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<br />a. Inspect stormwater infiltration and filtration basins, including rain <br />gardens, annually, to preserve live storage capacity at or above the <br />design volume. Remove vegetation, maintain healthy plant growth and <br />remove excess sediment and debris to ensure that the facilities continue <br />to perform per design. <br /> <br />b. Inspect grit chambers, sump catch basins and sump manholes <br />annually. Accumulated sediment and debris will be removed so that the <br />each facility continues to operate as designed and erosion or structural <br />problems are corrected. <br /> <br />c. Inspect conveyances and other structures annually. Ensure <br />preservation of designed hydraulic capacity. <br /> <br />2. If the Permittee conveys into private ownership a fee interest in all or any <br />portion of the public property that is subject to this Agreement, it must require <br />as a condition of sale, and enforce: (a) that the purchaser record a declaration <br />on the property incorporating the stormwater management facility maintenance <br />requirements of this Agreement; and (b) that recordation occur either before any <br />encumbrance is recorded on the property or, if after, only as accompanied by a <br />subordination and consent executed by the encumbrance holder ensuring that <br />the declaration will run with the land in perpetuity. If the Permittee conveys into <br />public ownership a fee interest in all or any portion of the property that is <br />subject to this Agreement, it must require as a condition of the purchase and <br />sale agreement that the purchaser accept an assignment of all obligations <br />vested under this Agreement. <br /> <br />3, This Agreement is in force for five (5) years from the date on which it is fully <br />executed and will renew automatically for five (5) year terms unless terminated <br />by the parties. Notice of termination must be sent in writing at least six (6) <br />months prior to the proposed termination date. It may be amended only in <br />writing signed by the parties. <br /> <br />4. The recitals are incorporated as a part of this Agreement. <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement. <br /> <br />2 <br />