<br />
<br />
<br /> the aub$ivider agrees to make imgrove- line offseta of less than 125 feet shall (G) Lots. dividual homes: It is the announced pol-
<br /> menta which will, in the opinion of the be avoided. 1. Location. All lots shall abut by icy of the Village that a central well sys-
<br /> Village Engineer, make the area com- 8. Safe Intersectiona. It muat be evi- their full frontage on a publicly dedi- tem for each new aubdivision is favored
<br /> pletely safe for occupancy, and provide denned that all street intersections en- cated street or a street that has received on the basis of greater assuranee oY
<br /> adequate street and lot drainage. courage safe and efficient traffic flow, legal statu,s as such or wi1.I receive such public healbh, reliabilitq of supply, ecn-
<br /> Sectian S. Necessary Data For Final The angle formed by the intersecting of etatus upon approval af the sub]ect plat. nomy in inatallation of purification
<br /> pl$t• streets shal] not be less than 60 degrees 2. Size. The ]at dimensions in subdivi- equipment if necessary, more effective
<br /> A. General. The final plat shaA bewith 90 degrees preferred. sioms shall not .be lesa than the min- fire fighting through hydrants, etc., and
<br /> Prepared by a registered surveyor and 9. Alleys. Alleys will not be permit- imum dimensions re4uired to secure probable lowered insurance and main-
<br /> shall conform to all state and county ted in residential areas unless there is the minimum lot area specified in the tenance costs to individual owners.
<br /> requirements and the requirements of no other reasonable solution for aceess. zoning ordinance of the Village of Ar- Accordingly, the Village strongly rec-
<br /> Section B hereunder. All information re- 10. Cu]-de-Sac. Maximum length for den Hills. - ommends central deep well syatems for
<br /> quired on the preliminary plan, except cul-de-sac streeEs shall be 500 feet mea- 3. Butt Lots. Butt,lots shall be p1a£ted subdivisions, with cost bf equipment pro-
<br /> that contained in Subdivision Il of Sec- aured along the center ]ine from the at least five feet wider than the aver- rated to the number of parcets served and
<br /> tion 6 and topographic data and zoning intei•section of origin to end of right- age width of interior lats in the block. the eq•dipment itself, including the we11,
<br /> information, shall be accurately shown. of-way, unless there are 18 or less lats 4. ISide Lot Mines. Side lines of lots Pumps, tanks, etc., and the dateral feed-
<br /> B. Additional Delineation. abutting the cul-de-sac. Each wl-de-sac shall be substantially at right angles ers as may .be appropriate, to be deeded
<br /> 1. The final plats ahall include ac- shall be,provided at the closed end with or radial to the street line. to the"Village. A pattern of such well
<br /> curate angular anc3 lineal dimensions for a turn-around having an outside road- f5. Water Courses. Lots abutting upon systems, if developed over the yeara, will
<br /> all lines, angles, and curvatures used way diameter of at least 100 feet, and a a waker course, drainage way, channel simplify and ,make more econamical the to describe boundaries, streeta, alleys, street property ]ine diameter of at least or stream shall have an additional depth construction of any future Vi]lage-wide
<br /> easements, areas to be reserved for pub- 120 feet. or width as required, to assure house water sy5tem.
