfred in the previous proWslon, the
<br /> varied design fechniques available wifh a plar+ned unit by the Village, 8t a minimum of two per dwelling unif. Council shall act upon the Preliminary Plat by either
<br /> 3. Procedure. approving if, denying it in whole or in part, fabling iT for
<br /> developmenf, the following provisions oi ihis Ordinance a. Prellmin8ry Plan: ~ a specified period of Time, or referring it back tq the
<br /> are tlereby exempted for Residential Planned Unif gefore the developer proceeds to obtain Council Planniog Commissiprr €or furTher con5lderaTion and
<br /> Developments when it is praposed fhat the dwelling approval of the Preliminary Plat.and Finaf Piat of hts reporT back to the Council within a
<br /> sp¢ti(ied periotl W
<br /> units of such developmenis are To be sold, buT such
<br /> exempted developments shall conHnue to be subject Ta residential Plannetl UniT Developmenf pursuant to the time. If the Preliminary Plat Is not approvetl by the
<br /> the remaining provisions of ihis Paragraph (B). The Provlsions hereinafter seT forth, he shall first obtain a C~ncil, the facTUal bases and reasons for such actiorP
<br /> exempted provisions are as follows: Special Use .Permif pursuant to the provisions per- shall be set forth in a written document which shall be
<br /> a.,Section 5. Procedure. faining thereTO in Ordinance No. 99, the Zonipg Or- Transmitted to the tleveloper. If the Preliminary Plat is
<br /> b. Section 9.C.15. Privafe Streefs. tlinance, as amended. The documents which the approved, such approval shall rwT caistiTUte final ac-
<br /> c. Secfian 9.D.2. Pedestrian WaYs developer shall submit to the Zoning Administrator to ceptance of the proposed development. Furthermore,
<br /> d. Section 9.E. Easements obtain a Special Use Permit shall be those required, in any approval of Preliminary PIaT shall be subfect to the
<br /> e. Secfion 9.F. Blocks the discretion of the Zoning Administrator, by Section receipt of sewrity in the form and amount required by.
<br /> f. Sectioo 4.G. Lo}s V. C. 2 of Ordinance No. 99, as amended, and in additton Section 11. (A) 3 hereof. _
<br /> g. Settion 11.A.3.d. Tree Planting Thereto such of Those documents and information 'x. Upon certificaTion by the Zoning Admini8trator
<br /> h. Section 11.C. Utilities specified in Sectlon,6 of ihis Ortlinance as the Zoning that the required performance bond has been receivetl
<br /> 1. Section 11.D. Sidewalks Adminisirator, in the exercise of his discretion, may and approved by the Village Attomey, building permits
<br /> 1. SecTion 12. Building Permits require. All of the Aocuments so required and submitted may be issuetl for the construction of the buildings,
<br /> 2. Rules. shall constitute, for purposes of fhis Paragraph, the siroctures, and improvements in the particular phase ot
<br /> a. Roads that are to be dedlcated as public right-of- tleveloper's Preliminary Plan. the developmenf encompassed by the PreliminaryPlaf ways shall be tlesigned and constructed in confo ii, The Council's a pproval of the developers a
<br /> rmity P so c. Final approved.
<br /> Plat.
<br /> with applicable regulations of the Village. All collecTOr PlicaTion for a Special Use Permit shall be deemed i. The deVelo shell flle with the ionin -
<br /> likewise to be its approval of his Preliminary Plan. In per 9 Ad
<br /> streets and thoroughfares shall be dedicaTetl, minisirator seven (7) copies of the Final Platfor each
<br /> b. There shell be np minimum lot 5iie, no minimum approving the Preliminary Plen, the Co4ncll may
<br /> sefbacks, ra minimum ercent of lot cwer require such changes, revisions, or motlifications particulaf phase of his~developmen} nof later than three
<br /> p ~e age and fhereof as it deems necessary to protect the healih, (3) months after the date of the Council's approval of.
<br /> safeTy, eonvenience, and generel welfa(e,of the Village. the Preliminary Plat Therefor; otherwise, the
<br /> Such approval is Tentative only, involviny merely the Preliminary PIaT sha11 be considered void unless an
<br /> general accepTability of. the uses, site, and layout extension of time fo file the Final Plaf is requested in
<br /> ihereof as proposed and submitted. • wrjting by the developer and for good cause gronted by
<br /> iii. The date on which the CounSil grants approval of the Council.
<br /> the developer's application for a$pecial Use Permlt , ii. The ZoNng Adminisirefor sha0 refer two copies of
<br /> shalf, for purposes of this Paragraph, be ccnsidered to j the Final Plat to the Planning Commisslon, one copy to
<br /> be the daTe on which it fias approved his Preliminary ~ the Village Engineer, aotl one copy To the Village At-
<br /> PI'an. rorney, and a cOpy each to the felephone and power and
<br /> b. PrQliminary Plat. other uTility companies. Within fifteen (15) days of theic
<br /> I. Not later ihan three (3) months affer the Council has receipt of the Final Plaf, the Planning Commission,
<br /> approved the Prelimfnary Plan for the tlevebper's ' Engineer, and Attorney shall examine the same and
<br /> resitlential Planned Unit Devebpment, heshall file with reporT Their recommendaTions in regard'ihereto To the
<br /> the Zoning Adminlsirator ;even (7) coptes of a Council.
