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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> STATE OF RIINNESOTA (5) In the eveavt that property ie <br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY connected to the sanitary sewen <br /> VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS system far the diaposal of in- <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 114 dustrial sewagie wastes, or other <br /> AN OHDINANCE REPEALING OR- sewage wastes whiGh, by virtue <br /> DINANCES NOS. 53 AND 89 AND of their etrength and volume, <br /> AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 49, ALL are subject to supplemerntary <br /> RELATING TO THE MUNICIPAL charges by the City of St, Pau] <br /> 8'.NITARY SEWER SYSTEM, BY or the Village of Roseville, the <br /> CHANGING THE RATES AND CHARG- Village may impose a supple- <br /> ES PRESCAIBED FOR SEWAGE DIS- mental charge, over and above <br /> POSAL, AND PYtOVIDING FOR PEN- any charges as determ,ined un- <br /> ALTIES AND COLLECTION PROC- der the preceding paragraphe, <br /> EDURE. based generally upan and at <br /> The `illage Council of the Village of ]east e9ua1 to the amount of the <br /> Arden Hills does hereby ordain as fol- afaresaid St. Paul and Roseville <br /> lowe : suppletnen2al charges. <br /> Section l. Repeal of Ordinancea Noa. (6) All owners and occupanFs of <br /> 53 and 89. buildings that are not wnnecEed <br /> Orcinances No. 53 and 89 are hereby Co the municipal water syekem, <br /> repealed. and are to be chargcd in part on <br /> Sectfion 2. Amendment of Ordinance a voluthetric basis under this <br /> ~ No. 49 By Adding A New Secti.;n lY, ordinance shall install a meter <br /> Rates ani Charges. on their water supply by May 1, <br /> Ordinance No. 49, relating to the aFer- 1969, which meter will aecurate- <br /> ation of t'.-.e Muniaipal Sanitary Sewer ly measure water consumption. <br /> System, is hereby amended by adcL'ng The meter shall be of a type <br /> thereto a s-ction to be known as SEC- approved by the Arden Hills . <br /> TION 11, RATES AND CHARGES, to Supervisar of PubUic Womks, <br /> r:ad as fo'lcws ! shall be maintained in gaod <br /> Se=tian 11. Rates and Charges. operating condition without ex- <br /> The following sr,hedule of rate; and pense to the Village, and aecess <br /> charges shal] apply tro aA proFerty in thereto shall be given to em- <br /> Arden Hills containing build;ngs now ployees of the Village at all <br /> or tereinafter coanected to and using the reasanable times far the Pur- <br /> hrden Hi7s Municipal Sani!ary Sewer pose of testing or making read- <br /> Syster>i : ings. <br /> (A) (1) A charg- af $7.80 every three If the Supervisor of Public <br /> manths sha11 be imposed for sin- Works determines that a portion <br /> gle family rea:dential dwellinga, of the water measured by the <br /> (2) 'fhe eharge far duplexes oT two- water meter does npt and can- <br /> family dwellings shall be $16.60 nat enter the municipal sanitary <br /> evory t`,ree manths. sewer syatcm, then the Village <br /> (3) The Council has determined that may permit ar require the in- <br /> un±il watr:r usa%e ean be accur- stallation of other additional <br /> ately established in Ardea Hi113 meters in such a manner that <br /> a mixed valuation - volumekrie the quantity of water which ac- <br /> basis i3 the best method f(lr tva]]y could enter the sewer sys- <br /> computing sewane charges for tem way be determined.. <br /> th- balance of buildinga in ~.r_ The awnar or occup~ant in <br /> dAn Aills conneatcd to or uEbiz_ charge of any pTemises shall <br /> ing the Arden Hills .a.nits.ry supply the Village, upon re- <br /> sewcr system. Accoa•dingly, the quest, with such informatian as <br /> sewer rates far all propertiea~ in the Villaze may reasonably re- <br /> Arden Hills connected to or quire relatEd to the use of a <br /> u*ilizing the sanitary sewer private water system. <br /> syst^m and nok included wi-,hin (B) Statements for total sewer charges <br /> Paragraphs (1) and (2) hereof far the preceding quarterly period <br /> shall be the botal of the fallow- shall be mailed to each customer on <br /> ing charges: or before the 5th c}ays of January, <br /> (a) .00642 of the market calue April, July, and Octaber of each <br /> of the subjeet Fro~perty as deter- year. The balances