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<br />Document G703™ - 1992 Instructions
<br />
<br />Continuation Sheet
<br />
<br />
<br />Purpose and Related Documents. AlA Document G702, Application and Certificate for Payment, is to be used in conjunction with AlA Document G703,
<br />Continuation Sheet. These documents are designed for use on Projects where the Contractor has a direct Agreement with the Owner. Procedures for their use are
<br />covered in AlA Document A201, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction.
<br />
<br />Use of Current Documents. Prior to using any AlA Contract Document, users should consult www.aia.org or a local AlA component to verify the most recent
<br />edition.
<br />
<br />Reproductions. This document is a copyrighted work and may not be reproduced or excerpted from without the express written permission of the AlA. There is
<br />no implied permission to reproduce this document, nor does membership in The American Institute of Architects confer any further rights to reproduce this
<br />document. The AlA hereby grants the purchaser a limited license to reproduce a maximum of ten copies of a completed G703, but only for use in connection with
<br />a particular project. The AlA will not permit reproduction outside of the limited license for reproduction granted above, except upon written request and receipt of .
<br />written,permiss,on from the AlA. Rights to reproduce the document may vary for users of AlA software, Licensed AlA software users should consult the End User
<br />License Agreement (EULA). To report copyright violations of AlA Contract Documents, e-mart The American Institute of Architects. legal counsel,
<br />copyright@aia.org.
<br />
<br />Heading: This information should be completed in a manner consistent with simjfar information on AlA Document G702, Application and Certificate for Payment.
<br />
<br />Columns A, B & C: These columns should be completed by identifying the various portions of the Project and their scheduled values consistent with the schedule
<br />of values submitted to the Architect at the commencement of the Project or as subsequently adjusted, The breakdown may be by sections of the Work or by
<br />Subcontractors and should remain consistent throughout the Project. Multiple pages should be used when required.
<br />
<br />Column C should be subtotaJed at the bottom when more than one page is used and totaled on the last page, Initialfy, this total should equal the original Contract
<br />Sum. The total of column Cmay be adjusted by Change Orders during the Project.
<br />
<br />Column D: Enter in this column the amount of completed Work covered by the previous application (columns 0 & E from the previous application), Values from
<br />column F (Materials Presently Stored) from the previous application should not be entered in this column,
<br />
<br />Col~mn E: Enter here the value of Work completed at the time of this application, including the value of materials incorporated in the project that were listed on
<br />the previous application under Materials Presently Stored (column F),
<br />
<br />Column F: ~nter here the value of Materials Presently Stored for which payment is sought. The total of the column must be recalculated at the end of each pay
<br />period, This value covers both materials newly stored for which payment is sought and materials previously stored which are not yet incorporated into the Project.
<br />Mere payment by the Owner for stored materials does not result in a deduction from this column. Only as materials are incorporated into the Project is their value
<br />deducted from this column and incorporated into column E (Work Completed-This Period,)
<br />
<br />Column G: Enter here the total of columns OJ E and F. Calculate the percentage completed by dividing column G by column C,
<br />
<br />Column H: Enter here the difference between column C (Scheduled Value) and column G (Total Completed and Stored to Date),
<br />
<br />Column I: This column is normally used only for contracts where variable retainage is permitted on a line-item basis. It need not be completed on projects where a
<br />constant retainage is withheld from the overaU contract amount.
<br />
<br />Change Orders: Although Change Orders could be incorporated by changing the schedule of values each time a Change Order is added to the Project, this is not
<br />normally done, Usualfy, Change Orders are listed separately, either on their own G703 form or at the end of the basic schedule, The amount of the original
<br />contract adjusted by Change Orders is to be entered in the appropriate location on the G702 form,
<br />
<br />Construction Change Directives: Amounts not in dispute that have been included in Constructton Change Directives should be incorporated into one or more
<br />Change Orders. Amounts remaining in dispute should be dealt with according to Section 7.3 in A201.
<br />The following is an example of a Continuation Sheet for work in progress. Please note that dollar amounts shown below are for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to
<br />ref/ect actual construction costs.
<br />
<br />A B C D E F G H I
<br /> BALANCE
<br /> (D + E) D OR E) (D+E+F) (C - G)
<br />1 MOBILIZA TION 5,000 5,000 0 0 5,000 100 0
<br />2 STUMP REMOVAL 5,000 5,000 0 0 5,000 100 0
<br />3 EARTH WORK 15,000 10 ,000 5,000 0 15,000 100 0
<br />4 LOWER RETAINING WALL 10,000 0 5,000 0 5,000 50 5,000
<br />5 CURBS & MISC. CONC. 5,000 0 0 0 0 0 5,000
<br />6 PAVING, UPPER DRIVE 20,000 0 0 0 0 0 20,000
<br />7 PAVING, LOWER DRIVE 20,000 0 0 0 0 0 20,000
<br />8 PAVERS 20,000 0 0 10,000 10 ,000 50 10 ,000
<br />9 BRICK WORK 5,000 0 0 0 0 0 5,000
<br />10
<br />11 105,000 20,000 10,000 10 ,000 40,000 65,000
<br />
<br />AlA Document G703™ -1992. Copyright@ 1963,1965,1966,1967,1970,1978,1983 and 1992 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING:
<br />This AIA@ Document is protected by U.S. Copyright Law and International Treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA@ Document, or any
<br />portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and wm be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. Purchasers are permitted to
<br />reproduce ten (10) copies of this document when completed. To report copyright violations of AlA Contract Documents, e-mail The American Institute of Architects' legal
<br />counsel, copyright@aia.org.
<br />