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1A, Cty Road E Bridge Update
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1A, Cty Road E Bridge Update
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Last modified
5/15/2009 3:46:26 PM
Creation date
5/15/2009 3:41:25 PM
Cty Road E Bridge Update
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Cty Road E Bridge Update
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<br />5/15/2009 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />Mn/DOT has indicated that they would consider modifications to the existing bridge deck. The <br />existing bridge width from parapet to parapet is 35 feet. With two 12' lanes, a 4' offset to the parapet <br />on the south side, and a 2' offset to the raised sidewalk, a 5' walk could be constructed along the <br />north side. These offsets are minimum standards that the Bridge Office would require. This new <br />cross-section would require an alignment shift on the bridge and approach modifications. Mn/DOT <br />has agreed to perform the structural analysis for the changed loading on the beams if the City Council <br />decides to proceed with this alternative. <br /> <br />In order to use State Aid funds, the proposed improvements must meet standard design guidelines. <br />The standard width of a sidewalk is 6 feet, with two feet of clearance on either side; the proposed <br />sidewalk is 5 feet, with two foot clearance from the westbound lane, and no clearance to the northern <br />parapet. Staff is currently in contact with Mn/DOT State Aid to determine whether a variance could <br />be requested for this configuration that would allow for the use of State Aid funds. An update will be <br />provided to the City Council once staffhas received a response. <br /> <br />This alternative would not meet guidelines for federal funds. <br /> <br />Alternative 2: Construction of a standalone shared-use pathway bridge north of the existing bridge <br />The City Council may choose to consider this alternative if structural analysis shows that Option 1 is <br />not feasible, or if the City Council considers alternative 1 to be inadequate. This bridge would be <br />constructed north of the existing bridge; the final location would be coordinated with Mn/DOT to <br />accommodate a future wider bridge at CR E. Trail connections would also be constructed to tie the <br />pedestrian bridge I into the existing sidewalk to the east and shoulder to the west. <br /> <br />The Metropolitan Council has announced the 2009 solicitation for federal transportation project <br />funding. Pathway projects are eligible under the Transportation Enhancements (TE) category. The <br />funding is available for federal fiscal years 2013 and 2014. Applications are due June 15, 2009; <br />however, the application review process will take six months. The Transportation Advisory Board <br />will select projects for the 2011-2014 TIP in January or February, 2010. The federal funding <br />requires a 20% local match; engineering fees are not an eligible cost. This project would be eligible <br />for State Aid funds. <br /> <br />CONCLUSION <br /> <br />In light of the change in scope of this project, staffhas asked the consultants to revise their proposals <br />to include these two alternatives. Staffwill present the proposals to the City Council at their May 26, <br />2009 meeting. <br /> <br />Staff is requesting questions and comments from the City Council regarding the alternatives for the <br />CR E bridge. Staff is also requesting feedback on whether a 5-foot sidewalk is acceptable. If the <br />City Council chooses to apply for federal funding for Alternative 2, the selected consultant would <br />complete the application as part of their scope. <br />
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