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<br /> restriction ia cocaplfed with. Tobacco <br /> producta may pot be sold anywhere upan the <br /> premi$es of the amusement araade. <br /> Yllumination. Tbe interiax of the <br /> amusement arcade shall be eo illumfnated <br /> aa to insure proper and complete abserva- <br /> tion of patrone at all timea. The <br /> 8uilding Inepector ehall r$commend <br /> etandarde for lighting levels to carry aut <br /> the intent of thi.s subsecti.on. <br /> (k) ~Postin . In a conspicuous place somewhere <br /> ' on the premisea af the amusement arcade <br /> shall be pasted the amusement axcade <br /> licease. ae required by Section 13-12 of <br /> , the Arden Hille Code." <br /> "Sec. 4-23. Partial exclusion of liquor licensees. <br /> <br /> No person ar entity licensed to sell intoxicating <br /> liquor at retail shall be subject to the provisians <br /> of Sections 4-15 t0 9--22 with the exception of <br /> Section 4-22(e) to which any such licensee shall be <br /> subject, provided, however, the term 'premises of the <br /> amusement arcade' used therein sha11 be deemed to <br /> mean in the case of the liquor licensee the licensed <br /> premises thereof." <br /> Section 6. Amendment to Section 13-13 of Arden Hills <br /> Code. 5ect on 13- a t e Ar en H e o e s ere y amn t4 <br /> Ua-entitled and read aa follows: <br /> "Bea, 13-13. Su»pension, revocation - Autharized. <br /> The City Cour?ci1 may suBpend for a periad not <br /> exceeding eixty (60) daye, or revoke any license <br /> issued under thie Code whenever the licensee, itG <br /> Qwner, manaqer or employees or agents of the . <br /> licenaee have engaged fr? any of the following ' <br /> conduct= (a) Fraud, deception or mi.arepreeerrtation in <br /> <br /> connectian wieh the securinq of the <br /> Yiceneel <br /> (b) Cor?duct inimical to the interest8 of • <br /> public health, safety, welfare or morals= ' <br /> (c) Conduct involving moral tqrpitudes <br /> <br /> (d) Convictior, of an offenad invelving tnoral <br /> turpitude by any court of canpetent <br /> , jurisdiction= <br /> . (e) Conviction of an offenae which relates to <br /> the conduct of the licensed businessi <br /> w <br /> (f) Viol.ati.on of any provision of this Code or <br /> , any other federal, state or local law, <br /> rule or requlationt or <br /> (g) Failure to comply with any of the provi- <br /> sians or conditians of the license, or the <br /> conditlone of liceneure, cr engaging in <br /> conduct which wuuld be grounde for denial <br /> of an initial applicatiun for licenaure." <br /> Sectian 7. Amendment to Section 13-14 of Arden Hills <br /> Code. Section 13-14 of t e Arden Hill s Cc~ e a here y aaaende to <br /> reac'1 ae folluws: <br /> <br /> "Sec. 13-14. Same - Hearing. <br /> <br /> A licensee or permittee shall be granted a <br /> hearing upon at least ten !141 days' prior written <br /> <br /> <br /> _ 9 <br /> - <br />