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Ordinance 2008-012 <br />B. Shared access drives and shared parking are utilized by all such <br />restaurants, fast food restaurants, drive -up windows, or drive-in businesses in <br />said building or complex. <br />C. Only one "food court" or "drive-in business court" or building containing <br />fast food restaurants, drive -up windows, or drive-in businesses will be <br />allowed in addition to one freestanding fast food restaurant. <br />D. The architecture and the site, grading, circulation, landscaping, screening <br />and signage plans shall unify the appearance and function of the complex or <br />building. <br />E. A "fast food court" or "drive-in business court" may consist of one or <br />more buildings on one or more parcels if the intent of providing a unified <br />appearance and function is not compromised. <br />F. The applicant shall submit a circulation plan that demonstrates that the <br />use will not interfere or reduce the safety of non -motorized movements, <br />specifically pedestrian and bicyclists. <br />Subd. 4 Design Standards. The standards in section 1325 shall apply. <br />1325.05 Design Standards. The standards established in this section are designed to <br />encourage a high standard of development by providing assurances that neighboring land uses <br />and neighboring properties will be compatible. The standards shall also apply to all future <br />development and shall apply to existing development where so stated. Before any applications <br />for development or construction under the City Code are approved, it shall be determined that the <br />proposal will be in conformance with these standards unless a deviation has been granted. It <br />shall be the responsibility of the applicant to demonstrate such conformance. <br />Subd. 8 Additional Design Standards for New Development, Redevelopment, and <br />Modifications to Existing Sites in the B2 and B3 District. Unless preempted by the <br />standards in this section, all other zoning provisions shall apply. <br />