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#104 Planting Trees on Blvd.
City Council
#104 Planting Trees on Blvd.
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S . . . - . . . . , ' ' . . , ' ' . 1 , . . . ' <br /> <br /> <br /> I <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> STATE OF MINNE$OTA , pollowing regulationa and standarcls shall <br /> COUNTY OF RAM3EY. agFly with reference to granting or <br /> VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS denying apglicationa for tree planting: <br /> ~ ORDINANCE NO. 104 (a.) Only trees which are at least <br /> AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE one and one-half inches in dia- <br /> PLANTING OF TREEB IN BOULE- meter measured one foot above <br /> VARD AREA3 IN THE VILLAGE OF the ground shall be P1anted. Only <br /> ARDEN HILLS, PROVIDING A the following types of trees shall <br /> PERMIT PROCEDURE, ESTABLISHING be permitted hereunder: white or <br /> RR6ULATION3 FOR SUCH green ash; sugar, Norway or <br /> PLANTING. AND PROVIDING Red maple; hackberry, and Lin- <br /> PENALTIE3 FOR VIOLATION den. Under no circumatances shall <br /> The Village Gouncil of the Villa,ge of permits be gianted for cotton- <br /> Ar@en Hills dces hereby ordain as fol- wood trees. <br /> lowa : <br /> Section 1. Parpose. The planting of (b.) Permits shall not be granted un- <br /> trees on areas in Arclen Hills dedicated less there is at ]east 7 feet be- <br /> for Public highways, which trees are tween the curb line and sidewalk <br /> " sometimes referred to herein as boulr " ]ine at. the pertinent ]ocation. <br /> card trees, is a matter of public interest The curb line, shall be determined <br /> - and it is the purpose of this ordinance by usin8 the projected street width - <br /> to provide a procedure for permitting rather than the exiating pavr <br /> auch planting under certain circum- ment ]oeation, and the sidewalk <br /> etances and subject to certain regula- should be asaumed even if it is <br /> tions as provided herein. not yresent or anticipated. In no <br /> Section 2. Planting Pursuant to Per- event shall trees be permitted <br /> " mit. planting of trees on property dedi- within three and one-half feet of <br /> cated for public right-of-way is pro- the projected curb. , <br /> hibited in the Village of Arden Hills (c.) Trees should not be planted cluser <br /> unless permits therefor are firat ob- than 50 feet center-to-center, with <br /> tained from the Adminiatrative Clerk. respeet to treea which will exceed <br /> Application for such germits shall be under 40 feet at maturity; with <br /> made on forms provided by the Clerk respect to trees which will exceed <br /> " and no fee shall be charged for euch 40 feet in height at maturity, <br /> yermits. the required apacing should be <br /> Applicationa shall give the name and at ]east 76 feet center-to-center. <br /> addresa of the applicant sad provide s (d.) The applicant shall be re4uired <br /> sketch or other adequate information to to restore the sod to ite original <br /> indicate the proposed location of the condition after elanting. <br /> tree or trees to be planted, which loea- (eJ The planter shall assume respon- <br /> tion shall be given with reference to sibility far maintenance and care <br /> the existing edge of the pavement, the of the treea, and must undertake ~ <br /> property line of the abutting Froperty, to water the treea well during <br /> the size and type of proposed tree, and the first growing season. Trees <br /> the exact lceation of the tree or trees which do not survive the second <br /> from some fixed ob]ect or point. Appli- gmwing season shall be removed <br /> cations muat be made by the ownen o4 by the planter at hia espenae, . the proBerty abutting proposed location (f.) The member of the Parks Depart- <br /> of the tree or trees to be planted. ment who inapecta the site and <br /> Upon receipt of such an apnlication recommends the granting oP the <br /> the Clerk shall first determine whether permit shall drive a atake mark- <br /> the necessary information is given and ing the spot for the planting. <br /> shall then refer adecluate applicationa (g.) Trees shall not be planted within <br /> to the Parks Department for proceasing. 12 feet of any fire hydrant, util- , <br /> The Parks Department shall determine ity pole, or other fixture; aor <br /> bY inapection of the proposed eite and shall they be Blanted over any <br /> application of the standards given herein any public utility, such as a sew. <br /> whether asid application ahould be grant- er or a water line,• nor shall <br /> , ed and shall return the aPPlication to they be ylanted within 16 feet of <br /> the C9erk with recommendation for or an intersection; nor in auch a <br /> againat granting. If appmved the Clerk manner that on maturity they shall issue the permit on forms provided will interfere with the visibility <br /> for that purpose, and if the application of traffic signs or aignals. <br /> is disapproved by the Parks Department (h.) In considering the aPPlicationa <br /> the Clerk shall notify the applicant of for permits the Parks Depart- <br /> the denial. ment, Board of Appeals and <br /> The applicant may appeal any denial Counei! shall conaider the size ' <br /> of such an app3ication to the Village and type of the propased trer in <br /> Council by notifying the Clerk in writing relation to other boulevard trees <br /> of fiuch request within 30 days after in Arden Hills. In genera] one <br /> receipt of notice of the denial. The ap- species of tree slioald not consti- <br /> plication shall then be referred by the tute more than one-half of the <br /> Clerk to the Board of Appeals, which boulevard trees in Arden Hills, <br /> shall consider the application at its next and in any one block, ineTuding <br /> . acheduled meeting and reiort its recom- both aides of the street, there <br /> mendation thereon to the Council. If ahoald be s minimum of two <br /> the applicant includes in his request to apecies and a maximum of three <br /> the Clerk his desire for hearing on the species of boulevard trees. In <br /> matter, such hearing shall be held be- permitting varieties oP species to <br /> fore the Boerd of Appeals. After con- be planted consideration ahould <br /> sideration of recommendation of the be given to the deairability that <br /> Board of Appeals, the Council shall af- the aDecies conform. aa to size <br /> firm or reverse the action of the Clerk. upon maturity. To the greatest- <br /> Section 3. Permits. All permita granted extent possiltle, planting ahould <br /> under this Ordinance shall provide that be permitted in units of a block <br /> tbe granting of the Dermit places no at one tixne. <br /> obligation upon the Village nor does it Section B. Severability. If any partion <br /> impose upon the Village any requirer of this ordinance shall be found uncon- <br /> ment for msintenance af said treee. atitutional, the balance of the ordinance <br /> Any trees planted on public right-of-way shall continue to be in ful] force and ' <br /> or other Dublic ymperty are glaced effect. <br /> therean entirely at the risk of the planter Section 6. Penalty. Violation op this <br /> ' and any trees so planted may be re- oxdinance shall be punished by a fine <br /> - moved, trimmed, maintsined, moved, or of not to exceed $100.60 or imprieon- otherwiae changed at any time by order ment for s term not to exceed 10 days. <br /> of the Council. In the event that re- Section 7. Effective Date. This Ordi- <br /> moval of the trees or maintenance oP nance shall be effective from and after <br /> the trees ia considered neceseary by the its passage and publicatian. <br /> Counci] and is done at Village expense Pasaed by the Village Qounci] of the <br /> the cost thereof may be assessed against Village of Arden Hills this llth day <br /> the property owner or the abutting prop- of March, 1968. <br /> ~ erty owner. All tees planted under such ROBERT BJQRNDAHL <br /> pemits become public property when the Mayor <br /> planting ia completed. Atteat: Lorraine E. Stromquist <br /> Section 4. Regnlations and Standarda Adminiatrative C'lerk <br /> for Planting of Boulevard Treee. The (Bulletin: A4arch 28, 1968) <br />
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