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<br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA Ordinance, including inspecTion, ireatment, cuTting, abatemenT againsT each separaTe lot or parcel To which
<br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY burning or removing of diseased shade irees. the same is attributable. ThereafTer, such charges may
<br /> CITY OF ARDEN HILLS Section 5. AbaTement of Nuisances by Property ihen be spread by the Council as a special assessmenT
<br /> ORDINANCE NO. 186 Owners. againsi the properiy benefited by such abatemenT, and
<br /> AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A SHADE TREE (a) Notices to Property Owners. After each of the said assessmenT certified to the County Director of
<br /> DISEASE PREVENTION AND CONTROL PROGRAM, aforesaid inspections and investigations, whenever the Property TaxaTion as provided by law.
<br /> PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLA710N ForesTer or the Tree inspecTor(s) has found with a SectionB.RequestofPropertyOwnerforLaboraTOry
<br /> THEREOF, AND REPEALING ORD. NO. 102 reasonable certainTy that a shade tree or any wood 7esting. Any owner of real estaTe in the City who
<br /> The City Council of Arden Hills ordains: Therefrom harbors shade Tree disease to such an extenT receives a noTice as provided herein to the effecT ihat
<br /> Section 1. Declaration of Policy. The City Council of That the same constituTes a ihreaT of infestation of shade shade irees or wood, or both as the case may be, on his
<br /> the CiTyof Arden Hills has deTermined that the health of Trees in proximity ThereTo, the Forester shallmark the property harbor shade Tree disease and must be
<br /> oak Trees and elm irees, hereinafter sometimes diseased shade irees or wood or both as the case may be removed within the Time specified in such notice, may
<br /> col lectively referred to as "shade irees," within the in a visible manner and noTify each owner of real esTate request the Forester To obtain a IaboraTOry Test of one or
<br /> municipal limiTS are threatened by faTal Tree diseases within the CiTy whereon such diseased shade Trees or more ot such Trees. Such request must be made no laTer
<br /> commonly known as "oakwilt disease" and "Dutch elm wood, or both as the case may be, are located, which ihan the daTe on which such Trees or tliseased wood are
<br /> disease" respectively, hereinafter someTimes collec- notice shall conTain the inspecTion information with to be removed from the premises, as specified in the
<br /> Tively referred to as "shade iree diseases." IT has respecT to diseased shade irees upon the property and writfen notice from the City to the owner as provided
<br /> furTher deTermined that the loss of shade trees growing shall turther advise That, in accordance with the herein, by written noTice from the owner to the Forester
<br /> upon public and private properTy would substanTially provisions of This Ordinance, the owner is required To sent by certified mail wiTh return receipt requesTed.
<br /> depreciate the value of property within the City and remove said trees or wood, or both as the case may be, Upon receipT of such requesi, the ForesTer shall
<br /> impair the safeTy, good order, general welfare and within a timespecified in such notice, which shall be noT Promptly engage the services of the Minnesota
<br /> convenience of the public. Accordingly, it is hereby less }han five (5) days nor more ihan iwenTy (20) days Depariment of AgriculTure or a qualified laboratory to
<br /> declared to be the intention of the Council To conirol and from the date of mailing ihereof. Such notices shall be make analyses of appropriaTe specimens or samples of
<br /> prevent the spread of shade tree diseases, and this senT by certified mail with return receipt requested To the allegedly diseased shade irees. If such analyses
<br /> Ordinance is enacTed for ihat purpose. the last known address of said owner. In the event ThaT confirm the original diagnoses ihaT said shade irees are
<br /> Section4.Forester.ThepositionofCiTyFOresteris ihecertifiedmailisnotdelivered,mailingbyordinary infecTedorihewoodThereofdiseased,orbothwhichever
<br /> hereby created and the powers and duties of such officer mail to such address shall be deemed sufficienT notice. the case may be, the requesting owner shall pay all
<br /> are hereby conferred upon such person as designated The notices to be sent under the provisions of this expensesand charges incurred for such analyses bythe
<br /> from time to time by the Mayor with the concurrence of Ordinance shal I be senT To the occupant of premises City. If the test discloses ihat said trees or wood are noT
<br /> the Council. upon which such diseased shade Trees or wood, or both so diseased, the City shall bear all such cosis and the
<br /> It shall be the duTy of the ForesTer to coordinaTe, as the case may be, are located, it ihose premises are Forester shall removesaid ireesorwood from the IisTOf
<br /> under the direction and control of the Council, all ac- occupied, and also toTheownerof such premises, if such diseased trees. If the tesT confirms the original
<br /> Tivities of the City relaTing to the conirol and prevention owner has an address differenT from the subiecT diagnoses ihat the irees or wood or boTh as the case may
<br /> of shade iree diseases. He shal I recommend to the premises and such address is disc!osed by the records of be, are diseased, noTice ihereof shal I be sent the owner
<br /> Council the detai I5 of a program for the conirol and the Ramsey County Depariment of Property Taxation. by the Forester as provided in SecTion 5 hereof, and the
<br /> prevenTion of said diseases and perform the duTies in- Reasonable inquiry by the Forester or the iree in- owner shall remove such diseased trees or wood or both
<br /> cident to such a program as adopTed by the Council. specTOr(s) shal I be sufficienT To meet This requirement, as the case may be, within one (1) week afTer receipt or
<br /> Secfion 3. Nuisances Declared. The following are and telephone inquiry of the office of the Ramsey mailing of such notice, whichever is final under such
<br /> hereby declareq public nuisances whenever and CounTy DeparTment of Property TaxaTion shall be provision.