<br /> ]ic use, and other important features. ll, Marginal Access Streets. Where a sites that are not subjeet to flooding. 3. '5ha11 have deposited with the Vi]-
<br /> ensions of lot ]ines ahall be ahown svb-divEsion abuts or contains an exist- '6. Features In the subdividing of any ]age ~C'lerk a suln-equal to ~P23P/o of the
<br /> feet and hundredths. ing or plar.ned thoroughfare, the Vil- land, due regard shall be shown for all estimated cos~t as determined by the
<br /> . When lots are located on s curve lage Cour.cil may require marginal ac- natural features, such as tree grawth, Village Engineer of the following im-
<br /> or when side lot lines are at angles oth- cess streets or other such treatment as water courses, historic spots or similar- provements to be eonstructed and furn-
<br /> er than 90 degrees, the width at the may bP necessary for adequate protection conditions, which if preserved wiA add ished within the subdivision, or shall
<br /> building setback line shall be ahown. of residential properties and to afford to the attractiveness of the proposed have given aperformance bond in the
<br /> 3. All blocks sbaIl be identified by senaration of through and local traffic. develoFUnenk. same amounE ta the ~VilIage to cover the
<br /> consecutive numbers. LoCa within eaeh 12. Half Streets. Half streets shall be 7• Zot Remnants. All remnants uf ]ota cost of said improvements. Said iaiprove-
<br /> block shall bear consecutive numbers. prohibited, except where essential to below minimum size left over after ments shall be installed and completed
<br /> 4. The final plat shall include true the. reasonable develapment of the sub- subdividing o£ alarger tract must be in accordance with the P1ans and epe-
<br /> angles and distances to the nearest es- division in confarmity with the other added ko adjacent lots, rabher than al- cifications prepared by the Village En-
<br /> tablished street lines or official monu- requirements of these regulations; and lowed to remain as unuseable parcels. gineer, and at the time of such ap-
<br /> ments (not less than three) which shal] then only when the Village Council S. Corner lats shall be platfzd at proval of the final plat the Village
<br /> be aecurately described in the plat. finds it will be practicable to require least ten (10) feet wider than the min- Coanci] may insert a time limit for the
<br /> 5. Municipal, township, county or "sec- the dedication of the other half when imam xequirement for in~terior lots as completion of said improvements, and the
<br /> tion lines accurately tied to the ]ines of the adjoining property is subdivided. designated in the Zonrng Ordinances, performance bond or depasit ma,de bp
<br /> the subdivision by distanees and angles. Wberever there is gn existing half street `9• Corner lot grading and street in- the owner or aubdivider ahall be i•n ac-
<br /> 6. Radii, interng] angles, points and $djacent to a tract which is to be sub_ tersec4ion grades shal] be such !that there cordance with such time, limitation. Said
<br /> curvaturea, tangent bearinga, and lengths divided, the other half of the street shall shall be no blocking of vision at street improvementa to be constructed and fin-
<br /> of all ares. be glatted within such propose@ tract. intersections over three feet in height ished by the owner or subdivider shall
<br /> 7. Accurate ]ocation of all monuments. 13. Reserve Strips. Reserve strips con- above street pavement level within 15 include the following:
<br /> 8. Accurate outlines and ]egal descrip- trolling access to streets shall be pro- feet of intersecting atreet right-of-way a. 3treet Grading of the full width of
<br /> tion of any areas to be dedicated or re- hibited except under conditions approved l'nes. the right-of-way, including bouleva.rd,
<br /> served for pubIic use, or for the ex- by the VilIage Council. Section 10. Public Sites And Open and sidewalk 'benches of each street
<br /> clusive use of property owners within 14. Railroad or Limited Access High- 5paces. dedicated in the plat.
