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<br /> <br /> TRAFFIC f 26-38 <br /> <br /> (c) Operator ahall yield right-of-way to sll other vehicles <br /> and all pedestrians. <br /> (d) Operation shall be on the right side of center line as <br /> far as ahall be practicable. <br /> (e) Headlight snd taillight shall be illuminated at all <br /> times. <br /> (t) Operator ahall disffiaunt from machine and walk <br /> machine through ell turns with operator walking on <br /> the aide of the machine outside of the turn. <br /> (g) Operation shall be prohibited between the houre of <br /> 10:30 p.m. and 7:00 am, escept for following a direct <br /> route from a permitt+ed snowmobiling area to Lhe <br /> operator's home. (Ord. No. 125, § 3(p), 12-8-69) <br /> Sec. 26-37. Permiseion to ogerate on private land. <br /> <br /> It she11 be unlawful for any person to operate a <br /> snowmobile upon any privately owned lands without the <br /> consent and permission of the owner of such Iands, given in <br /> the manner provided in Section 84-90, Subd. 2, af Minnesota <br /> Statutea, as amended, which is 'incorpozated herein by <br /> reference and adapted in Section 26-22 of thia Code. (Ord. <br /> _ No. 125, § 3(c), 12-8-69) <br /> Sec, 26-38. Crossing streets, highways. <br /> With respect to direct crossing of a tsunk, county state <br /> aid, city or county highway, such crossings may be 'made <br /> provided: ri <br /> (a) The crosaing is made at an angle of approzimately <br /> ninety (90) degreea to the direction af the highway and <br /> at a place where no obstruction prevents a quick and <br /> safe crossing; and <br /> (b) The anowmobile is brought to a camplete etop before <br /> croesing the shoulder or main traveled way of the <br /> highway; and " <br /> (c) The drivez yielda the right-of-way to all oncoining <br /> traffic which constitutes an immediate hezard; and <br /> 1527 <br />