<br /> for safety; and mainta'sned in s clear, lele manner. iht a11 machiues
<br /> (e) In any tree nursery or planting in x msnner which made after June 30, 1972, an eold in Minuesout, euch t'egis- '
<br /> damages or destroys growing stock. tratiun nunrber shall be affixed in the 8p~tee therlb-11
<br /> Subd. 2a. Operation prohibtted an ai fore in secordance with 1VR 57 (d). On all et ~nacbiaes i~
<br /> rports. It is un• shall be afl'ixcd on each side of the cowliug on #he npper haff
<br /> lawful for any person to drive or operate any snowmobiie on of the machine, as falluws:
<br /> an sirport deGned in secuon 360.013, subdivision 5, or other
<br /> applicable law.
<br /> 5ubd. 3. Regulations by political subdiviaions, Notw9th• T _ 3 4a-RE-C.,
<br /> standing anything in this section to the contrarq, s county 1~
<br /> board may by resolution permit the operation of snowma-
<br /> biles upon the roadway, shou}der, or inside bank or slope af (4) All letters and numbers shall be o# a colar wb3c}da '
<br /> any county highway or countq atate aid highway, if sa#e op• will contrast with the surfaae to which applied, and skrall be
<br /> eration in the ditch or outside bank oi siope thereof is im- , at least three (3) inches high and % inr.}t stmke. Whm at?y '
<br /> possible, in which case the courity board slrall cause appro. previously affixed, registration number or decO is desRee7ed `
<br /> priate notice thereof to be given. or lost, a duplicate shall be af6sed in the rtfanver eFtt?lvn
<br /> Any county, city, village ar borough, or any town acting above. The registration number ehall remain the saEm if `
<br /> by its town board, may regulate the operation of snowmn- ~ renzwed by Juty 1 following thle eggiratiop dsie.
<br /> biles on public lands, waters, and property under their ju- (5) No person shell dperate ar tranapott, atd no perwxt
<br /> risdiction and on streets and highways within their bounda- shall permit the operation of, at snowmohilt wiLbin this aafde
<br /> ries by resolution or ordinance of the governing body and which does not have ita registration nundxKr artd unespit+~T
<br /> by giving appropriate notice, provided such regulations are decal affiued in the form and maaner requixeti bp NR 51 (8),
<br /> not inconsistent with the provisions of seetions 84.81 to 84.88 unless tho awner is exeanpted from the registration require-
<br /> inclusive and rules and regulations, promulgated thereun- ments of this atate by Minne,sota 5tata'tm Section 8k$2.
<br /> der. However, no such governmental unit may adopC an or• (6) A duplicate registration certifieate will be issued
<br /> dinance which (1) imposes a fee for the use of public land upon application by the owner to the Comnniutsianer au tAo
<br /> or water under the jurisdiction of either the commissioner form prescribed $nd upon payment of the fee requited by
<br /> of natural resources or any other agencq of the state, or for law. Replacement registration deeals may be obtained fxom
<br /> the use of any access thereto owned by the state, or a county, the Degartment o# Natural Resonrces Licenqe Center or axry
<br /> city, village, or borough; or (2) require a snowmobile op- conservation officer.
<br /> erator to possess a motor vehicle driver's license while oper- (7) Applicatian for transfer of ownership s}tall be MA&
<br /> ating a snowmobile. to the Gommissioner within 15 daye of the date of tza~.
<br /> 94.871 MutFlers An "Apglicatian for Transfer° #orm is ta be executed by the
<br /> Except as provided in this Section every snowmohile shall registered owner and the pvrehwer. and suloi:tted Eogethm
<br /> be equipped at all times with a muffler in good working with the fee required by law, the ewner's registration eerti4-
<br /> order which blends the exhaust noise into the overall snow- cate and a bill of sale in the {orat prescrIbed by the Comutis-
<br /> mobile noise and is in constant operation to prevent exces- sioner.
<br /> sive or unusual noise. The exhaust system shall not emit or (8) A6andoned, stolen, or destroyed snowmabilee shall Ise
<br /> produce a sharp popping or crackling sound. 1'his section " reported to the Commissioner within (15) dqge by campkt•
<br /> does not apply to organized races or similar competitive ing the reverse side of the registration eertificate. T?io fee is
<br /> events held on (1) private lands, with the permission of charged for the reporting.
<br /> the owner, lessee, or custodian of the land; (2) public (6) psayr's ewd Mosufacwrews ftlistralWo
<br /> lands and water under the jurisdiction of the commissioner " (f) ApplioaLion for registration af alY snowmobilts owned
<br /> of natural resources, with the commissioner's permission; or by a dealer and operated for denaunatratinn or testing pur-
<br /> (3) other public lands, with the consent of the public p~ shail be made to the Cop~missianer on tfie form pee-
<br /> agency owning the land. No person shall hsve for sale, sell, ~ribed. Upon payment of the fee requirtd by law, tkree (3)
<br /> or offer for sale on any new snowmobile any muSler thai registration plates will be issued, togcther wit6 a registrAlioa
<br /> fails to comply with the speci&cations required by the rules certificate which shall 6e conspicuously displayed by the
<br /> and regulations of the commissioner after the effective date dealer in his place of busineas.
<br /> of the rules and regulations.
<br /> 84.872 Youthful Swowmobiie !'iiperatorsi Prohi4itioas (2) Application for registration uf s11 anowmobiles awn+eti
<br /> by a manufacturer and opetated ior research, testing, ex-
<br /> Notwithstanding anything in Section 84.87 to the can- perimentation ar demnnstration parpeses ehall be made tg
<br /> trary, no person under 14 qears of age shall make a direct the Commissioner on the form prescribed. Upon paymeni tr[
<br /> 8 13
<br />