<br /> the subdivision with the purposea indi- ways Abutting Subdiviaion. Where a '~~A) Drainage Channels. Where a pro- b. Street Surfacing
<br /> cated therein. subdivision borders on or containa a posed drainage channel shown 'tn the b. 1 IAlI strezts ahall be improved with
<br /> 3. Ceriification by a registered sur_ railroad right-of-way or limited access village Plan is. ]ocated in whole or. in pavementa~ constructed to specification
<br /> veyor in the form required by Section highway right-of-way, the Vill age Coun- part within a proposed subdivision, the of the Village ~Engineer to over-all width
<br /> 505.03 Minnesota. Statutes, cil may require a street appmximatel gubdivider shall dedicate adeqaate space in accordance with the folIawing mini-
<br /> 9 for such purpose withi.n the subdivision mum dimensipns:
<br /> 10. Execution by all owners of any Para11e1 to and on each side of such when the Village ~Council finds that the Type of Street pavement Width
<br /> interset in the ]and and any holders of right-of-way at a distance suitable for channel is reasanably neceasary to the ~(in hetween face- of curbs) a mortgage thereon of the certificate the appropriate use of the intervening public health and welfare. T.horoughfares As agreed upon with
<br /> required by Section 505,03 Minnesota land, as for park purposea in residential parks and Playgrounds. Where the Village Engineer
<br /> Statutes, which certificate shall include districts, or for commercial or indus- apraposed park or glayground shown Collector 38 feet
<br /> s dedication of the utility easements trial punposes in appropriate districts. in the Village Plan is located in whole 1VIinor and iCul-de-Sae 34 feet
<br /> and any other public areas in auch form Such distances shall also be determined or in part within a proposed subdivi- Marginal Aceess 28 feet
<br /> as shall be approved by the Village At- with due regard for the requirements of sion, the area of such propused park or b. 2 Pavemenbs in . cul-cle-sac turna-
<br /> torney. approach grades and future grade separ- playground shall be designated as such rounds ahall have a minimum outside
<br /> 11. Certifications showing that all ations, upon the preliminary plat and shal] be diameter of' 100 feet.
<br /> 'Eaxes and special assessments currentIy 15, private Streets. private Streets subdivided into lots. If the ]and in- c. 'Provide turf between pavement edge
<br /> due on the property to be subdivided shall not be approved nor shall public cluded in the subdivision is appropri- and lot line.
<br /> have been paid in full. improvements be approved for anp pri- ate 8or residential uses, the Village d. Tree 'Planting. Street trees shall
<br /> 12. Form af approval of Village Coun- vate strPet. iCouncil znay require that the said area be planted no more than 8$ feet apart
<br /> cil as follows: 16. Ha*dshig to Owners of Adjoining designated -for parks or playgrounds be with a minimum of one per lot. They
<br /> Apnroved b.v the Village Counci] of property Avoided. The street arrange- set aside and dedicated bo the public for should preferably be plaeed six to twenty
<br /> the Village of Arden Hills, Minnesota, ments shall not be such as ta cause hard- public nse as aPark and playground, feet inside the property line rather than
<br /> this ________day of, 19_ ship to owners of adjoining property in if such designated area does not exceed in the boulevazd. The minirnum size and
<br /> Village Clerk platting their own land and providing 7% of the total area of the proposed type to be planted sha11 be as approved
<br /> 13. Form for approval by Gounty auth- convenient access to it. subdivision. If 'such dedication is not re- by the Village iCouncil.
<br /> orities as reqnired. 17, Street Interval. In general, pro- 9uired, ar if the designated area would e. Street Markers.
<br /> SPCtion 9. Minimum Su6division De- visions shall be made at intervals not exceed such 7%, the Viilage Council (iB) It ia hereby decIared to be the
<br /> sign Standards. exceeding one-half mile far throuZh shal1 determine within a reasonable time policy of the Vill~age to proceed as soon
<br /> (A) Conformitp with Village Plan, streets (streets running through the after submission of the preliminary plat as Practicable after final approval of a
<br /> The pronosed subdivision shall conform subdivision in a fairly direct manner). ~'hpbher to acquire the area of the pro- swbdivision plat with installationa with-
<br /> to the Village Plan. posed park or glaygrou~nd, or the area in the subdivision of $uch im.proveznents
<br /> (B) Street Plan. The arrangement, (D) il. ~,~eys Alleys shall and Pebedestatrian least Wa0s feet exceeding 7% of the proposed plak, by as~may be determined to be necessary by
<br /> character, extent, width, grade and lo- purchase or condemnation proceedings. the Village Council, such as central wells,,
<br /> cation of all atreets shall conform to wiae in commercial and industrial areas. The iCounci] may designate a portion of water mains, street gra.ding, skreet sur-
<br /> the Village Plan and shall be consider- The Village Council may re9uire alleys in this area £or park and playground pur- facing, sanitary and- stomn sewera, wa-
<br /> non-residentia] areas where adequate off--
<br /> ed in their relation to existing and Plan- pases ~up to the 7% limitation. ter pumping, and s.torage ~facilities and
<br /> atreet loading apace is not available.