<br /> wherever ihey may be found within the CiTy of Arden deemed reasonable inquiry for the purpose of ascer- Section 9. Spraying or Treatment of Shade Trees.
<br /> Hills: taining such addresses. If the subiect premises are Whenever the ForesTer determines ihat any shade Tree
<br /> (a) Any living or standing elm iree or part ihereof unoccupied, Then mailing to the address of the owner as or shade iree wood within the City of Arden Hills is
<br /> infected to any degree with the Dutch elm disease shown by the records of the Ramsey County Depart- infecfed with shade iree disease, he may spray or ireaT
<br /> fungus Ceratocystis Ulmi (Buisman) Moreau or which ment of ProperTy TaxaTion shall be deemed sufficient. all nearby high value shade irees or wood by such
<br /> harbors any of the elm bark beetles Scolytus (b) Removal of Diseasetl Shade Trees. An owner of chemical or mechanical means as will be effective to
<br /> MultisTriaTUS (Marsham) or Hylurgopinus Rufipes real estate in the City of Arden Hills who is notified of prevenT as fully as possible the spread of shade tree
<br /> (Eichhoff) the exisTence on his property ot shade irees or wood disease ihereto. The Forester may also cause the
<br /> (b) Any dead elm tree or part ihereof, including legs, iherefrom, or both as the case may be, harboring shade diseased shade Trees or wood to be sprayed or TreaTed by
<br /> branches, stumps, firewood or oTher elm material from free disease shal I within the Time specified in said chemical or mechanical means so as likewise to conirol
<br /> which the bark has not been removed and burned or writTen noTice cut down each said diseased iree, remove the possiblespread of shade iree disease To neighboring,
<br /> sprayed with an effective elm bark beeTle insecticide; all paris, branches and brush Therefrom, and fransport high value shade irees. Such procedure shall be carried
<br /> and all said parts, branches and brush from said diseased out in accordance with currenT Technical and expert
<br /> (c) Any Tree, exclusive of bur or white oak trees, with irees and any such diseased wood from such premises To opinions and plans of the Minnesota Department of
<br /> any manifestation of oak wilT disease. auThorized disposal or chipping sites; provided, AgriculTure and under the supervision of such DeparT-
<br /> IT shall be unlawful for any person To permit any however, Thatwith respectto the iransportation of wood ment whenever possible. 7he cosTs of such spraying or
<br /> public nuisance, as herein defined, to remain on any from diseased elms, it shall be unlawful for any person treatment shall be borne by the CiTy.
<br /> premises owned or controlled by him wiThin the City of To TransporT within the City of Arden Hills any bark- The Forester shall notify, in the manner provided in
<br /> Arden Hills. Such nuisances may be abated in the bearing elm wood wiThout having firsT obtained a SecTion 5 hereof, each owner of real estate wiThin the
<br /> manner prescribed by ihis Ordinance. permi} from the Forester who shall grant such permiTs Cify of the date after which shade trees on his properTy
<br /> SecTion 4. Inspection by Certified Tree Inspector. As only when the purposes of This Ordinance will be served shall be sprayed or ireated, which daTe shall noT be less
<br /> soon as possible after the passage of ihis Ordinance, the ihereby. than five (5) days from the date of mailing such noTice.
<br /> Forester shall engage one or more persons, each of The owner shall in addition to cutting down and Section 10. Interference Prohibifed. IT shall be
<br /> whom shall have been issued a certificaTe from the removing diseased shade Trees or removing diseased unlawful for any person to prevenT, tlelay or inTerfere
<br /> Minnesota Department of AgriculTure pursuant to wood fherefrom, or boTh as the case may be, poison the wiTh the ForesTer or his tree inspector(s) or agenTs
<br /> M.S.A. SecTion 18.023, Subd. 5, as amended, certifying stumps of }rees diseased with oak wilT and shall debark while They are engaged in the performance of duTies
<br /> that he is a qualified iree inspector, for the purposes of To the ground line the stumps of irees diseased with imposed by ihis Ordinance.
