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<br />The University Commons building finished construction in March 2009, though Bethel <br />University has submitted an application to retain the temporary classrooms until October 31, <br />2012, due to the financial constraints of setting up the new classrooms and moving the facilities.. <br />An adjustment to the original CUP Amendment requires approval through an additional CUP <br />Amendment.. The conditions of the original 2004 CUP Amendment would remain in effect, <br />except for Condition H which originally required the classrooms be removed by May 2011, or <br />when the University Commons building was completed, whichever came first (Attachment C). <br /> <br />Findin2S of Fact <br /> <br />The Planning Commission offers the following thirteen findings of fact for the City Council's <br />consideration <br /> <br />GeneralJ7indings: <br />1.. The applicant is proposing to extend the use of the temporary modular classroom <br />building until October 31 , 2012.. <br />2. The classrooms are a permitted use in the B-1 Zoning District. <br />3.. The temporary modular classroom building meets all requirements of the Zoning Code. <br />4. The temporary modular classroom building was not included on Bethel University's CUP <br />Master Plan, approved in Planning Case #96-026. A CUP Amendment and site plan <br />review was required to amend the Master Plan to include the building. <br />5.. The temporary modular classroom building was originally approved through a CUP <br />Amendment and site plan review in Planning Case #04-010. <br />6.. Adjusting the original CUP Amendment to extend use of the temporary modular <br />classroom building requires another CUP Amendment.. <br />7. The terms of the original CUP Alnendment would continue to apply with the exception of <br />Condition H, which will be rewritten on the new CUP Amendment to require removal of <br />the temporary classroom building within three (3) years. <br /> <br />On the Conditional Use Permit Amendment/Site Plan RevielV: <br />8.. Extending the use of the temporary modular classroom building is not expected to affect <br />traffic or parking conditions. <br />9. Extending the use of the temporary modular classroom building will not produce any <br />additional levels of permanent noise, glare, odors, vibration, smoke, dust, air pollution, <br />heat, liquid, or solid waste. Temporary noise and dust may be created during demolition.. <br />1 0.. Extending the use of the temporary modular classroom building will not alter drainage <br />patterns.. <br />11. Extending the use of the temporary modular classroom building is not expected to have <br />any impacts on campus population or density. <br />12. The park dedication fee is not applicable to this application. <br /> <br />City o.f Arden Hills <br />City Council Meeting.for May 11 r 2009 <br /> <br />\\I'\ardenhilIs\Planning\Planning Cases\2()()9\09-()(}6 Bethel CUP Amendment (PC Approved) \051 109 - CC Report - Bethel CUP <br />A mendment. doc <br /> <br />Page 2 of3 <br />