<br /> ned streets, to reasonable circulation of In the event no pa.rt of the proposed hydrants. The Village Engineer shall be
<br /> 12. Pedestrian Ways shall be at least
<br /> traffic, to topographica] conditiana, to subdivision is designated for ~park or direoted to Prepare plans and specifica-
<br /> 10 feet wide.
<br /> runoff of storm water, to public con- playg-round purposes in the Village Plaa, tioms for the -same upon acceptance of
<br /> venienee and safety, and in their ap- '(E) Easements. the !Council may still require the dedi- the final plat and shall submit his recom-
<br /> pronriate relation to the proposed uses 11. Provided for Utilities. 'Easements catien of not more than 7o-/0 of the total mendations for such improvements, to-
<br /> of the ]and to be served at least 12 feet wide, centere$ on rear subdivision area for public park and
<br /> by such streets. gether with estimated costs, to the Vi1-
<br /> The arrangement of streets in new and other lot lines, shall be provided for plavground purposes. Tf the ~Council de- lage ~Council. The Village ~Cauncil may.
<br /> subdivisions shall make provision for the utilities where necessary and -shall be termines bhat no land in the Proposed authorize prepanation of such plana and
<br /> appropriate continuation of the existing dedicated to the Village by appropriate subdivision is suitable for such use, the specifications by an engineer employed
<br /> streets in adioining areas. language in the owner's certificake. They Council may require> as an equivalent by the subdivider at his sole expense and
<br /> Where adjoining areas are not sub- shall have continuity of alignment from contribution by the subdivider, that the under the direction and subject to the
<br /> divi&ca, the arrangement of streets in block to block, and at deflection points subdivider pay to the 'Village $50.00 for approval of the Village IEngineer. Upon
<br /> easements for pole-line anchors s,hall be each lot cxeated by the subdivision. Such acceptance of the final lat the Village
<br /> new subdivisions shall make provision p
<br /> for the Froper ;projection of the streets. provitied wHere necessary. ,AlI utility cash rpayments made to the Village by Council may commence assessment pro-
<br /> (C) Stseets. lines for telephone and electrical service subdividers shall be placed in a special ceedings for the furnishing and construc-
<br /> 1. Width=. Al] right-of-way widths shall be placed in rear ]ot ]ine ease- fund by the 'Village and shal] be used tion o£ said improvements within the
<br /> sbal] conform to the following minimum ment$ when carried on overhead poles. by the ~Village only for the acquisition of subdivisian, and ma9 opder such of said
<br /> '2. !Provided for +Drainage. Where a'land for parks and playgrounds. improvements as it deems expedient and
<br /> dimensions: subdivision i,s traveraed by a water Section 11. Required Im neoessary. Thoroughfares - SO feet or more as provements.
