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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA (5) In the event that pmperty i: <br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY connected to the sanitary sewe(t <br /> VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS system for the dispoeal of in- <br /> ORDINANGE NO. 114 dustrial sewage wastes, or othcr <br /> AN ORDINANCE REPEALING OR- sewage wastes which, by virtue <br /> DINANCES NOS. 53 AND 89 AND of their strength and volume, <br /> AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 49, ALL are subiect to suFPlementary <br /> Rr.LATiNG TO THE MUNICIPAL eharges by the City of St. Paal <br /> S+NITARY SEWER SYSTEM, BY or the Village of Roseville, the <br /> CHANGING THE RATES AND CHARG- Village may impose a supple- <br /> ES PRESCRIBED FOR SEWAGE D1S- mental charge, over and alwve <br /> POSAL, AND PROVIDING FOR PEN- any charges as determined un- <br /> ALTIGS AND COLLECTION PROC- der the preceding paragraphs, <br /> EDURE. based generally upon and at <br /> The `illage Council 02 the Village of ]east equal to the amount of the <br /> Arden Hills does hereby ordain as fol- aforesaid St. Paul and Roseville <br /> lows : supplemenhal charges. <br /> Section 1. Repesl of Ordinances Nos. (6) All owners and occupante of <br /> 53 and 89. buildings that are not connected <br /> Orainances No. 53 and 89 are hereby to the municipal water syetem. <br /> ~ repealed. and are to be charged in part on <br /> Seetion 2. Amendment of Ordinance a volumetric basis under this <br /> No. 49 By Adding A New 3ect:qn lY, ordinance shall install a meter <br /> Rales an 3 Charges. on their water supply by May i, <br /> Ordinance No. 49, rzlating to the aper- 1969, which meter will accurate- <br /> ation of t};e Munie9pal Sanita.ry Sewer ly measure water cansumption. <br /> System, is hereby amended by add0ng The meter shall be of a type <br /> thereto a s,ction to be known as SEC- approved by the Arden Hills <br /> TION 11, RATES AND CHARGES, to Supervisar of Publlic Warks, <br /> rc»d as fo'iows: shali be ma.intained in goad <br /> Section 11. Rates and Chargea. operating conditian without ex- <br /> The follo-ving schedule of rates and Pense to the Village, and access <br /> charnes shall apply 6o all Broperty in thereto shall be givcn to em- <br /> 9rden IIills conta.ining buildings now ployees of the Village at all <br /> or hereinafter canrnzlcted to and usin.g the reasonable times far 4he pur- <br /> 4 rden Hi'.ls Municipal Sanitary Sewer pose of testing or making read- <br /> gYstem : ings. <br /> (A) (1) A charg-,2 of $7.80 every three If the Supervisor of Public <br /> months shall be imposed for sin- Works determines that a portion <br /> gle family res'demtial dWellings. of the water measured by the <br /> (2) The charge far duplexes ar two- water meter does not and can- <br /> family dwellings shall be $15.60 not enter the municipal aanitary <br /> every t'-ree rtuonths. sewer system, then the Village <br /> (3) The Cauncil has determined that may pernvt ar require the in- <br /> until watc,r usame can be accur- stallation af other additionixl <br /> ately established in Arden Hills meter in such a manner that <br /> a mixed valuaticn - volumekric the ryuantity of water which ac- <br /> basis is the best metho3 f%rr tually cauld enter the sewer sys- <br /> computing sewage eha?-ges for tem way be determinerl. <br /> the balance of buill;ngs in E'.r- The owner or occupant in <br /> den Hills connected to or utiliz- charge of any premises sha1F <br /> ing the Arden Hills sanitary supply the Village, upon re- <br /> sewer system. Acco-rdingly, the 9uest, with such information as <br /> sewer mte~s fox all propertiew in the Village may reasonably re- <br /> Arden Hills connected to or quire related to the use of a <br /> utilizing the sanitary sewer private water system. <br /> system and nat included within (B) Statements for total sewer charges <br /> Paragraphs (1) and (2) hcreof fcr the preceding quarterly periad <br /> shall be the total of the fallow- shall be mailed to each customer on <br /> ing charges: or before the bth days of Janwary, <br /> (a) .00042 of the market value April, July, and Octaber of each <br /> of the subject pi^operty as deter- year. The balances ahown due there- <br /> mined by the Ramsey Caunty on shall be due and papable at the <br /> Assessor far taxation purpoees. office of the Clerk-Administratar on <br /> In the eveat the subject praper- or before the last day of said <br /> ty does nat have a current mar- month. Prepaymemts or overpay- <br /> ket value established by the ments of charges may be retained <br /> . Ramsey County Assassar, wheth- by the Village and applied on sub- <br /> er because the bu-ildinga on the sequent quarterly sCatements. The <br /> propertv newly-constructed C]erk-Administratar, by direetian of <br /> or substantisl new additians the Council, may designate another <br /> bave beea made thereto, the office to mail notices and reoeive <br /> C.'r-ir!k-Admindstra6ar of rLrden Frayments herean. <br /> Hills shal] set an estimated In the event that any statement <br /> market value thereon after con- is not paid when due as provided <br /> sulting with the office of the herein, a penalty charge of $1.00 <br /> Ramsey County Assessor, which shall be added th,ereko. In the event <br /> value shall be the basis far that it becamea necessary to certi- <br /> charges under this ordinance fy any delinquent accounts to the <br /> until the Ramsey Coanty Asses- Ramsey County Auditor as herein- <br /> sor sets an afficial market value, after set forth, interest at the rate <br /> The charges to the subject proP- of 8 percent per annum upon the <br /> erty shall then be adjustFld to principal amount due, excluding any <br /> eonform with the basis set by penalties, shall be charged from <br /> the Ramsey County Assessar, the due date thereon, which is the <br /> e'ther by crediting the account last day of the month in which the <br /> or by making an additional bild is rendered. <br /> charee th-,reon. (G) Any amounts payable hereunder, in- <br /> (b) To the aforesaid valuation clvding penalties and interest as <br /> ,har~_,e shal] be added a vodr._ provided herein., may be collected in <br /> metric charge of $.&0 per one an action braught for that purpoae <br /> thousand gallons of water used in the name of the; or the <br /> on the subject premises. This Village Cleirk-Admiruistratar, upan <br /> volumetric charge shall be bascd direetion thereon by the Council, <br /> upon the amaunt of water used may certify to the County Auditor <br /> on thz subieet premises during the amounts due, together with the <br /> the last three month quarterly legal description of the premises <br /> period including the month of served, and the Coumty Auditor shall <br /> January, if that information is thereupon include such amount in <br /> available. If that information is the tax levy on said premises, and <br /> not available for the suUject collect the same with the taxes due <br /> praperty the billing shall be for the next ensuing year. <br /> based upon the water actually (D) The charges d.ue as Frovided herein <br /> used by the subject premises shall be effective and commsnce <br /> durinR the quarter for whic'h upon the firsk day of January, 1969, <br /> the charge is established. If a to be billed April 1, 1969. <br /> full quarter of water usage is 3ection 3. Effective Date. <br /> not available for the subject This Ordinance shall be effective firoai <br /> property, the charge far the and after its passage and publication, <br /> last avail:able month shall be but awb]ect to the effeetive dates herein- <br /> extended to establish a basic befare sPecified. <br /> charge. Adapted by the Council of Arden Hills <br /> (4) It is anticipart,ed that this ardin- this lOth day of March, 1969. <br /> ance will be revised in 1970 to R. W. Bjorndahl, Mayor <br /> base charges other than those Atteat: Lorraine E. Stromqnist, <br /> contained in paragraphs (1) and C]erk-Administra~tar <br /> (2) heTeof on volumetric water (Bulletin: March 20, 1969) <br /> ~ usage alane. In the event that <br /> water rates determined by the <br /> formula set farth herein are <br /> substantially inequitable as com- pared to the chargea esta,blished <br /> in the revised ordinance based <br /> entirelq on watzr usage, then <br /> . the Council may, in its saund <br /> - discretion, retroactSvely adjust <br /> the rates for the period aovered <br /> by this ordinance and charge oz <br /> credit the subject aceaunts ac- <br /> cordingly. <br />