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4E, Planning Case 09-009 - Bethel Drive
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4E, Planning Case 09-009 - Bethel Drive
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Last modified
6/26/2009 9:49:08 AM
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6/26/2009 9:45:05 AM
Planning Case 09-009 - Bethel Drive
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Planning Case 09-009 - Bethel Drive
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<br />June 3, 2009 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes - DRAFT <br /> <br />Plannin2 Case 09-009: Conditional Use Permit Amendment: 3900 Bethel Drive: <br />Bethel University and AT&T -Public HearinJ! <br /> <br />Mr. Roberts reported that the applicant requested a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) <br />Amendment for AT&T to install a cellular tower and adjacent 160 square foot <br />equipment shed on the Bethel University campus. <br /> <br />Mr. Roberts stated that the Staff offers the following twenty-one findings for <br />consideration: <br />1. The area of the lease tract, including the tower and adjacent equipment <br />shed, would be 700 feet (35' X 20'). <br />2. The proposed tower would have a height of 75 feet, the maximum allowed <br />in the Zoning Code. The antennas would occupy the top 15 feet of the <br />tower. It will be painted dark brown. <br />3. The adjacent equipment shed would be 160 square feet (16' X 10'), with a <br />height of ten feet, constructed primarily in brick. <br />4. A four-foot retaining wall would be built around the east side and portions <br />of the north and south sides of the lease tract. <br />5. The tower would be at least partially screened from adjacent properties by <br />trees to the east and south. <br />6. The City would not be party to the lease agreement and would not own or <br />be responsible for maintaining the equipment shed. <br />7. The site is a minimum of 170 feet from the closest property line (to the <br />east) and is located adjacent to the smallest of the four eastern campus <br />parking lots. This site appears to have been selected with regard to <br />decreasing obtrusiveness to adjacent properties and public streets. <br />8. The tower setback would be greater than that of campus buildings. <br />9. The minimum required rear and side interior setback for accessory <br />structures in the B-1 Zoning District is 10 feet, of which the tower would <br />exceed. <br />10. The tower setback from Bethel Drive would be greater than that of any <br />principal buildings along the street. <br />11. The tower setback from the nearest property line would be greater than its <br />height. <br />12. There are no limits on the number of towers or antennas in non-residential <br />lots. <br />13. There are no specific requirements for screening of cellular towers outside <br />of City water tower sites. <br />14. Cellular towers and antennas are a conditionally accessory use in the B-1 <br />Zoning District. <br /> <br />On the conditional Use Permit Evaluation Criteria: <br />15. The proposed plan would not have any impact on traffic or parking <br />conditions. <br />
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