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<br /> i - <br /> e , <br /> <br /> STATE OF MINVESOTA <br /> RA'V;r,' COI3NT3C <br /> V.-LLLAGE OF ARDEN HILLB <br /> ORDINANCE N0. 46 <br /> <br /> ~ AN ORDINANCE A14ENDING THE ZONINa ORDINANCE TO REZONE TO Cd'~dERCIAL <br /> THE PORTION OI' THE NE4 Ok' THE NEI, OF 9ECTION 21e TOWIQSkiIP 30a <br /> RANQE 23 <br /> The Village Council of the Vil1age of Arden Hills doee taereby <br /> orQain as lollowe : <br /> <br /> SECTION le Ortiinenc• No, 1S, hnown as the Zoning Ordinanoe, is <br /> hereby amencled to rezane from R@2, Single Family, to CO Commercial, <br /> tha lollowing deacribed property@ to-wite <br /> . <br /> That part3on of the NEI& of the NEJ o! Seotion 21a Toxnm <br /> ehip 30. Rangs 23, commencing at the NW oorner of the W* of the <br /> E4 of eaid NE} o! 3eotion 21, tlsenee Eaet 400 reet on the <br /> Quarter seotion Line, tlzetioe 3outh 300 feet at right angles to <br /> the Etet-West Quarter Seotion Lina, thenoe West 400 feet on a <br /> line parallel to the Eamt-iPest Querter 3ection Line, thence North <br /> 300 f eet to the piaae of begining, <br /> SECTION 2. The Zoning Map of the Vlllage o! Arden Hille referred <br /> to in the atoreeaid Ordihanoe No. 18 @hsll not be repubiishod to ehox <br /> the aforeeatd rezoning but the Clerk eha13 agproprlately mark the <br /> Zoning Map on, tile in t'r.e Clerk ° a vft'ice tor the purp4se of eubstantially <br /> indicsting thi.^ reeult. <br /> SECTION 3. Thie Ordinanee ehall be pnbl.ished lorthwith in the <br /> offieial village nevspapsr and ahall be eflective lrom and after ite <br /> pas$age and publicat3on. <br /> Passed by the Council of the Yillage of Arden Hille, this 28 <br /> aay of septo . 1959e . <br /> <br /> <br /> o er e e , a,yor <br /> <br /> Atteet: <br /> <br /> <br /> Lorr i'ne, _ ~romqu e ~lerk <br /> <br /> oct. S, 1959 <br /> ~ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> I <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> . i <br />