ahawn due there- <br /> mined by the Ramsey County on shall be due and payable at the <br /> Assessor for taxation Purpases. office of the Glerk-Administrator on <br /> In the event the subje3t praper- or before the last day of said <br /> ty dces not have a current mar- month. Prepayments or overpay- <br /> ket value established by the ments of charges may be retained <br /> Ramgey County Assessar, wheth- by the Village and applied on sub- <br /> er because the build~in-gs on the sequent quarterly statements. The <br /> prapertv are newly-constructed Clerk-Administrator, by direction of <br /> or substantia] new additians the Council, may designate another <br /> have been inade thereto, thn office to mail notices and reoeive <br /> Ch<ir!k-Admirui'stra~Gar of A,rden payments hereun. <br /> Hills shall set an estimated In the event that any statement <br /> market value thereon after con- is not paid when due as provided sulting with the office of the herein, a penalty chargz of $1.00 <br /> Ramsey Qounty Asscssor, which shall be added thereto. In the event <br /> value shall be the basis fo.r that it becomea necessary to certi- <br /> charges under this orcinance fy any delinquent acc4unts to the <br /> until the Rarusey County Asses- Ramsey County Audito~r as herein- <br /> sor seks an Gfficial market valuc, after set farth, interest at the rate <br /> Tre charges to the subject prop- of 8 percent per annum upon the <br /> erty shall then be adjustcd to principal amount due, exeluding any <br /> ronform with the basis set by penalties, shall be charged frnm <br /> the Ramsey County Assessar, the diae date thereon, which is the <br /> e'ther by cred;ting the accaunt last day of the month in which the <br /> or by makinQ an additional bill is rendered. <br /> charee th'~reon. (C) Any amounts payable hereunder, in- <br /> (b) To the aforesai:] valuation cluding penalties and interest as <br /> (har^e shall be adde3 a vo1„- provided herein, may be callected in <br /> metrie charge of $.&0 per one an action ktraught far that puipOBe <br /> 6housand gallons of water nsed in the name of the Village; or the <br /> on the subject premises. This Village Cle,rk-Admiruistratom, upan <br /> volumetri2 charge shall be bas-d dire,ction therebn by the Council, <br /> upon the amount of water used may certify to the County Auditor <br /> on th'~ subjeet premises during the amounts due, together with the <br /> the ]-ist three manth quarterly legal description of the premisea <br /> period including the month of served, and the Caunty Auditor shall <br /> January, if that information i_= t'-ereupon include such amount in <br /> ava;lable. If that information is the tax levy an said premises, and <br /> not available for the subject collect the sam.e with the taxes due <br /> r•ro-perty the b:lling shall be far the next ensuing year. <br /> ~ based upon the water actually (D) The charges due as provided herein <br /> used by the subject premises shall be effective and cammence <br /> dcring the quarter far which upon the first day of January, 1969, <br /> the charge is es2ablished. If a to be billed Apnil 1, 1969. <br /> full quarter af water usage is Section 3. Effective Datt. <br /> no5 availabde for the subject This Ordinance shal] be effecbive from <br /> property, the charge for th,e and after its passage and publication, <br /> last available month shall be but swbject to the effective dates herein- <br /> extended to establish a basic before specified. <br /> charge. Adapted by the Gouncil of Arden Hills <br /> (4) It is antic,ipated that this ardin- this lOba d~ay of March, 1969. <br /> ance will be revised in 1970 to R. W. Bjorndahl, Mayor <br /> base eharges other than those Attest: Lorraine E. Stramquist, <br /> contained in paragraphs (1) and Clerk-Adminiatrator <br /> (2) herzof an volumetric water (Bu?letin: March 20, 1969) <br /> usage slone. In the event that <br /> water rates determined by the <br /> formula set farth herein are <br /> substantially inequitable as com- <br /> pared to the charges established <br /> in the revised ordinance based <br /> entirely on water usage, then <br /> the Council may, in its sound <br /> discretion, retraactively adjust <br /> the rates far the Pe'riod aovered . <br /> by this ordinanee and charge ox <br /> credit the subject accounts ac- <br /> cordingly. <br />