<br /> was stolen or was not in use at the time of the alleged un- Subd. 3. Outside the seven county metropolitan area, no
<br /> lawful act, or if (c) the registered owner #urnishes to Iaw person shall enter on any land not his own for the purpose
<br /> enforcement officers upon request the identitq of the person of operating a recreational motor vehiele after being notified,
<br /> in actual physical control of the snowmobile at the time of either orally or by written or posted notice, by the awaer,
<br /> such violatian. The provisions of tfiis subdivision do not occupant, or lessee not to do so. aVhere posted notice is used,
<br /> apply to any person who rents or leases a snowmobile if signs shall bear letters not less than two inehes high and
<br /> such person keeps a record of the name and address of the shall state one o£ the following: "Recreational Vehicles 'Pro-
<br /> person or persons renting or leasing such snowmobile, the hibited", "Snowmobiles Prohibited", "TraiI Bikes Prohib-
<br /> registration number thereof, the departure date and time, ited", "All-Terrain Vehicles Prohibited", or words substan-
<br /> and expected time of return thereof. Such record shal} I>e tiaily similar. In lieu of the above notice an owner, occupahE
<br /> preserved for at least six months and shall be prima faeie or lessee mav uost any sian prohibiting recreational motor
<br /> evidence that the person named therein was the operator vehicles which has been adopted by rule or regulation of the
<br /> thereof at the time it was operated contrary to Minnesota Commissioner of Natural Resources. The notice or aign shall .
<br /> Statutes, Sections 84.81 to 84.88, 10026, Subdivision 1, or be posted at carners and ordinarv ingress and egress to the
<br /> 10029, Subdivisions 28 or 29. The procisions of this subdi- ~ property and when so posted shall serve so as to raise tL cvrt-
<br /> vision do not prohibit or limit the prosecution of a snow- , clusive presumption that a person operating a reereational
<br /> mobile operator for ciolating any of the sections referred to motor vehicte therenn had knowledge that he had entered
<br /> in this subdivision. j, upon such posted lands: Failure to post notice as pravided
<br /> 84.89 tonfiscation of Snowmobile used In Burglary in thi4 subdivision shall not deprive a persan Uf the right te
<br /> A law enforcement officer shall seize any snowmohile, as bring a civil action for damage to his persun or property ae
<br /> defir.ed in Section 84.81 used for the purpose of gaining otherwise provided by law.
<br /> access ro property for the purpose of committing the crime Subd. 4. It is unlawful for a persun to p»wst, mntilate, ar
<br /> of burglary as defined in Section 609.58. Any snoumobile remove anY notice or sien provided in this section upon any
<br /> seized pursuant to this Section shall be held, subject to the lands or waters over which he has no right, title, irtterest, or
<br /> order of the district court of the county in which the bur- license. It is unlawful for a person otAer than a duly consti-
<br /> glary was committed, and shall be confiscated after concic- tuted leeal authority to so post anv publie lands; including
<br /> tion of the person from whom the snowmobile was seized but not limited to tax forfeited lands, as above described.
<br /> and disposed of in accordance with the procedure provided Subd. 5. No uerson shall enter or leaue the lands of anuther
<br /> for equipment used in committing game and fish viola[ions with a recreational motor vehicle. or pass from one portien
<br /> by Section 97.50, Subdivision 6, except that the balanre of of such lands tn another portion, chrough s closed gate, with-
<br /> the proceeds from the sale of a confiscated snowmobile out returning the gate to its original position. No person shell
<br /> which are paid into the state treasury shall be credited to enter or leave the lands of another with a recrestional motor
<br /> the general fund. vehicle bv cutting any wire or tearing down or destroying
<br /> 84.90 Limilations on the oparalion of reerealionol mofor vehicles. aflv f01tCC. .
<br /> Subd. 1. For the purposes of this section the following Svbd. 6. Nothing in this seetion shall limit or otherwise
<br /> terms have the meanings given them: (a) "Recreational qualify the nower of municipaticies, counties, school districts;
<br /> motor vehicle" means any self-propelled vehicle and any or other political subdivisions of the state or anv a$ency of
<br /> vehicle propelled or drawn by a self-propelled 'vehicle used ~ the state to impose additionai restrictions or prohibitions on
<br /> for recreational purposes, including, but not limited to snow- the oneration of recreational motor vehicles an property not
<br /> mobile, trail bike or other all-terrain vehicle, hovercraft, or owned bv the operator in accordance wiEh iaw.
<br /> motor vehicle licensed for highway operation which is being Subd. 7. A person violating the provisians of this seeripn
<br /> used for off-road recreational purposes, (b) "Snowmobile" ~ is guilty of a misdemeanor.
<br /> has the same meaning given by section 84.81, subdivision 3. ` Game Laws Relarim, te use of Saewnrebiles
<br /> Subd. 2. Within the seven county metropolitan area, no 98,46 fee9
<br /> person shall enter and operate a recreational motor vehicle $ubd. 22. No deer or moose taken in tkiis state shall be
<br /> on lands not his own, except where otherwise allowed by law, trans rted or d unless a lockittg seal bearing the
<br /> without the written or oral permission of the owner, occupant, p° passesse
<br /> or lessee of such lands. Written permission may be given by license number of the owner and the year o# its issue has
<br /> a posted notice of any kind or description that the owner, been affixed to its careass between the tendon and the bane.
<br /> occupant, or lessee prefers, so long as it specifies the kind of and around the bone of the leg sa thae such seal cannvt be
<br /> vehicles allowed, such as bv saying "Recreational Vehieles removed without breaking the lock. T'he seaT must be $o
<br /> Allowed", "Snowmobiles Allowed", "Trail Bikes Allowed", placed and locked at the time the deer or moose is brought
<br /> "All-Terrain Vehicles Allowed", ar words substantially into any hunting camp; dwellutg; farm yard, or other plaee
<br /> similar. of abode of any kind occupied overnight, or before being
<br /> 10 11
<br />