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<br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA for towing by another vehicle and unfoiding aT the campsite To provide
<br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY temporary living quarters for recreatianal, camping or travel use.
<br /> VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS 3.2( 8) "Double Witles." - Two (or more) mobile home uonits, separately towable
<br /> Ordinance No. but designetl withouf a permanent foundafion to be joined into one integral
<br /> 147 uniT, capable of being again separated for repeaTed towing (see also Sec-
<br /> AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE LOCATION OF MOBILE HOMES tional House, and "Expantlables").
<br /> AND ESTABLISHING STANDARDS AND RULES OF OPERATION FOR 3.2( 9) "Expandables" - A mobile home coniaining a collapsible or telescoping
<br /> MOBILE HOME COURTS, AND ESTABLISHING PENALTIES FOR VIO- unif which meeTS highway towing standards when "closed;" expanded at
<br /> LATION. sife ("pulletl out like a bureau drawer to form a bay or an ell") for added
<br /> The Village Council of the Village of Arden Hills does hereby ordain as fol- living space.
<br /> lows: 3.2(10) Motor Home (Moforized Home). A vehicular strucfure builT on a seli-pro-
<br /> SECTION 1.0 SHORT TITLE - pelled motor vehicle chassis, primarily designed To provide Temporary
<br /> This Ordinance shall be known, cited and referred To as the Arden Hills Mo- ' living quarTers for recreationat, camping or travel use.
<br /> bile Home Court, Ordinance, except as referred fo herein, where it shall be known 3.2(11) Prefabricated Housing. Conventional-type housing for permanenT founda-
<br /> a Ordinance. Tions, assembled and "finished" on site, from facTOry pre-consirucTetl sep-
<br /> N 2.0 INTEN7 AND PURPOSE arate sections of walls, roofs, etc., fypically lifted from irucks inTo place
<br /> ' e intenT and purpose of this Ordinance is to assure quality developmenT with the aid of cranes. -
<br /> equal to ihaT found in oTher fypes of residential areas throughouT the Village. Ex- 3.2(12) SecTional House. A facTOry-prefinished house designed for a permanenT
<br /> cellence of design, development and maintenance of mobile homes and mobile foundation which can include a full-depth basemenT, shipped in (normally
<br /> home couris is the desired oblective. The Village Council has the auThority to vary iwo) compleTedsecTions,fastenedfogetherand"finished"atlhesiTe.
<br /> any of the requirements of This Ordinance, provided iT acis wiThin the intent of the 3.2(13) Trailer, Depentlent. A Travel irailer which is dependenT upon a service
<br /> variance provisions as esTablished in Ordinance No. 99, the Arden Hills Zoning building for foileT and IavaTOry facilities.
<br /> Ordinance, as amended. 3.2(14) Travel Trailer. A vehicular porTable sirucTure, mounted on wheels, of such
<br /> SECTION 3.0 RULES AND OEFINITIONS size or weight as not to require special highway movement permits when
<br /> 3.1 RULES . drawn by a stock passenger automobile, primarily designed and consiruct-
<br /> 3.1( 1) No person, firm or corporation shall develop, operaTe any mobile home ed fo provide temporary living quarters for recreaTional, camping or
<br /> court wifhout having obtained a special use permit, pursuant To ihis Ordi- Travel use. nance. 3.2(15) Truck Camper. A portable strucTUre, designed to be loaded onTO, or affixed
<br /> 3.1( 2) No person shall park or occupy a mobile home on any land siTuated out~ to, the bed or chassis of a Truck, consirucTed to provide Temporary living
<br /> side an approved mobile home court, subjecT to the following excepTions: quarters for recreation, camping or Travel use.
