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<br />The City would typically require an eight foot wide pathway; however, the <br />topography of the site would make it impossible to construct an eight foot wide <br />pathway unless retaining walls are used. Not only would retaining walls add <br />significant cost, they would become the City's responsibility to maintain and replace <br />along with the sidewalk in the future. Therefore, upon review of the topographic <br />data, the sidewalk width requirement has been reduced to six feet. The final <br />construction plans are still subject to Staff approval. <br /> <br />Although the City would own and maintain the integrity of the pathway, CMK or <br />subsequent property owners would be responsible for snow and ice removal. <br /> <br />The preliminary development agreement includes a provision that if environmental <br />contamination is found in the City right-of-way during sidewalk construction, the <br />City and CMK would need to renegotiate that portion of the park dedication <br />requirement (the on-site improvements would not be impacted). This provision was <br />requested by CMK because soil contamination was present on their property, which <br />has since been remediated. If soil contamination was found, remediation to continue <br />construction could add significant cost to the project. Staff made a request to URS to <br />review the construction records for Gateway Boulevard. According to the records, <br />the land adjacent to Gateway Boulevard was graded in preparation for a future <br />pathway, and there were no indication of contamination in the pathway location. <br /> <br />The estimated cost of the pathway is $126,600 (this price includes grading and <br />restoration), which has been reviewed by the City Engineer. Since construction may <br />not start in 2008, the preliminary development agreement includes a provision that <br />requires the pathway to be completed even if the cost increases above $126,600. <br /> <br />Total Park Dedication Proposal Value <br /> <br />The estimated value of all proposed improvements for the park dedication requirement is $280,000. <br />The PTRC reviewed the proposal in April, and they are in support of the pathway along Gateway <br />Boulevard. The PTRC does not have an objection to the private on-site improveme~ts. <br /> <br />It is important that CMK sufficiently offset the park and recreational needs created by their <br />development; however, based on the City's regulations, State Statutes, and comments from the City <br />Attorney, Staff is agreeable with the CMK proposal. It is important to note that the City cannot deny <br />the plat if there is not agreement on the park dedication proposal. If an agreement cannot be reached, <br />the City can set the requirement with the plat approval, and CMK must deposit the value of the <br />improvements into an escrow. CMK would then appeal the City's decision to district court. <br /> <br />Preliminary Development A!!reement & An Additional Condition <br /> <br />City of Arden Hills <br />City Council Meeting for July 14, 2008 <br /> <br />\ \\ardenhills\Planning\Planning Cases\2008\08-005 Traverse Preliminary & Final Plat and Vacation (PC Approved) \071408 - CC <br />Report - Traverse Plat. doc <br /> <br />Page 4 of8 <br />