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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> , <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Legal Notice <br /> ' 5TATE OF MINNESOTA <br /> COUNTY OF RAM3EY <br /> V[LLAGE OF ARDEN HILL3 <br /> ORDINANCE NUMBER 61 <br /> AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TH£ ZON- <br /> ING ORDINANCE, URDINANCE NUM- <br /> BER 18,T0 REZONE TO CUMMERCIAL <br /> CERTAIN PROPERTY IN MOUND3 <br /> CENTER. <br /> The Villaqe Council di the Village of <br /> Arden Hills dces hereby orciain as follows: <br /> Section 1. Ordinance Number 18, known <br /> o-cs the ZcminR (hdinance, iv hereby amend- <br /> ~ ed ~ to zone the follrnvinq describecl pm{ier <br /> . ~ ~ ~ . . . ~ . . ~ ~ ty from: R-2 to Commeercial. The rntire . . . ~ . . <br /> area rezonetl is deacribed as fnllows, to- <br /> ~ . . . . . . . . . , ~ ~wit: ~ . . ~ . . : . <br /> I.ots (hie (1). Twn (2), Thrce (3), <br /> Four (4), Five (5), Six (6). Seven (7); <br /> and Eight (8) of Block Fov.r (4). <br /> Afounds Genter, according ro the Plat, <br /> thereof on' file and of record in ~ the <br /> office cr( the Register of Deeds oF Ram- <br /> ~ ~ . . . . ~ . ~ seY. ASinnesMa. . ~ ~ . . . . ~ . . <br /> Secion Z. The Zoning ht. P of the ~Ti1- <br /> t <br /> larre of Ardrn Hills reEerred to in the aforr <br /> said' Ardinance Number 1$ shall not be <br /> republashed to xhgw [he aEoresaid rezcm- <br /> - inR,~ but . the ~ Clerk chatl . approprla~ttiy ~ mark ~ . . <br /> the 7,oninQ Map on file in the Clttk's of- <br /> ticc for the purNse of substantially indi- <br /> catinK this reconing. <br /> Section 3. This Ordinance shall be pub- <br /> lished forthwith in the o[ficial Viilage <br /> newspaper, and shall be e[ftctive from and ~ <br /> after~ its passa6eand publieation.. <br /> Passed by the Vi11aRe Covncil of Arden <br /> Hills this 13th daY of MaTCh, 1961. <br /> Robert O. Ash6ach, Mayor <br /> ATTEST: <br /> Lorraine E. :'+tranquist,' Cierk <br /> June 1, 1961 100 slips <br /> 1 ~ • T$[I' ROBFi TRBUNF • 0 • <br /> 40 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> , <br />