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<br />maintenance project. There is no maintenance scheduled for Old Snelling within the next ten to <br />fifteen years. Restriping or extension of shoulders done independently may not be cost effective. <br />Ramsey County has indicated that if either of these projects were done in conjunction with a <br />maintenance project on this road, they may be able to share in the cost at that time. <br /> <br />This item was discussed at the April 21, 2009 PTRC meeting. The Committee had a lengthy <br />discussion on the various options for this corridor. Minutes from that meeting are attached for <br />your review. Staff laid out the following options for the City Council to review and discuss: <br /> <br />OPTION 1: Continue with the current scope of the project: Engineering the proposed <br />improvements to the bridge on the west side and pursue an off road pathway in the future. <br /> <br />PROS <br /> <br />CONS <br /> <br />Improvements to the railroad crossing will be safer The cost of constructing an off road pathway is <br />for pedestrians. . over 2 million dollars and without funding, there is <br />no timetable. <br /> <br />An off road pathway is safer for pedestrians than an In the interim, until the off road pathway is <br />on road bike lane. constructed, pedestrians and bikers will be utilizing <br />the current limited shoulders, which is a safety <br />concern. <br /> <br />The improved pedestrian pathway under the bridge <br />will only occur on one side and therefore, bikers <br />wanting to ride with traffic will more than likely <br />remain on the roadway. <br /> <br />OPTION 2: Continue to move forward on the engineering and proposed improvements to <br />the bridge on the west side and pursue restriping and shifting additional shoulder on Old <br />Snelling to the west side to potentially avoid impacts, most notably the board walk. <br /> <br />PROS <br /> <br />CONS <br /> <br />Improvements to the railroad bridge will provide a The improved pedestrian pathway under the bridge <br />safe passage on one side for pedestrians. will only occur on one side and therefore, bikers <br />wanting to ride with traffic will more than likely <br />remain on the roadway. <br /> <br />The cost of some impacts may be avoided. <br /> <br />There is no timetable on maintenance for Old <br />Snelling and therefore, the County may not do <br />*restriping and shoulder work for 10-15 years. <br /> <br />*Restriping requires additional shoulder width in <br />some locations. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Ramsey County is open to working with the City There are a few segments of the roadway that may <br />on this option. not be able to be shifted to allow for a bike lane/off <br />road pathway. <br /> <br />-2- <br />