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~ <br /> 5 ~.y,~,.~ <br /> • i ~ <br /> ~ `A <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> . _ <br /> . f <br /> <br /> <br /> 3TATE UP" MI13I+iESOTA <br /> ~ COUNTY OF RAbLS~'Y b <br /> VILL;AGE OF ARDEN HiLLS <br /> • OltDINANCE NO. 180 ~ <br /> AN ORD7NAP7CE ' AHfFNDING <br /> ORDINANIiE Nfl 99. THE 7.UNLNG &A& <br /> QRDINANCE, TU PRO'VIDB <br /> ADDITIOATAL R MQUIR.UIM15 <br /> RE SERVICE $TA'fIUNB <br /> The' Villagia, Council'af the Village o£ <br /> Arden Hf]]s does hereby ordain es fo1- <br /> - - , lowa: . . , - . . - . . . <br /> Sectfion 1. Amendment of the Zoaing <br /> Ordinartce Be Si+rvice 9taf3ung. . ? ~ <br /> Ordinance Nu. $S, the Zanin~g Orclin- <br /> ance, is heYeby amended wiLh resPect <br /> - , <br /> ' to Paragraph 17 of Seetion III A there <br /> of to add the follomink Pea•sgraVhs to <br /> said ParagraPh 17 re Service 3tations: <br /> Any bnIlcbing proposed to be used <br /> as a aervice station sbadi be construct- <br /> ed and mainfaiaed xs reguired by Lhe - <br /> . . rnles and iegulations relating to the <br /> State Fire Marshal ~overnin~ the <br /> handling, atorage. snd t~axtsportation <br /> of #lammab3e li4uids. Every facilfiY, <br /> whether undergraund or aTwve ground , <br /> and wliether in$oora or avt of doors, <br /> . £ot the handling, starsge and ' move, <br /> ment of fla,inxnsble ]iqafds shatl 'be <br /> eonatrueted and maintained in ae- <br /> d cor3anee with the rules and regula- <br /> tione of the State Fire A2arshal. ' <br /> Eaeh mator fuel station ahall be <br /> archttecturalTp des#gned ao 4m to' be' - <br /> compatjble witli the general architec- • tural intent of the ares in whieh iE is <br /> 1ocsted. ' <br /> . 3ecHon 2: Amendmertt of Znning Or- <br /> dinance To i1dd F,riteria lte Specisf Use <br /> Pecmits for CanstrnetioA aad Main£en- <br /> ance of, an Aatomobile Serviee 9tation. <br /> ' Ordinance No. 99, the Zoning Ordin- i <br /> ance, is herebr amended with raspect tu. ~ <br /> , Paragraph 2 of 3ection III F thereof: <br /> page 8,, tv add thereto the fallowing: <br /> ~ Dl, Addibional rerteirements of aato- .4 <br /> . ~ mobile serviae stst3ane. In their <br /> . coneideration of an $FSlication - fos. s <br /> epecial use permit for donatrucLian <br /> and maintensnee of an automabile <br /> aervice station the Planning Comnmie- - ` <br /> sion and Conncii of Axden Tiilla aha12 <br /> make avecific find`ange w;th reepect <br /> to the following mstters : <br /> (1) fihe des9naLility of" opeiation 'orf _ f` <br /> an antomablle service statian at <br /> - the praposed location with refer- <br /> - ence to whether it wiil canse: an r <br /> unreaaonab]e disturhance af the <br /> peace and qniet of the neighbnr= hood. , <br /> ' (2) '1'he Arobahflity of interfereace <br /> with traffic or the oreatian of un. <br /> _ reasonable traf4ie hszards by res- ' - <br /> son of the proposed oppration, and <br /> in connectiait with this a detex- • - <br /> mination shall be made e;e ta <br /> , whether the ro&dn immediatel9, sd- ' ioining and secondarily seiving <br /> Lhe ProP"sed locatiOn are adeqadte ' . <br /> to handle the propoaed traffic_ ' <br /> . . (3) The . PralSability of interference - ~ <br /> ` with the riSbta of anrraunding <br /> . - , - - proPert3'_ ownera.,by reasQn aftr`af-. ~ . : . ' , . ` - <br /> - fie, noise or lightin8 at the . <br /> . , pra"ed aite. <br /> (4) ThA suitabflity of an automobile <br /> service atation on the. Progosed . . . , . <br /> site with relation to the proieeted 'future development of the snr- - . . . ' . - - . <br /> rounding property ss prapoaed or <br /> proierterl in th. Zon9ng Grdlntnce <br /> of tha Gomprehensiee Deeetopment _ <br /> , Plan, and in eonneetion with thds: . <br /> the village Planning Cansultant <br /> shovld be rectuested to make 'an <br /> . - , - affirmaLive 'qr. negative . report, <br /> s±ating hiS reaeons. <br /> 3ectfon S. Eftecfive.Date. This Ordin- <br /> "c¢ sha17 be in effeet £rom and sfter its <br /> Aessase aad Fublicettion. <br /> Fxssed bY the Caunail of Arden $ifls <br /> ~ t63e 26th dsq of danuary. 1970 _ <br /> Henry J.. CreFBgt+. Jr., Ma9or <br /> Attest: Lorxaine - E. $tromquiet <br /> i Clerk-Ae}miniatrator " <br /> (IIulletin: Jai1. 29, 1970) <br /> \ . . . . - . . - . . - - . . . . r.. . , ~ <br /> - , . . . . - . . . . . . e , , . . , " , ;3~ <br /> . . . , , . . . # ~ ~ ~c ~ s, { .s•i <br /> ~ <br /> , _ " • . . . : _ _ <br /> - - . . . . , . _ , . _ _ 1 . , , . . . , u~~~ arka v ~i.:. , <br />