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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ~ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ORDINANCE N0.168 <br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA <br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br /> VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS <br /> AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORD. NO. 98, THE <br /> SUBDIVISION AND PLATTING ORDINANCE, BY - <br /> CHANGING THE PROVISIONS FOR PARKS AND <br /> PLAYGROUNDS. <br /> The Council of the Village of Arden Hills does hereby <br /> ordain as follows: <br /> Section I. Amendment of Ord. No. 98 - Section d. <br /> ~ Section 6(D) of Ortl. No. 98 is hereby amended to add <br /> ThereTO the following Paragraph 7: <br /> "7. An appraisal of the fair market value of the iract <br /> to be subdivided, which appraisal shall be based upon <br /> the undeveloped land value." <br /> Section 2. Amendment of Ord. No. 98 - Section 10. <br /> Section 10(B) of Ord. No. 98 is hereby amended in iTs <br /> enlireTy to read as follows: <br /> "(B) Parks and Playgrounds. The subdivider of any <br /> tract of land which is to be developed for residential <br /> uses shall dedicate to the public for public use as parks <br /> and playgrounds that percentage of the iract to be <br /> subdivided which corresponds with the applicable <br /> densiTy of the subdivision in the following schedule: <br /> Gross <br /> Density Percentage <br /> 0-2 dwelling units <br /> peracre 10 <br /> over 23 dwelling units <br /> peracre 11 <br /> over 3-4 dwelling uniTs <br /> per acre 12 <br /> If the densiTy of the proposed subdivision exceeds four <br /> dwelling units per acre, the Village Council shall <br /> require the dedication of such percentage of the <br /> proposed subdivision as iT deems reasonable and in the <br /> public inTeresT, in no event shal I such percentage be less <br /> ihan 12. <br /> The acTual area to be dedicated for public use as <br /> parks and playgrounds shall be delineated on the <br /> subdivider's preliminary plaT as required by Section <br /> 6(C) 8 hereof. If the Village Council shall determine ihat <br /> such area is unsuitable for such purposes, it may <br /> require the subtlivider To relocate or rearrange such <br /> area or to make such changes or revisions in the <br /> proposed dedication as the Council deems necessary, <br /> reasonable, and in the interesis oi the healih, safety, <br /> general welfare, and convenience of the Village. <br /> If such residenTial subdivision is in excess of 30 acres, <br /> the subdivider may, at his option and in lieu of the <br /> dedication of land for parks and playgrounds required <br /> in the first paragraph hereof, pay to the Village, as an <br /> equivalent coniribution, an amount in cash equal to the <br /> product oi the percentage of land required to be <br /> dedicatetl multiplied by the undeveloped land value of <br /> the tract to be subdivided. If such residential sub- <br /> division is 30 acres or less, the Village Council may, at <br /> its option and in lieu of the dedication of land for parks <br /> and playgrountls required hereinabove, require the <br /> subdivitler to pay to the Village, as an equivalent con- <br /> iribution, an amounT in cash equal to the product of the <br /> percentage of land required to be dedicated multiplietl <br /> by the undeveloped land value of the Tract to be sub- <br /> divid0d. <br /> "Undeveloped land value", as used herein, shall be <br /> the markeT value of the sublect land at the fime of the <br /> application, to be determinetl by the Council in its <br /> reasonable discretion. As a basis for iTs decision, the <br /> Council may request an appraisal aT the expense oi the <br /> applicanT which shall be in addition to the appraisal <br /> required under SecTion 6 hereof, as amended. Such <br /> addition appraisal shall be obtained if the Council <br /> deems it advisable, from an appraiser selected by the <br /> Council. Thereafter the Council, with the aid af boTh <br /> appraisals, shall determine the "undeveloped land <br /> value" hereunder. <br /> All cash payments received by the Village pursuant <br /> hereto shal I be placetl in a special fund and used by the <br /> Village only for the acquisition of land for parks antl <br /> playgrounds, tlevelopment of existing park and <br /> playground sifes, and debt retiremeni in connection <br /> ` with land previously acquired for parks and <br /> playgrounds. <br /> Where a proposed park or playground shown in the <br /> Comprehensive Plan or Parks Plan is located in whole <br /> or in parT within a proposed subdivision, such area shall <br /> be designated as such upon the preliminary plat and <br /> may be required to be included in the dedicaTed land of <br /> ~ the subdivision as provided hereinabove. <br /> Section 3. Effective Date. This ordinance shafl be in <br /> effect from and after the daTe of its passage and <br /> publication. <br /> DaTed aT Artlen Hills, Minnesota, ihis 29Th day of <br /> January, 1973. <br /> Henry J. Crepeau, Jr. <br /> Mayor of the <br /> Villageof Arden Hills <br /> Attest: <br /> CharloTte McNiesh <br /> Acting Clerk - Administrator <br /> Village of Arden Hills _ <br /> (BUlletin: Feb. 1, 1973) <br />