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<br />TCAAP MASTER PLAN DESIGN GUIDELINES <br /> <br />Lyle Salmela and Michael Orange, Members of the Retired Engineers Technical <br />Assistance Program (RETAP) and Climate Change Corps (CCC), 651-636-6461 <br />and 651-457-8793 November 1,2008, revised 2/3/09 <br /> <br />Introduction: <br />The closed Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant (TCAAP), a 585-acre <br />redevelopment area, and the adjacent 1 ,500 acre Arden Hills Army Training Site <br />(AHA TS) offer a significant and unique opportunity for the City of Arden Hills and <br />surrounding communities. Economic, energy, and climate changes require bold <br />and creative planning ideas. Few cities have the opportunity to create a new <br />community from scratch that could sell itself if developed consistent with leading- <br />edge sustainable design principles. <br /> <br />This paper responds to the City's request for recommendations and design <br />guidelines regarding the TCAAP project (Project). The appropriate goal for the <br />Project is to design a realistic but creative sustainable community that is <br />prepared for energy and climate uncertainty and change, and fosters <br />environmental health and economic sustainability. The project should be headed <br />by a chief architect or planner that leads a design team with specific <br />responsibilities to achieve this goal.1 <br /> <br />The following are recommendations for inclusion in the appropriate planning and <br />development documents for the Project such as the Project development plan <br />and the development contract that will be between the City and the primary <br />Project developer (Developer): <br /> <br />Site Development: <br />· The plan for TCAAP shall meet the requirements for certification as a <br />Minnesota Green Community2 and all applicable LEED requirements.3 <br />· Project plans shall meet the Gold standard for LEED-Neighborhood <br />Development,4 and it shall be implemented consistent with these plans. <br /> <br />1 Also see Chapter 12 of the Arden Hills Comprehensive Plan and www.smartarowth.ora or <br />www.areencommunitiesonline.ora for more information. <br />2 Refer to htto://www.mnareencommunities.ora/oroiects/index.htm <br />3 LEED programs ( <br />· LEED-NC: LEED for new construction and major renovations and <br />additions <br />· LEED-EB: LEED for existing buildings <br />. LEED-CI: LEED for commercial interiors <br />· LEED-CS: LEED for core and shell <br />· LEED-H: LEED for homes <br />· LEED-ND: LEED for neighborhood developments <br />