<br /> Prellminary Plat for the first ph@se of such de_I iii. The Council shall eifher approve w tlisapprove
<br /> menT. The same number of copies of the P~frnli~'y said Final Plai at ifs next regular meeTing fo110wing
<br /> Plaf for eacb succeeding.phase shall be filed With the receipt of the reporTS required by the previous
<br /> Zonirg AdministraTOr no later than the date SpecMled in provisions hereof. If it is approved by the Council, the
<br /> the Preliminary Plan, as approved by the Council, for developer shall record it wiTh the Ramsey County
<br /> thecompletionofthepreriou5phase.IfthePreliminary RegisterofDeedsorRegistrarofTiTleswithinsixTy(60)
<br /> PIaT for the first phase of the development or that for days of such approval; otherwise, the approval of the
<br /> any succeeding ph8se thereof has rrot been properly Final Plat shall be con5idered void. In the event ThaT the
<br /> filed by the deadline provided herein or in the Plat is disapproved, the grounds for such disapproval
<br /> Preliminary Plan, the Council's approval of the musf be reporTed in the proceetlings of the CounNl and
<br /> Preliminary Plan shall beaufomafically wfthdrawn and duly Transmitted in wrlting to the developer.
<br /> said Plan shall beconsidered void -unlpss an extension iv. The developer shall, immediately upon recording,
<br /> of time is requested in wrlting by the developer and for furnish the Zoning Administrator with a fracing and
<br /> good cause granfed by the Councll. Three prinfs of'ihe Ftnal Plat showing evidence di the
<br /> ii. Af the fime the owner or developer submits the recording qweof.
<br /> Prelfminary Plat for the first phase of his resitlenfial . SectfOn 2. Re-Designafion of Administrafor of Or-
<br /> Planned Upit Development, he shall furnlsh the Zoning dinance No. 98 From Vfllage Clerk To Zoning Ad-
<br /> Adminisirator with an up-to-tlate certifled Abstract of ministrator. Ordtnance No. 9B shall, from and atter the
<br /> Title or Registeretl Property Report for the enTire tract passa9e oi this Ordinance amentling the same, be ad-
<br /> of land encompassed by the proposed development antl minisfered by the 2oning Adminisfrator. Accordingly,
<br /> such other evidence as the Village attorney may any reference to "Village Clerk" in Ordinance No. 98,
<br /> fhereafter require to show title or control ot the tract in . excep in Sx}ion 5(A) l.c. antl Section 13. (B) 3. b.v. (as
<br /> the applicant. amen by the foregoing provisions of this amending
<br /> iii. Also at the time of submission of the Preliminary Ordince), shall from and after the passage of this
<br /> Plat for each phase of the resldential Planned Unit amen ng Ordinance be deemed to refer. to the "Zoning
<br /> Development, the developer shall pay In cash to the Admidstratar."
<br /> Zoning Adminisirator an appliwtion fee of S50.00 plus Sectlon 3. AmendmeM of Sedion S. B. t. ot Ordinance
<br /> $1.00 for each dwelling unit in that particular phase. No. 98. Section B. B. B. of Ordinance No. 98, as amentled,
<br /> This fee shall be used for expenses of the Village in is h~rebY amended }a read as follows:
<br /> connection wiTh approval or dtsapproval of the / Acwrate ouTlines and legal description of any
<br /> Preliminary Plat and anY Final PIaT whlch may er sTObt dedicatedorreservedforpublicuse."
<br /> ihereafter be submittetl. ection 1. Ef}ecfive Date. Fhls Ordinance shall be
<br /> iv. The Prellminary Plat for each particular phase 4fective trom.and after Its passage and publication.
<br /> shal l have incorporated ihereln all the changes, Pessed by the Councit this 30th day of Aprtl,'1973.
<br /> revisions, or modifications requlred by the Council 19 its ~;ATTEST: Henry J. Crepeau, Jr.,
<br /> approval of the Preliminary Plan. In all other respects, Charlotte McNiesh, Mayor
<br /> it shall conform with the Preliminary Plan. The data qc}ing Clerk-Adminisirator
<br /> required for each preliminary Plat shall be the same (Bultetin: May 3, 1973) j
<br /> as ihat which is requiretl for a Final PIaT in Sxtion 8 of -
<br /> ihis Ordlnance;with the exception, howeyer, ihat the
<br /> developer shall comply with the provlsions of sub-
<br /> paragraph510, 11, and 12 W par9praph B M seid Section
<br /> 8 by providing the Items ra+uired Merein on a separate
<br /> documenT(s).
<br />