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<br />3.0 TERMS AN'D CO'NDITIONS. NOW T'}IEREFORE, in consideration of th.e 111utual <br />undertakings herein expressed, the part.ies agree as follows: <br /> <br />A. Reim.bursement for Newly Installed 10 Horse Power PUlnps. <br /> <br />1. Presbyterian Homes will reimbllrse the City for all cost incurred by the <br />City to purchase and install the two new 10 horse power pumps in .Lift <br />Station No.7. <br /> <br />2. The City shall be responsible for routine maintenance and repair expenses <br />for the 1 0 horse power pumps, and Presbyterian. Homes shall be <br />responsible for extraordinary maintellaIlCe and repair expenses for the 10 <br />horse power pumps which are attributable to the discharge of <br />objectionable materials from the Presbyterian HOlnes facility. <br /> <br />B. Reinlbursement for Inlin.e Grinder. <br /> <br />1. Presbyterian Homes will purchase and install, within a reasonable amount <br />oftirne to be determined by the City, an inline grinder in Lift Station No_ 7 <br />pursuant to plans and specifications approved by the City. <br /> <br />2. After th.e in.itial installation of the inline grinder in Lift Station No.7, <br />Presbyterian Homes will reimburse the City for all cost incuITed by the <br />City to maiIltain, repair and/or replace such inline grinder as long as the <br />inlil1e grinder or a replacement remain within Lift Station No.7. <br /> <br />C. Construction of Presbyterian Homes Improvement Pro1ect. When Presbyterian <br />Homes constructs its Improvemellt Project, the City will detennil1e if the inline <br />grinder will remain within Lift Statioll No.7 or be moved to the private sanitary <br />sewer system on the Presbyterian Homes property. <br /> <br />1. If the il11ine grinder reln.ain's in Lift Station No~ 7, Presbyterian Homes <br />shall continue to be responsible for the cost of its nlaintenance, repair <br />and/or replacelnent. <br /> <br />2. If the inline grinder is moved to the private sanitary sewer system on the <br />Presbyterian Homes property, Presbyterian Homes shall be responsible for <br />all cost associated with the removal of the inline grillder from Lift Station <br />No.7 to th.e Presbyterian Property and for all cost incurred by the <br />City to repair Lift Statiol1 No. 7 as a result of the removal of the inline <br />grinder. <br /> <br />D. Reimbursem.ent of City Cost. Presbyterian Homes shall reimbllrse th.e City for all <br />cost incurred by the City pursuant to Section 3.0A, B, and C above, withitl 45 <br />days of receipt of an invoice from the City, or in the alternative, if such pa)'lnent <br />is not received in 45 days, the parties agree the City may assess such cost <br />against the Presbyterian Homes property. Which assessment shall bear interest at <br /> <br />2 <br />