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<br /> <br /> <br /> STA3'E OF MI1VIv'ESOTA <br /> COUNTY OF RIMEY <br /> VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS <br /> ORD INANCE NJIMBL 13 <br /> <br /> <br /> AN ORDINAICE L3CENSING AND REaULATING THE SALE OF SQFT 1.DRINKSo <br /> <br /> TT3E VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ARDEN HILLS DC} aRDAIN AS KLLOWS o <br /> SECTIfTN 1. Ief3.nitions o The term "sof t d.rinks" as used <br /> in th's' ornance s . nc ude all liquorsp 1.iquids9 or compounds <br /> to be used for beverage purposes and not defined to be intoxiea- <br /> ~ ting liquors under Chapter 46, Law af 'Minnesota, 1933m34, Extra <br /> Session, or to be non-intoxicating malt Iiquor under Chapter 116s <br /> LaWB of MiririesOtaq 1933p <br /> SECTION 2. Licensing. No persvn shall conduet or operate <br /> as owner, rnanager or emp oyee any pl.ace where soft drinks air^e <br /> mi.xed, sold or dispensed f'or cansumption on the premises whether <br /> conducted in connection W-ith another bus3.ness cr not until a <br /> license has been securede <br /> A license shall be obta3.ned by application of <br /> the owner of saa.d bueins s to the Vi17,age C lerk vn a form pro vided <br /> by the Clerke Thie form shall require tlae name and address of <br /> the applicant and the l4cation and nature of the busirress e Such <br /> application shall be accompanied by a Fifteen Do11ar 015,00) <br /> annual fee and on Couneil approval the license wi.ll be granted or <br /> the fee refunded. The appl3.cation may be refuged by the Caancil <br /> if in its opinion either the health or morals of the community <br /> would suffer by granting the applicatione Licenses will be effec- - <br /> tive until the 31st of December and renewa7. January 1 of each yeare <br /> SECTION 3s Conditions of License e Every 7.icense shall be <br /> issue su jec~to t e o o ng can ons; ta-wit: <br /> <br /> (a) There sball be na violatian of state laws in <br /> or on the premiseso <br /> (b) The premises shaZl be kept 3.n sanitary condi- <br /> tian at all timesp <br /> <br /> (c) Any peace officer or^ the vi].lage health off'icer <br /> may 3.nspect the prdemises during business hours <br /> vrithout warrant o <br /> SEGTION 4e Violationso V3.olation of any of the cond.itions <br /> of tle eense ~hall consti~e cause for revcacation without re- <br /> fund of fee a <br /> <br /> Any persan the pr°ovisions of this or- <br /> dinance shall9 upon convietian thereof $ be punished by a f ine of <br /> not more than arse- ilundraed DolIars ($100000) or by imprisormnt for <br /> no t mor e than ninety (90) days ¢ or both a <br /> • PASSED BY THE VILLAGE COUPdGIL THIS 26TH D~Y OF SEPTEMBER9 1955 <br /> <br /> /s/ Robert Q8 Ashbach <br /> Ro B r o S Mc 9 ilyQ I' O <br /> 3'he Vi 11 age of Arden Hi ll s <br /> Atte st : <br /> /s/ Lorrai ne E e Stromqui st <br /> orra ne E. romq s,, er o <br /> The Vi llage af° Arden Hi ].1 s <br /> Pu.bli she d Qetober 6 a 1955 <br />