<br /> ' mav be desirable course, drainage way channe] or stream, (;A) No •final plat shall be approved by 'T,he Village CounciI may aubhorize the
<br /> Collector - 70 feet 'there shall be provided a storm-water the Village (Council unless the owner or QAecution of a cantract between the 'Vil-
<br /> easement or drainage righbof-way con- lage anrl the subdivider requiring the
<br /> Minor - 60 feet subdivider:
<br /> fonming substantially with the lines of l. :Shall have placed and installed aur- subdivider to fdrnish antl to oonstruct
<br /> Cnl-de-sac - 60 feet such water course, together with such vey monuments at all block corners, said improvements at the sole cost of the
<br /> - Marginal access - 50 feet further width or construction or both, angle Points, po4nts of curves in streets subdivider, in accordance with plans and
<br /> 2. StreeE deflecEions. When connecting as will be adequate for storm-water
<br /> street ]ines deflect from each othex at run off. and at intermediate points as shown on specificatians and usual contract condi-
<br /> any one point by more than ten degrees, the final plat required by the Village kians amproved by the iGouncil, which
<br /> they shall be connected by a curve with (F) Blocks. Engineer; such monuments shall be cast shall inelude provision for supervision of
<br /> a radius adequate to insure a sight dist_ 1. Factors ~Governing Dimensions. Block iron, as approved by the Ram,sey Coun- details . of construction by the Village
<br /> ance of not less than 300 feet for minor leRgths and width or acreage withi-n ty ISurveyor, and shall ,be set at each Engineer, and grant tu the "Village !En-
<br /> and collector streets, and of such great- bounding raads shall be such as to ac- corner or angle on the outside bound- k'ineer authority to correlate bhe, work -
<br /> commodate the size af reaidential ]ots ary. 'Pipes or steel rods s~hall be ~placed to be done ~under ~said contract with ath-
<br /> er radii as the Village Council shall de- required ia the area by the zoning or- at the corners of each ]ot and at each er impruvemenCa in the subdivision
<br /> termine for special cases. dinance and to which may be constructed 'by the Village
<br /> 3. Reverse Curves. Tangents of at provide for convenien.t in~tersection of street eenterlines, All der con~tract with others. The sub-
<br /> least 50 feet in length shall be introduc- access; circulation control and safety of United iStates, state, county, or other un
<br /> street traffic. official bench marks, monuments or tri- divider as contractor -shall furnish a
<br /> ed 'aetwcen reverse curves on collector 2, Non-Residential $locks. .Blocks in- angulation stations in or adjacent to the surety bond with penalty equal to 1„25
<br /> eets* tended for commercial, institutional and propeirty ~shall be preserved in preciae times the cost of the improvements to be
<br /> Street Grades. All center line grad- industrial use must be designated as Position, and made under the contract as estimated
<br /> shall be at least 0.5 percent, and Buch. ;2. !Shall have determined the most by the Village Engineer, whieh bond will
<br /> 1 not exceed the follawing: 3. Length. Block ]engths ahall not feasible anethod of abtaining water for be in form required by statute for public
<br /> Collector streets - 4 percent exceed `1,1800 feet nor be ]ess than 500 the subdivision, be in a Position ho de- coiatnactors bonds and will identify the
<br /> Minor streets - 6 Percent feet in length. monstrate such feasibility to the satis- improvements and the time schedule for
<br /> 5 Vertical Curves. Different connect- 4. Arrangement. A block shall be so faction of the Vil.lage iCouncil or such their completion.
<br /> inP atreet gradients shall be connected designed as Eo provide two tiens of lots, technical agents as it may desig- (C) When practicable and feasible -and
<br /> with verti^al parabolic curves. Minimum unless it adjoins a railroad ar limited nate, and be willing and able needed for the general public welfare,
<br /> ]ength, in feet, of these curves shall be access highway or lake or .backs on to bontract with the Village the Village Council may require that-all
<br /> 15 times the- arithmetical difference in other subdivisions where it may have (as a condition of aubdivision plat utilities be installer3 underground. All
<br /> the percent of grade of the two adjacent ,bu:t a single tier of lots. approval) to produce the type of wa- nnderground work shall be completed
<br /> slopes. 5. Pedestrian Ways. In blocks over 900 ter supply demonstratedmost feasible for prior .to street surfacing.
<br /> 6. Minor Streets. Minor streets ahall feet long, pedestrian crosswalks may be the subdivisian; water may be provided (ID) Sidewalks may be required along
<br /> be so aligned that their use by through required by the Village Council in ]o- by individual house wells or by asystem both sides of all streets; pedeatrian
<br /> traffic will be discouraged. ca£ions deemed necesaary bo publpc consisting ~of central we11(s) and pump- ways shall be paved and fenced as ap-
<br /> 7. Street Jogs. StreeE jogs with center- health, convenience and necesaity, ing station'(s) and piping to Supplp in- proved by the Villagae 'Couneil.
<br />