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<br /> <br /> <br /> Ordinance Number 30 (eon.tinued) <br /> <br /> P age f"-3 <br /> <br /> Section 4 (continued) e <br /> Subdivision 4. No part af the f ee paid f or any <br /> lice nse i s sue d under this ordin.ance <br /> shal 1 be ref unde d exce pt in the <br /> ~ following instance s upon applicas <br /> tion to the Couricil within 60 day5 <br /> from the happening of the e-Tent. <br /> The re sh a11 be re f unde d a pro r at a <br /> portion pf the fee f or the unexpired <br /> ~ periad of the license., computed on a <br /> mant,hly basis, when operatipn of the <br /> Zicensed business ceases not less <br /> than ane month bef o re expiration of <br /> the license because of ; <br /> (1) Destruction or damage of <br /> the li cense d pr°emi se s by <br /> fire or other catrastrophe ; <br /> (2) The 1icerisee2s illness; <br /> (3) The licensee's deathg <br /> (4) A change in the legal status <br /> of the municipality mak,i:ng <br /> it unl.awful for the licensed <br /> business to cantinue e <br /> SECTZON 5. Granting of License. <br /> Subdivision l, The Village Gouncil shall irrvestigate <br /> all facts set out in the applieation. <br /> Qpportunity shall be gi -ren to any <br /> pe rson to be he ard f or or against the <br /> granting o f the license a xf'ter su,ch <br /> inJe stigation and he ar^ing the Village <br /> Council shall grant or refuse the ' <br /> application in its discretiozro <br /> Subdivision 2, Each license shall be issu.ed to the <br /> applicant only and shall not be trans- <br /> ferable to another Y?alder o Each lic- <br /> e nse shall be i s sue d only for the <br /> premises described in the applicationo <br /> No license may be transferred to <br /> another pl.ace without the approval <br /> of the Village Gou.ncilq <br /> SECTION 6a Persons Ineligible for Licensep Na 1icense <br /> shall,e gran e d to-any pe rson ; <br /> (l) Under tvrentymone years of agep <br /> (2) Who has been consicted of a felony., or of vio- <br /> ~ lating the Nation a3 Prahibition Act or any <br /> 1aw of thfs state or lc,cal 4rdinance relatirig <br /> to the manuf actu.rer or trar3.sportation of inG <br /> toxicating liquors o <br /> (3) Who is a manufacturer of beer or who is inten- <br /> • ested in the control of any place where beer <br /> is manufactureda <br /> (4) Who i s an alien or a non-resident of the Vil- <br /> Iage O f AT'C3eI7 H111 S a <br /> (5) Who is not agood moral eharactere <br /> (6) Who is or during theperiod of this license be- <br /> comes the halder of afederal retail liquor <br /> dealergs special tax stamp for the sale of° in,- <br /> tdxieating liquor at aiy place unTess there has <br />