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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ~ <br /> <br /> <br /> ~D <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ~ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> STATE OF MTNNASOTA <br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br /> VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 116 <br /> AN ORDINANC'E AMENDING ORDI- <br /> NANOE NO. 114, RES,ATING TO THE ~ MUNICIPAL SANITAR,Y S,EWER SYS- <br /> TEM, BY EXCEPTING CERTAIN <br /> PROPERTIEnS FROM THE WATER <br /> METEIt REQUIREMENT <br /> . Th,e Village C~ouna•il of the Village of . <br /> Arden Hills doee hereby orda,in as fol- <br /> lows : <br /> Section 1. Seetion 11 (A) af Oxdinance <br /> Na. 114, whnch iri turn amends Ordi- nance No. 49, hoth relating to the <br /> municipal sanihary sewer system, - is . <br /> hereby amended to add thereto the £ol- lawing as Paragraph (7) thareto: <br /> (7) The Gouncil has noted that oertain <br /> prapert•iea in Arden Hills wse water <br /> basically in the summeQ months and . . are nmt ;presently conn•ected to the <br /> ~ municnpal water system. Acoordingly, <br /> where thase con~ditions are Fresent, it , is nok equibable to reqwire installation of a water meter nor is it eqwitablz bo base bhe sewer charge upan water <br /> ugage. The Crnxncil particularly notes <br /> two presenk insbances of such a situ- , - atian: Harkins Drivin-g Range an County R.oad E and the Etamsey Goun- ty Bewh. With respeet bo those cases - and other aimilarly,ciircumstanced <br /> pl+aperUiea that may be called 'ho the - <br /> sttentiun of the Council in the future <br /> and upnn recommemdation of the Su-. <br /> peu•visar of Pwblie Warks af Arden <br /> Hills, such properties may be exenpt- <br /> erci from bhe requdrement bhat a watex . <br /> meter be installed, and such praperGies <br /> . shall be eharged for municipal sewage - <br /> upon a fla,t qwarterly rate to Ue de- _ <br /> ternwned by the Counoi] upon reeom- <br /> memdation af the Supervisar o~f Pub13c <br /> Works. In the evemt the stated cir• <br /> cumtances change with respeet bo any prnpertv so exempted, upon written- , notice ta the proPeaty owner thz Cov.n- - <br /> cil may review the situaitian and, if <br /> . circumstancas warx+amt su,c,h actian, the - <br /> exemptian shall be lifted and the prap- <br /> - erty 5ha11 iye treated as otiher property - simnlasly enkuated uinder the ardinance. <br /> - , Section 2. Thus ardina,n~e sha11 be ef- - <br /> ' - feotive frrnm and after the da.te af its . ~ passage and. publiGation. <br /> A"ted by the Cauncal af Arden Hills <br /> this 30th dav of June, 1969. <br /> R. W. Bjorndahl, Mayor <br /> Atkesk: <br /> Larnaine E. Stnamquisk, <br /> Clerk Administratar , <br /> (Bwlle7in: Ju]y 10, 19,69) <br /> . <br /> ~ ' <br />