<br /> (a) Temporary mainfenance of a mobile home for business purposes on the SECTION 4.0 MOBILE HOME COURT REQUIREMENTS
<br /> business premises or adiacent property where the mobile home is used 4.1 /1 mobile home court shall contain area sufficienT To accomodaTe at least
<br /> in connection wiTh work on the premises. 150 mobile home lots, plus recreaTional areas and sTreeTS as required by ~
<br /> (W Use of the mobile home as a Temporary dwelling on premises where ihis Ordinance. Prior To occupancy of any mobile home in such court at
<br /> the occupants of the home are consiructing, reconsirucTing or altering leasT m home s an 5 mus eveiopea a quire b_ ihe
<br /> a permanent siructure. . ~rovisions of This Or inance,, mc u mg a r v i i i y ui dmgs and r
<br /> .P?her area3,_ ~
<br /> (U Permits for such excepted mobile home use may be issued by the
<br /> Building Inspector for a period not to exceed 90 days if the conditions 4.2 AIl utilifies, such as sewer, waTer, fuel, electric, telephone and television
<br /> sTated herein appear to his reasonable satisfaction, but any renewal of anTenna lead-ins, shall be buried to a depih specified by the Village En-
<br /> such a permit shall require approval of the Village Council, it being gineer, and There shall be no overhead wires. Ally.tilitv connections shall
<br /> the intent of the Council ihat extensions should be granted only in un- be a rovetl by the Villa r' c ection. Plans for the disposal W
<br /> usual and emergency situations requiring a brief extension. rfacesTOrm s beapprovedbyTheVi IageEngineer.
<br /> 3.1( 3) The following are prohibited with respect To a mobile home properly lo. 4.3 All land areas shall be atlequately drained and properly maintained free of
<br /> cated, either temporarily or permanenTly: dust, refuse, garbage, rubbish or debris. The proposed method of garbage,
<br /> removal of wheels iherefrom, consirucTion of a pe[manent foundation or waste and trash tlisposal mush be approved by the Village and must con-
<br /> enclosure fhereunder. ° form to the regulations of the StaTe PolluTion Conirol Agency. Refuse col-
<br /> lection sTands shall be provided for all refuse containers. Such stands shall
<br /> In addition, consiruction of any additions fo the mobile homes to pr0- be so designed so as To prevent containers from being Tipped, To minimize
<br /> vide exira floor space is prohibited unless the additions are provided by a spillage antl container deterioration, and to facilitate cleaning around ihem.
<br /> manufacturer and specifically designed for use with mobile homes, but The sTorage, collection and disposal of refuse in the mobile home court
<br /> subject to the ather provisions of ihis Ordinance and other applicable ordi- shall be so conducfed as To creaTe no healih hazards, rodent harborage,
<br /> ,nances wifpxvs~, ect -mettevs:-...~,r . inseci breeding areas, accitlent or fire hazards or air pplluTion.
<br /> 3.1( 4 A mobile home shll not be used as a permanent place of abode or as a~~ 4,4 All mobile home courTS shall have one or more recreational areas which
<br /> permanent dwelling unless.it is4ro,Qerly connecfed to a municipal water shall be easily accessible to all caurt residents. RecreaTional areas shall
<br /> ' supply and a municipal sanitary sewer system. AIl water and sewer sys- be so locaTed as fo be free of traffic hazards and should, where the top-
<br /> tems shall be consiructed in accordance wiTh plans and specifications ap-, ography permits, be cenirally located. The recreational ar a
<br /> proved by the Village Engin~ee~r. um of 10 percent of the land area of-The e court. All equipmenT
<br /> The-o(dinairCes of en HiRSwith respecT to requiretl Time of connecT'ions inst~in suc an area s a e owne an m~iiT3~rt2tlby the owner or
<br /> either to the municipal water system or the municipal saniTary sewer sys- operator at his own expense.
<br /> tem are superseded by This provision, it being the intent of the Council 4.5 All fer sup I s itat' faciliTies must conf m To e currenT
<br /> - ihat municipal water and saniTary sewer connections to mobile home -rec ion~of the Minneso a De ~tm nt o eal . Fire y ranis
<br /> courisshallbemadeasapartoftheiroriginalconsiruction. shall be provided as require by e Vilage ngineer, and approved by
<br /> 3.2 DEFINITIONS the Fire Chief.
<br /> 3.2( 1) Mobile Home. Any type of iransportable siructure or vehicle noT drawn by 4.6 All mobile home couris Shall have an area or areas set aside for dead
<br /> its own power with perrriane TTaCheO un e ria9e and wheels °Which sforage. The sTOrage area shall be screened.
