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1D, Park CIP Discussion
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1D, Park CIP Discussion
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Last modified
4/3/2009 2:33:24 PM
Creation date
4/3/2009 2:29:31 PM
1D, Park CIP Discussion
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1D, Park CIP Discussion
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<br />Park CIP Discussion - 03/16/09 <br /> <br />drainage improvements are estimated at $260,000. The play structure at this park is due for <br />replacement in 2010 for approximately $55,000. <br /> <br />Cummings Park Irrigation ($17,,000): This item was originally in the 2009 CIP but was removed <br />to be considered at a future date. Staff feels strongly about moving forward on this project in <br />2010. This field serves as one of the two main sport fields in the City. The field is utilized three <br />seasons of the year by City programs and association programs. In 2001 when the pavilion was <br />built, the City included installation of a pipe for the possibility of a future irrigation system. This <br />field is heavily used and the result is a poor playing field. The irrigation system will help keep <br />the field in playable conditions. Healthy grass is an essential element of any outdoor sport field. <br />Thick, green, lush turf provides a safer surface for athletes, reducing the amount of injuries <br />experienced on the playing field. It is also aesthetically pleasing. An irrigation system is <br />necessary to keep most fields in healthy condition, especially if the field has heavy use. <br />Generally, most fields need to be watered every three days or so from June through September, <br />and as needed the rest of the year to keep the soil moist. Applying at least 1" of water per week <br />will help to maximize grass growth. Dormant or dry grasses do not have any recuperative or <br />competitive potential at all. Without an irrigation system, field use in the summer causes <br />accelerated wear. <br /> <br />Hard court and trail resurfacing ($15,,000): Resurfacing of hard court play areas, trail <br />resurfacing, and Goodpointe maintenance fees. The maintenance schedule for the hard court <br />surfaces shows Sampson Park and Arden Oaks basketball courts in need of resurfacing. <br />Sampson Park does not have a court surface, it is a rough pavement. Therefore, the surface <br />would need improvement before resurfacing. Staff will need to do research regarding the cost <br />involved in this. <br /> <br />2011 Projects <br /> <br />Hard court and trail resurfacing ($15,,000): Resurfacing of hard court play areas, trail <br />resurfacing, and Goodpointe maintenance fees. Staff will continue to follow the maintenance <br />schedule for the hard court surfaces. The maintenance schedule shows Arden Manor and <br />Valentine basketball courts in need of resurfacing. The court at Valentine Park is rough <br />pavement and staff will need to research the cost involved in this improvement. The Arden <br />Manor court will need to be evaluated to see if a resurface is needed. Staff does not recommend <br />improving the Valentine Park basketball area until park improvements take place. <br /> <br />2012 Projects <br /> <br />Lexington Avenue Trail Replacement ($50,,000): This trail extending from Cummings Park <br />Drive south to County Road F is in need of replacement. A general resurface will not resolve the <br />issues. The estimate is for a reconstruct with recycling of the current pavement, which is the <br />most cost effective. The City may consider approaching Boston Scientific to see if they would <br />be interested in contributing to the upgrade of this trail. <br /> <br />Hard court and trail resurfacing ($15,,000): Resurfacing of hard court play areas, trail <br />resurfacing, and Goodpointe maintenance fees. Staff will continue to follow the maintenance <br /> <br />2 <br />
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