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#217 Establish Permit Fees
City Council
#217 Establish Permit Fees
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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> "Sec. 13-95. Itinerent vendors subjed to Chapter 18. Section 30. Amendment of Section 28-42(b)(1) and (Y) - <br /> All itinerant vendor permittees shall be subject to the of the Arden Hills Code. Section 28-42(b) (1) and (2) of <br /> provisions of Chapter 18 of ihis Code." the Arden Hills Code are hereby amended to read as <br /> Section 20. Repeal of Seciions 13-96 Through 13-100 of follows: <br /> the Arden Hills Cotle. Sections 13-96 through 13-100 of the ••Sec. 28-42. Service charges. <br /> Arden Hills Code are hereby repealed. (b) In the event ihat, ihrough the fault or omission of <br /> Section Yl. Amendmeni of Sectian 13.55(b)(1) and (2) the owner of the subject property, a curb box or a ser- <br /> of the Arden Nills Cotle. Section 13.5-5(b)(7) and (2) of vice lead has not been installed for the property, ihen . <br /> the Arden Hills Code are hereby amended to read as additional fees 5hall be paid at the time of making ap- <br /> foliows: plication for tapping the water main, which charges <br /> ' Sec. 13.5-5. Investigation; investigation and license shall be as follows: <br /> fees; license application year. (1) For the installaTion of a one inch service con- <br /> nection where the insTallation is to be in an unsurfaced <br /> (b) Investigation Fees. street, the fee shall be as established in a resolution <br /> (1) Business license. A1 the time of the filing of the adopted by the council. This fee shall include the tap- <br /> original application for a business license hereunder, ping of the water main, the installation of the service <br /> the applicanT shall pay such investigation fee as has line,andiheinstallationofihecurbstopandbox. <br /> been established in a resolution adopted by the council. (2) For the installation of a one inch service cori- <br /> (2) Personal service licenses. At the time of the filing nection where the installation is to be upon a surfaced <br /> o( iheoriginal application for a personal service license, street, the fee shall be such fee as has been establ ished <br /> - the applicant shall pay such investigation fee as has by ihe council in a resolution adopted ihereby for the <br /> been established in a resolution adopted by the council." restoration of a typical road-mix bituminous sireet, but <br /> Section 42. Amendment of Section 17.55(c)(1) and (2) where the installation involves the restoretion of a <br /> of the Arden Hills Code. Section 13.5-5(c)(1) and (2) of higher type sireet, the fee shall be such as has been set <br /> the Arden Hills Code are hereby amended to read as by the city engineer on the basis of the cost of <br /> follows: restoration. In any such installaTion, the location of the <br /> "Sec. 13.5-5. Investigation; investigation and license main shall be obtained from the city engineer. The <br /> fees; license application year. foregoing fee shall be in addition to the fees set in <br /> (c) License Fees. At the time of filing the applicatian Paragraph (a) hereof. All backfill materials shall be <br /> for a license hereunder, the following license fee, or a mechanically compacted in iwelve (12) inch layers in <br /> prorated portion ihereof, shall be paid by the applicant: place in roadway area fo exisiing sireet grade." <br /> (1) Business license. The annual fee for a business Section 31. Amendment of Section 28-42(c) of the <br /> license shall be such fee as is established from time to Arden Hills Code. Section 28-42(c) of the Arden Hills <br /> time in a resolution adopted by the council. Cotle is hereby amended to read as follows: <br /> (2) Personal service license. The annual fee for a "Sec. 48-42. Service charges. <br /> masseur or masseuse license shall be such fee as is <br /> established from time to time in a resolution adopted by (c) A service charge in the amounf established by the <br /> the council." council in a resolution adopted Thereby will be made for <br /> Section 23. Amendment of Section 14-44 0l the Arden turning on water where service has been furned off for <br /> Hills Code. Section 14-44 of the Arden Hills Code is violation of any provision of this article, except for <br /> hereby amended to read as follows: cases