<br /> is-de5igttUd;'f8TS3TuTl and equippecTfor use as a single family dwelling 4.7 A landscaped area with minimum depih of 50 feet shall be maintained
<br /> place, living abode, or living quarTers, suitable for occupancy tluring the around the perimeter of each mobile home courT. In addiTion ihereto, all
<br /> entire year, which canTains the same water supply, waste disposal, and mobile home couris shall be provided with five foot (51) high fences and
<br /> elecirical conveniences as immobile housing. If is the inTention of the natural growih along the property boundary lines, noT less Than 2'6" aT
<br /> Council ihaT This definition shall include "mobile homes" as defined in the time of planting.
<br /> Sec. 327.14, Subtl. 2 of Minnesota Statutes Annotated. 4.8 No mobile home loT shall have direct access to a public sireet. ach mo-
<br /> 3.2( 2) Mobile, Home Lot. A parcel of land for the placement of a single mobile bile,~ home within a mobile home courT shall abuf on and have ac-
<br /> homeforTheexclusiveuseofTheoccupantsofsaidmobilehome. cess to a privat~use i o uilt and
<br /> 3.2( 3) Mobile Home Court. Any premises on which are parked iwo or more oo rr~ain--fained .IheGGl. -TFis a'S-4Wa-liFFave a pav-'ea -sur#ace
<br /> cupied mobile homes, but ihis definiTion shall exclude sales lots on which at'feas ihirty feeT (30 ft.) in width from curb to curb and lead to and
<br /> automobiles or unoccupied mobile homes, whether new or used, are parked furnish ingress and egress from a public sireef Through conTrolled drive-
<br /> for purposes of inspection or sale. ways which shall nof be less ihan fwenty-four (24) feeT in witlih. The pri.
<br /> 3.2( 4) Mobile Home Stand. The part of an individual mobile home lot which has vate roads shall be ved wiTh a co bituminous material comply-
<br /> been reserved for placemeni of the mobile home, appurtenant sfructures, ing wiTh the specificaTions for the construcTion of any vi age residential
<br /> or additions. sfreeT--"~'"3.2( S) Trailer. Any vehicle or sTructure designed and used for human living The operaTion of motor vehicles on such private rodds wiThin a mobile
<br /> quarters which meets all of the following qualifications: home courT shall be sublect to the Highway Traffic Regulation Act of the
<br /> a. Isnotusedasihepermaneniresidenceofiheowneroroccupant; STate of Minnesota as adopted by Ordinance of the Village of Arden Hills,
<br /> b. Is used for temporary living quariers by the owner or occupant while noT withstanding the provision therein excluding its operaTion upon privaTe
<br /> engaged in recreational or vacation acTivities; roads.
<br /> (c) Is fowed or otherwise iransported, by its own or by other moTOr power
<br /> on the public sfreeTs or highways incidenTal To such recreaTional or va- AIl such private roads shall be adequately lighted for the purpose of pro-
<br /> cation activities. - Tecting vehicular traffic thereon and petlestrian use Thereof.
<br /> 3.2( 6) Trailer Parks. A park, courT, camp siTe, lot, parcel or Tract of land design- 4.9 Sireet righT-of-ways shall not be less Than sixTy (60) feeT in widTh.
<br /> ed, maintained or intended for the purpose of supplying the locaTion or 4.10 A concrete curb and gutTer shall be consTructed on each side of the road. .
<br /> accommodations for any irailers, as definetl herein, and upon which said ThecurbantlguttershallcomplywilhallapplicableVillageordinances.
<br /> trailers are parked. The term "irailer park" shall include all buildings 4.11 A concreTe sidewalk not less ihan forty-eight (48) inches wide shall be con-
<br /> used or infended for use as a part of the equipment ihereof wheiher a siructed adjacenT to the concreTe curb (or a curb and sidewalk combina-
<br /> hargeismadeforiheuseoftheparkanditsfacilitiesornot. tion, forty-eight (48) inches in widTh). This sidewalk shall be connected
<br /> Camping Trailer. (or Folding Tent Trailer) - A vehicular portable sTruc- To each unit enirance by a concrete walk not less Than fhirty-six (36)
<br /> fure mounted on wheels and consiructed with collapsible partial side walls inches in widih. _
<br /> of fabric, plasTic or oTher pliable material which are adapted for folding 4.12 Each mobile home court must have one or more ceniral community build.
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