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<br /> and date of birth of the student to the anowmobile safety MIMNESOTA <br /> coordinator who will issue to the atudent, on behalf of the gNpWMpgILE LAWS <br /> Commissivner, a snowmobile safety certificate. A duplicate 197$ <br /> certi5cate will be issued if the original is lost or destroyed, <br /> upon applicarion and paqment of $100. 1Vo snowmmbile tafety Minnewta Statutes 1476 as owxcled by Lewa of iBTI, C'hapftr 31. <br /> certificate shall be issued to any person lea tian 12 years of <br /> age except to his or her parents or guardiany to be held by 84,81 p"nitions <br /> sach parent or guardian until the peravn's twelftk+ bfrthday. gubdivision 1. For the purposes o# Lsws 1967, chapter 876 <br /> (f) Each snowmobile safety certi&cate iesued shsll show the terma defined herein shall have the rasaning ascribed to <br /> on its iace the birthdate of the persnn ta whom it rvas is- them. <br /> sued. No person less than 14 years of age or anq ather gubd. 2. "Person" includes an indieidual, partnership, cor- <br /> person 14 years of age but lcss than 18 years o# age who poration, the state sad its agencies and subdiv9sions, and <br /> does not possess a snowmobile sefety cerEificate may make any ho$y of persons, whether incorpdraied ar not. <br /> a direct crossing of a street or highway at any time. ~ <br /> (9) PROCED11RE5 FQA RHVtltR'f1ON Oi+ SHOWNHIME fAFETY Subd. 3. "Snawmobile" means a self-propelled vehicie de- <br /> CERTlf1CaTES. signed for trauel on saow or ice steered hg skis or sunners. <br /> (1) When the judge of a javenile court, or any of 4ts Su6d 4. "Owner" means s persvn, other tltan a lien holder, <br /> duly authorized agents shall determine that any person, ~ having the property in or title to a snowmobile entitled to <br /> while les9 than 18 years o( age, has violated the provisions the use or possession thereof. <br /> of sections 84.81 Lo 84.88, or any other staLe or local law ur Subd. S. "Operate" mesns ro ride in vr on and control <br /> ordinanee regulating the ogemtian of snowmobiles, the the operation of a snowmobile. <br /> judge, or duly authorized agent, shall immediately report Subd. 6. "Qperator" means every person who operates or <br /> such a determination to che Comrnissioner on the form pre- is in actual physieal control of a anowmubile. <br /> scribed. The judge, or duly authorized agent, msy indicate Subd. 7. "Register" means the act o# assigning a registra- <br /> upon the form prescribed his recommendation as to whether tion namber to a snowmobile. <br /> or not the person's snowmabile safety certifieate should be Subd. "Commissioner" rneans the coramis.sioner of nat- <br /> suspended and the length of such sus}ension, if any, ural resources acting directly or thmugh his sutharized <br /> (2) A person under 1$ years of agc shall surtender his agent. <br /> snowmobile safety cectificate to the juctgt, or hia dulq au• Subd. 9. "Raadway" means that portion of a highway <br /> thorized agent, in all cases when snch judge, or hia agent, impCOVed, designed, or ordinarily uaed for vehicular travel. <br /> recommends the suspension of sueh certificate. 'I'he snow- Subd. 10. "Dealer" means a person, percnership, or cor- <br /> mobile safety certificate shall bc transmitte$ ta ihe Com- poration engaged in the business of selling snowzNObiles at <br /> missioner in all cases where suspension fherevf ia recom- wholesale or retail. <br /> mended and where such recammended period of stupcnsion Subd. 11. "ManuEacturer" means a person, partnersFiip, or <br /> exceeds 15 days. corporatian engaged in the business of rnanutaciuring anaw- <br /> (3) The Commissioner shsll retain pooession of snow- mobiles, <br /> mobile safety certificates which he stmpends during t6e pe- <br /> riod of the suspension, all other cerCifecattes shall be returned 114•82 5nowasaWle Uglatr0tW' <br /> immediately upon a de[erminatian that they will hot be Sabdivision 1. Genersi reqairements. Except as herein- <br /> suspended. ' after provided, na person shall a#ter June 30, 1969, op- <br /> NR 57 - RE6WiRED BQUIPMBN! erate, or transport any snowmobile witbin the st8te unless <br /> (a) No snowmobile shall be operated upon public lands, sueh snowmobile has been registered in accordancc with the <br /> waters, streets or highways unless ik is equipped as follows: , provisions of sections $4.81 to 84.88, eacept snowmobiles in <br /> At ]east one head lamp having a mirumum candle- cransit by a manufacturer, distributor or dealer. 1Vo person <br /> power of sufficient intensity to revtiLl pemns and vehicles shall setl a snowmobile without furnishing the buyer a biU <br /> at a distance of at lesst 100 feet ahead during hours of o( sale an a fozm prescribed by the commissioner. <br /> darkness under narmal atmospherie conditions. Snch head <br /> lamp shall Le so aimed that @;Iariag rays are not pmjected Subd 2- Ap~1'eeationt, issuanee, reporte. Apglieation for <br /> into the eqes of an oncoming snowmobile operator. registration or reregiatration ehall be made ta the cammis- <br /> (2) At least one red tail lamp, haviteg a minimum candle- sioner of natural resourees, or the ebmmissi4ner o# public <br /> power of snfTicient intensity to exhibit s red light plainly safety or an autharized deputy registrar a# mator vehieles in <br /> visible from a distance of 500 feet to the rear during hours such form as the commissioner of pnblic safety shall pre- <br /> of darkness, under normsl atmespheric canditions. scribe, and shalll state the name ar?d adciress of every owner <br /> (3) Reflector material of a mi»imum area of 16 square of sbe saawmobile and he signed by at lesat oAe urvner. LJpon <br /> inches mounted on each side forward o£ the handle bars. rece1Pt of the application and the appropriate #ee as herein- <br /> 18 3 <br />