subject to Section 28-23 hereof, where the higher <br /> "Sec. 14-44. Permit fees - Generally. charge shall be made." <br /> The fee for the special use permit on a mobile home Section 34. Repeal of Section 28-54(h). Section 28-56(h) <br /> court, plus a development fee for each mobile home lot of the Arden Hills Code is hereby repealed. <br /> in the court as shown in the approved plans when the Section 33. Amendment of Section 28-67(a) ol the <br /> permit is issued, shall be ihose established in a Arden Hills Cotle. Section 28-67(a) of the Arden Hills <br /> resolution from time to time adopted by the council. Code is hereby amended to read as follows: <br /> These fees shall be paid before issuance of the special ••Sec. 28-67. Security deposit. <br /> use permit and before any grading, excavation or (a) Each water customer of the city shall make a <br /> consiruction of any kintl-is started on the court site." security deposit for a water meter before instal lation of <br /> Section 44. Amentlment of Section 14-45 of the Arden such meter, which deposit shall be in ihe amounT of one <br /> Hills Cotle. Section 14-e5 of the Arden Hills Code is hundred iwenty (120) percent of the actual cost of such <br /> hereby amended to read as follows: meter rounded to the nearest Five Dollars (85.00) aver <br /> "Sec. 74-45. Same - Location. such actual cost. At the time said security deposit is <br /> In addition to the special use permit fee and made on a water meter, an additional fee in an amount <br /> development fee provided for in Seciion 14-44 hereof, the established from time to time in a resolution adopted by <br /> owner or operator of a mobile home court shal I pay such the council shal I be paid by the customer to the city to <br /> location fee for each mobile home prior to its being cover the expense of installation of the meter, such <br /> parked on a lot in the court. The location fee shall be charge To be made only upon installation of ineters Two <br /> established in a resolution by the council. This fee shall (2) inches or smaller in size." <br /> be paid upon issuance of a completed location permit for Section 34. Amendment of Last Sentence of Section 48- <br /> ihe mobile home pursuant to application therefor filed 69 0l the Arden Hills Code. The last sentence of Section <br /> with the clerk-administrator." 28-69 of the Arden Hills Code is hereby amended to read <br /> Section 45. Amentlment of Section 24-4(a)(1)b. of the as follows: <br /> ArdenHillsCode.Section22-4(a)(1)b.ofiheArdenHills "Sec.4B-69. Rereading of ineters. <br /> Code is hereby amended to read as follows: <br /> "Sec. 22-4. Procedure. The deposit charges for meter testing shall be as <br /> (a) Preliminary plan: established from timeto time in a resolution adopted by <br /> (1) Before dividing anytract of land into two (2) or the council.^ <br /> more lots or parcels, an owner or subdivider shall, Section 35. Amendment of Section 28-75(b) and (c) of <br /> unless a variance is authorized, file with the clerk- the Arden Hills Code. Section 28-75(b) and (c) of the <br /> adminisirato~: Arden Hills Code are hereby amended to read as <br /> t t t follows: <br /> b.Suchlumpsumfeeincashforiheentiresubdivision "Sec. 28.75. Use of fire hydrants. <br /> plus such cash fee for each lot in the subdivision as have <br /> been established in a resolution adopted by the council. (b) The applicant for a permit shall make an advance <br /> This fee will be used for expenses of the city in con- cash deposit in such amount as has been established by <br /> nection with approval or tlisapproval of said pian and the council in a resolution adopted ihereby. The purpose <br /> any final plat which may ihereafter be submitted." of the cash deposit is to guarantee payment for water <br /> Section 46. Amendment of Section 24•12(b)(3)b.3. used and to cover any breakage or damage to the <br /> Section 22-12(b) (3)b.3. of the Arden Hills Code is hereby hydrant. Such deposit shall be refunded upon expiration <br /> amended to read as follows: of the permit, after deduction for any applicable <br /> "Sec. 24-12. Variances and exemptions. charges for use or damage. <br /> (c) The user shall pay a rental charge based both <br /> (b) Residential planned unit development. upon the time of use and the gallons of water used. This <br /> ++t rental charge sFfall be established from time to time by <br /> (3) Procedure. the councilin a resolution adopted ihereby." <br /> Section 36. Amendment of Section 48-76(a) of the <br /> b. Preliminary plat. Arden Hills Code. Section 28-76(a) of the Arden Hills <br /> Code is hereby amended to read as follows: <br /> 3. Also ai the time of submission of the preliminary "Sec. 28-76. Hydrant rentals. <br /> plat for each phase of the residential planned unit (a) Owners of private property on which fire hydrants <br /> development, the developer shall pay in cash to the are located shall pay an annual stand-by charge the <br /> zoning adminisirator such application fee for the entire amount of which shall be as established in a resolution <br /> planned unit development plus such fee for each adopted by the council. 7his charge shall be a specified <br /> dwelling unit in each particular phase ihereof as has amount per hydrant. In addition ihereto, if the city <br /> been established in a resolution adopted by the council. installs a hydrant on private property at the request of <br /> This fee shall be used for expenses of the city in con- the owner, the owner shall be charged the actual cost to <br /> nection with approval or tlisapproval of the preliminary the city of materials and labor for such installation." <br /> plat and any final plat which may ihereafter be sub- Section 37. Amendment of LasT Two Sentences of <br /> miited." Section 28-77(a) of the Artlen Hills Code. The last iwo <br /> Section 27. Amendment fo Last Sentence of Section 22- sentences of Secfion 28-77(a) of the Arden Hills Code are <br /> 12(d). The last sentence of Section 22-12(d) of the Arden hereby amended to read as follows: <br /> Hills Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Sec. 28•77. Permits requiretl for private use of water <br /> "Sec. 22-12. Variances and exemptions. towers, <br /> ttt ttt <br /> (d) Minor subdivisions of unplattetl property. (a) Terms of permit. <br /> <br /> Such filing fee as has been established in a resolution If the permit is issued by the council it shall only be <br /> adopted by the council shal I be paid the zoning ad- valid so long as ihe applicant pays to the city such fee a5 <br /> minisirator with every application for an exemption has been established iherefor in a resolution adopted by <br /> under ihis paragraph." the council, and said permit musi be renewed annually. <br /> Section 28. Amendment of Last Sentence in Secfion 22- 7he original payment must be made at the time of <br /> 12(e) of the Arden Hills Cotle. The last sentence of application for the permit." <br /> Section 22-12 (e) of the Arden Hills Code is hereby Section 38. Amendment of First Sentence of Sedion <br /> amended to read as follows: 28-138(d) of the Arden Hills Code. The first sentence of <br /> "Sec. 22-12. Variances and exemptions. Section 28-138(tl)of the Arden Hills Code is hereby <br /> amended to read as follows: <br /> (e) Division or consolidation of platted lots of record. •'Se¢. 28-138. Establishment of charges. <br /> <br /> Such filing fee as has been established in a resolution (d) The charge for each building shall be the product <br /> adopted by the council shall be paid the zoning ad- of the number of units-of sewage volume which it will <br /> ministrator with every application for an exemption tlischarge antl the dollar figure set forih in a resolution <br /> under ihis paragraph." adopted by ihe council for ihe year in which the building <br /> - Secfion 29. Amendment of Section 28-42(a) of the permit is issued ' <br /> Arden Hills Code. Section 28-42(a) of the Arden Hills Section 39. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take <br /> Code is hereby amended to read as fallows: effect and be in forceand effect on Jan. 1, 1981. <br /> "Sec. 48-42. Service charges. Passed by the qPden Hills Council ihis 291h day of <br /> (a) Permits must be obtained to connect to the December., 1980. ' <br /> Pxisting wafer service leads at the wrb box and the Henry J. Crepeau Jr. interior plumbing. The permit fee for each of ihese Mayor , <br /> connections and the permit fee for both of them shall be Attest: as established from Yime to time in a resolution adopted Charlotte McNipsh . <br /> by the council. No permit shall be issued except to a Clerk-Administrator ' <br /> licensed plumber.° (Bulletin: Jan. 1, 1981) <br /> POgB 2 - p217 <br />
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