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<br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA lowing the date of issuance unleas soon-
<br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY er revaked or forfeited. Notwithstand-
<br /> VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS ing the foregoing, the license for the
<br /> ~ ORDINANCE NO. 94 balance of 1966 after the effective date
<br /> AN ORDINANCE LICENSING THE hereof shall be $6.00, but license fees
<br /> PURSUIT OF CERTAIN TRADES IN ahall not be grorated in the future.
<br /> THF7 VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS, IN- In the event the Administrative G9erk
<br /> CLUDING HEATING, GAS INSTALLA- deema the apAlication proper the ]i-
<br /> TION, INSTALLATION OF HEATING cense shall be issued by the Administra- ~
<br /> SYSTEMS, WELL DRILLING, AND IN- tive Clerk. In the event the Administra-
<br /> STALLATION OF RESIDFNTIAL tive Clerk denie5 an application, the
<br /> SEWERS; PROVIDING LICENSE FE'ES applicant may appeal such denis] to the °
<br /> THERF,F'OR AND PENALTIES FOR Village Council for fina] decision there-
<br /> VIOLATION. on.
<br /> The Village Council of Arden Hills SECTION 5. RE'VOCATION OF LI-
<br /> does hereby ordain as fo]]ows: CENSES. The Council of Arden Hills
<br /> SECTION 1. PURPOSE. The Council shall have the power to suspend or re- -
<br /> of Ar@en Hills deems that it is in the voke any license granted thereunder if public interest and fox the public wel- work performed bs the licensee or un- fare to license the practice of certain der the license of a]ieensee is found .
<br /> building trades in the Village of Arden to be improper, defective, or so unsafe Hills to the extent that such trades are a.s to jeopardize life or proFerty. The
<br /> not licensed by the State of Minnesota. Council shall give 20 days notice to the
<br /> SECTION 2. PRACTICE WITHOUT licensee of intent to suspend or revoke
<br /> LICENSE PROHIBITED. No person, the license, and shall give the licensee firm or corporation shall engage in the an oppoxtunity to be heard before such .
<br /> Village of Arden Hilla in the business revocation or cancellation. All natices
<br /> of doing or performing any of the var- hereunder shall be sent to the address -
<br /> fous types of work hereinafter listed of the licensee as shown by the Village .
<br /> without first obtaining from the Village records, and the license may be auspend-
<br /> of Arden Hills a]icense therefor as ed or revoked 5@ays after the date of hereinafter provided. Such prohibited the hearing ~provided. At the discretion - . '
<br /> types of work are as follaws, to-wit: of the Council a license may be suapend- (a) The installation, alteration or re- ed until defective or unsafe work is
<br /> pair oP any heating system, gas adequately repaired, or the license may
<br /> appliance, gas piping, refrigera- be revoked outright by the Council. Li- , tion or air conditioning equip- cense fees shall not be refunded on -
<br /> ment, low or high greasure auspension or revocation for cause as
<br /> steam systems, or any pres- provided herein.. sure vessel eonnected to said 9ECTION 6. LICESd3ES NOT RE-
<br /> systems or equipment. QUIRED FOR WORH PERFORMED BY
<br /> (b) The installation, alteration or re- HOMEOWNERS.
<br /> pairof any gas heating or re- Licenses provided hereunder shall not frigeration system ar appliances be required where the subject wark is .
<br /> or devices operated in connection to be performed on a.private residence
<br /> .
<br /> therewith. by the resident or the homeowner.
<br /> ' (c) The installation or repair of any SECTION 7. BOND REQUIRED. No
<br /> residential sewer. For the purposes license granted hereunder shal] become
<br /> of this grovision a"residential effective until the licensee ahall have .
<br /> sewer" is deemed ta be a sewer filed with the Administrative Clerk a
<br /> loeated upon private property and surety bond in the penal aum of $5,000.00, connected to s building designed naming the Village of Arden Hills as , . or used for the purpase of human obligee thereon, and canditioned that
<br /> habitation. the Village of Arden Hills shall be sav- . ,
<br /> (d) The installation, alteration or rr ed harmless and indemnified against any -
<br /> pair of wells. ]oss or damage by reason of improper or
<br /> SECTION 3, E%CEPTION WHE'RE inadequate work performed by the li-
<br /> WORK PERFORMED UNDER LICENSE censee. In lieu of said bond the licensee
<br /> FROM THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. may file with the Administrative Clerk
<br /> Notwithstanding the foregoing, no a memorandum of public liability and license shall be required hereunder property damage inaurance in the . . where the work listed in the preceding amownt of at least $25,000.00 far each paragraph is to be performed and is injury, $100,000.00 for all injuries, and
<br /> within the scope or competence of a $25,000.00 property damage coverage for plumber, electrician, or steamfitter dwly accidents resulting from work perform- .
<br /> and currently licensed by the State of ed by the licensee in the Village of
<br /> Minnesota, or by another tradesman Arden Hills. Said policies shall contain
<br /> duly licensed therefor by the State of a provision that they will not be can- Minnesota. celled during the term of the license
<br /> 3ECTION 4. APPLICATION, INVES- without 10 days prior written nokice to
<br /> TICATION, AND LICENSE FEE. the Village of Arden Hills. Cancellation
<br /> Applications for licenses hereundQr of such insurance shall be sufficient
<br /> shall be submitted to the Administratide cause for revocation of a license grant-
<br /> Clerk on forma provided by the Clerk. ed hereunder, unless the licensee sup-
<br /> Such forms shall require infarmation plies other adequate insuranc as pro- -
<br /> from the applicant as to the education, vided hereinbefore the expiration of
<br /> special training, and experience of the such notice.
<br /> applicant in the performanee of the SECTION 8. PENALTY. Any person,
<br /> - work for which a license is requested. At firm or corporation who shall vialate -
<br /> the discretion of the Administrative any of the proviaions of this Ordinance
<br /> Clerk any application may be referred shall be puniahed by a fine of not more
<br /> to the Building Inspector or other ap- than $100.00 or by inprisonment for not
<br /> . prapriste inspector for investigation and more than 90 days.
<br /> report ag to the apparent qualificatian5 SECTION 9. EFFECTIVE DATE. This
<br /> of the applicant. All applicants must Ordinance shall be in force and effect
<br /> ~ agree tc Perform all licensed work in from and after its Passage and publica-
<br /> accordance with the ]aws of the State tion.
<br /> of Minneaota, village ordinances and the Dated at Arden Hills, M4nnesata thia !
<br /> Building Code of Arden Hills. 27th day of June, 1966.
<br /> , Each applicsnt shall submit with his Robert E. Nethercut, Mayor application $12.00, which is set as the Attest:
<br /> annwal license fee. All licenaes shal] ex- Lorraine E. Stromquist ~
<br /> pire on the 31st day of December fol- Administrative Clerk
<br /> ~
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