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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION <br /> <br /> <br /> ~1'uic A{ C~irines02tt ~ <br /> Connty of Ramsey <br /> STATEOf MINNESOTA . <br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY X. Theo&rs I•i 111 e <br /> CITYOFARDENHILLS . . ....beingdulyswom,onoa?hseys <br /> OIi01kANCEN0.201 Aeaie'tianC PublLher <br /> AN ORIlINANCE AMfNDINfi ORDINANCE N0. fl, heisanddur'mna!l theiimeshereinstatedhasheenlhe <br /> THE TOR1NG ORDINANCE, BY RETONING CER- <br /> TAIN PROPERTY SITUATEO WESTEALY RND .__publisherandprinlerMlhenewspaperkncwn asNewBri9hfooBullelin, <br /> SOUTNE0.LY OF STATE 1AUNK MIGNWAY N0. Sl anA has tul! knowled9e ol the lacfs nereln statetl as followsIU Said newspaper is pnnted In the <br /> ANDlNTERSTATEMIGNWAYN0.191,NORTMENIY Engllsrt language in newspaper lormal and in column an0 sheet form equivaftnl ln prinfed sDa[e fa at <br /> pF THE SOG LINE RAILROAD COMPANY RI6NT- 'least 900 square inches. Said newsRaper Is a weekly snd is distributtd at least onca eacn week. <br /> OFWAY, AND NORTMERIY AND EASTERiY Of newspaper serveiand does ot whoilys0upllcaie anynol~heropuWi¢atiooea dt Is not maCe <br /> STAiE TRUNK NI4HWAY N0. 14 u0 emtrely of pafenfs, plare matter and advertfsemmis. IIl Saltl newspaper is dralated in anG near <br /> The Uty CWncii M Artlen Hiils Drdains: the municipalBy which it purpor}s to serve, has at leas} 500 coDies reqWarly delivered fo paylnp <br /> SMien i. Ra[or.inq ol PropufY. Pursuant ro mP subscrtbers, hns an average of at least 75 percent ol its total circuletion arrenflv nalG or rw more than <br /> provisions M Ordlnrnct Na.9V, a5 ammded, the Zonirq Inree monMS in arrears and has eniry as serond dass malter in ils laal posl-oitice. (5) Said newspaper <br /> Ordinanc?, a prtlceedin9 to rezone the properly lepaily purports io serve the Villaye of New Brighton In the County M Ramsey ena it has Rs known rs}Ilce <br /> descr;Ded below was iniliafMl QY Appllcafion illevf wiM of !ssue ln the Village of New BrigMbn in seiE canty, esRblished and opm during its repular <br /> !he CIerF.Adroinistrafor. A puClit hNriry Po revlew businas hours lor the yathering of oews, sa!e ol adverfisements ana sale M subscnpnons ana mam- <br /> said ADOliCbtim was held by the Planning Cammiulat tained Oy the pu6lisher of sald newspaper or persons in his employ and suGiect lo his d;redion end <br /> on TuesEay, Fearuery 7, 1918, UpDn Iherecom - control uuring ail mch regolar businea5 hour5 at whlch saitl newspaper is printed Ib; Seid news- <br /> mmdatitav of the Plennitq Commislian, Ordlnance No. PaDer liles a cepy ot each issue Immediately wifh the Sfate Historiral 5ociety. i71 Seid newspaper has <br /> 9pandfheTaninp0i5CiictAMpf~FArtlenHills,whiChlSa mmplied with ell the Mreqolnq conditlons for al least hva years preceding the day v dales of DuDlicatlon mentionea belovr. tBl Saltl newspaDer Aas IiIM with ihe kcrefary of Stale ol Minnesota prla <br /> paif JI said Ord'inance Na. 99, 8e hefeby amended (0 ta January 1, 1466, and each January 1 IhereaNer an atfiEavif ln the form prescrihEd hy the Secrefary <br /> rMlecf ihaf the iallawirg deuribed tred of lan0 is of State and signed by the publisher and sworn lo belore a notary public stating fhaf the nersOapeJ is <br /> herebY retoned irom "R-1" to "i B~" a legal nexspaperTtwse parh of Sedions 21. T2,17 and 71, Townshf? 70, Ordumos no. ~ <br /> . _ _ <br /> Range 17, lyiny Wesletly anA Sautheely d the WestalY Helurihersialesonoa!" tnat Me printed . <br /> antl Soutnel'IY dS1~t-OfWeY Ihles M State Trunk NI{h- <br /> wayNo.5lendlnlerslafeNiQhwaYNO.691lyiigNa. hereMatleche0esapeilherealwasculframthecalumns <br /> Iherly o1 the Ncrtherly right-of_way line d the SoG Line . 01 saiA newspaper, an9 was pr;rited anA published fhereln in the Englisn lanquaqe, once eath wee , Poi <br /> Rnilroad f.ompen.v and lyirg Noriherly end EaslerlV a 0rA 1 <br /> the Nor~i,arly and 5asferly eipBt.M,xay G~es W Sta£e , , , . . successive eeks; thai il wasfirsf sp~~~shedonThursdaylhe - frank Highwey NG. 10, excEpt inB ku,. 4 ~the . Souiheast,< N theiouPoeasl1iMSectlon2l, ,'mnshiD dayol 0119 <br /> 30, . , . . . dwasihrreafleiprinteaantlpuCNo.R~7~accordr9E to t tYa ttiUSas Gaverma.nt HSurve . ..__..y M <br /> Y Iishetlonevery TBurstlayloondinduding,'hurstlayl~~e Aa , _ <br /> . . <br /> th4reW. _ <br /> On the neai reprlntinp of said OfAinance Ne. 99, and- 19 and ihat ihe'fiIlowing Is a prlnted copY of the lower cale alphabet <br /> os the Zoair!9 Cis'r`crlAaP'ndudEd!hel'ein, the tOni!g frum A to Z, both inclus:ve, and is hereby atknowletlqCd as Aelnq the siye and kind of 'ype used in <br /> Aarn-nistralor is herebv diaciM So haxa the Loninp inrcomposltionandprbllr,xFlonof saidnotice,±owii: <br /> Dish t Map reffeci the r'eionin9 of the afpre0escribed A <br /> 4ratt f fantl. =aGtdelphijklmrroPQrstuvw::yi <br /> Sfd+on E- EtkN'ive 6ate. Thls OTtlinarce shali Be / / • eligodefgl <br /> affechie Irn,, aoa afler 8s cas:.a9t and publi[ation. . ~ ~ ^ <br /> Fassa',f bYth¢CcwnCiIth15t31hdrYof MA"ch,1918, <br /> M±!NYJ.Crepnu, lr: . . ~ . <br /> AUyor ry~} <br /> Su[s-xtenASworn!o6efofemefh:5 dayot ~ 19.1 <br /> AlTESTCharsotte McNiesh <br /> Cleric4dministntar <br /> <br /> Notarrnubuc_ _ . EJ1TRiCE-S. EN N.7 cocntY.Minnesote <br /> "Votary Fublic, RamseV Cojr,'.y~ Pfino. w.. <br /> Mycommi5s~~~X~k~~, Commis7ioa Expi~esSept. ; 1978 <br />