<br /> inspecting any publ ic or private properties, upon prior DuTCh elm disease in such manner as may be approved Section 11. Penalties. Any person, firm or corporation
<br /> notification, to detect shade irees harboring shade tree by the Forester. violating the provisions of This Ordinance shall be guilty
<br /> diseases, which inspector(s) shall act as the duly- Section 6. Abatement by City. Following the in- of a misdemeanor and, upon conviciion thereof, shall be
<br /> authorized agent(s) of the Forester. Nothing herein spections or emergency investigations provided for in punished by a fine of not more Than $300.00 or im-
<br /> shall preclude ihe Forester himself from being certified Sedion 4 hereof, and upon the Council's receipt and prisonment for not more Than nineTy (90) days, or boTh.
<br /> by the MinnesoTa DeparimenT of Agriculture as a approval of the report of the Forester of his fintlings as a Each day following the daTe on which said person, firm
<br /> qual ified iree inspector and acting as such on behalf of result of said inspections or investigations, the Council or corporation was to have removed any diseased shade
<br /> the City. shall be resolution order the nuisances abaTed, but such iree or wood iherefrom, as specified in written notice
<br /> The Tree inspector(s) shall inspecT all premises and abatemenis shall be posTponed until the time specified ihereto given pursuant to the provisions of ihis Or.
<br /> places, both publ ic and private, wiThin the CiTy of Arden for each property owner to abate such nuisances in dinance, said person, firm or corporation has al lowed
<br /> Hills as ofTen as is pracTicable and aT IeasT Twice each notices Thereto, as provided in the previous SecTion the same To remain on his property, or has allowed the
<br /> year - before June 1 of each year and on or shorTly hereof, has expired without the owner having abaTed paris or brush iherefrom To remain on his properTy,
<br /> afTer August 1 of the same year - To detect and mark such nuisances as provided in such noTice. In the event shall consTitute a separate violation hereunder.
<br /> the location of all shade Trees infecTed with shade Tree the owner fails or refuses to abate the nuisances as so Section 12. Severability. If any section, paragraph,
<br /> diseases and report the resulis ot such inspeciions to the required, ihen the ForesTer shal I abate the nuisances by clause or provision of This Ordinance shall be declared
<br /> Forester immediaTely after each such inspection has cutting down diseased shade trees and removing all by a Court of compefent iurisdiciion to be invalid, such
<br /> been conducted. The ForesTer, or such iree in- paris, branches and brush ihereof, TogeTher with any decisionshallnotaffectThevalidityofihisOrdinanceas
<br /> spector(s), may send appropriaTe specimens or sam- diseased wood of any diseased shade irees located on a whole or any oTher part ihereof.
<br /> ples To the MinnesoTa DeparTmenT of Agriculture for the premises, from the premises to authorized disposal Section 13. Repeal of Ord. No. 102. Ordinance No. 102,
<br /> analysis, or take such other steps for diagnosis as may or chipping siTes. The cost of the City's abaTing such enTitled "An Ordinance Providing a Program for the
<br /> be recommended by the DeparTment. In any evenT, the nuisances in the aforesaid manner shall be billed to the PrevenTion of Oak Wilt Disease in the Village of Arden
<br /> Forester shall, upon receipt of the resulis of such in- owner or occupanT of premises upon which the Hills and Providing Penalties for Violation Thereof,"
<br /> specTions, report them to the Council at its next nuisances exisfed and were abated. passed by the Council on the 14th day of August, 1967, is
<br /> following meeting. Section 7. Assessment for Nuisance AbatemenT. If the here6y repealed in its entirety.
<br /> I n addition To the foregoing inspections, it shall be the owner, or occupant, shall fail to pay the bill, as provided Section 14. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take
<br /> duty of the Tree inspector(s) to invesTigate all reporTed for in the previous SecTion hereof, within ihirty (30) effect and be in force from and after its passage and
<br /> incidenTS of infestation by Dutch elm fungus Or elm bark days of the daTe Thereof, the Council may ihen assess the publication.
<br /> beetles or any other manifestations of shade tree amounT due, plus interest, againsT the properTy as a Passed by the Council of the City of Arden Hills This
<br /> diseases. special assessmenT under ChapTer 429 of Minnesota 31st day of March, 1975.
<br /> The Forester and the iree inspector(s) shall have the Statutes, installmenTS ot which assessmenT shal I in no Henry J. Crepeau, Jr.,
<br /> righT To enTer upon al I private premises wiThin the City eveni be payable over a period exceeding five (5) years Mayor
<br /> of Arden Hills, exclusive of houses used as private from the date the same have been levied. On or before ATtesT: CharlolTe McNiesh,
<br /> residences, aT any reasonable Time for the purpose ot October 1 of each year, the Clerk-Adminisirator of the Clerk-AdminisiraTor
<br /> carrying out the duTies assigned To Them under ihis CiTy shall list the total unpaid charges for each such (BUIIeTin: Apr. 10, 1975)
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