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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL-April 13,20(}9 IZ <br /> -- Mr. Tolaas stated that these were not. When Ramsey County looked at the traffic <br /> modeling they did not see numbers at north Highway IO or east County Road 96 <br /> that would justify the investment in an off ramp configuration there. He also stated <br /> that the ramps on the north side that are included in this plan are considered <br /> temporary. Mn/DOT and the Federal Highway Administration have already gone <br /> on record saying that these are temporary ramps, if and when a local access is <br /> constructed on Highway 10 these would have to be removed and at that time <br /> Highway 10 and County Road 96 will have no connection other than a southbound <br /> one-way frontage road coming from the newlocal access interchange. <br /> Councilmember McCIung clarified that this was assuming that this was <br /> constructed. <br /> Mr. Tolaas stated that the ramps would meet all standards for. access to a freeway. <br /> He stated that with respect to the noise the noise analysis that has been done as part <br /> of the Interstate 694/Interstate 35E to Interstate 35W environmental assessment <br /> which was expanded, the noise issue that affects the Briarknoll neighborhood is <br /> really from Interstate 694 and the initial exit to Highway 10 and this is not driven <br /> by what happens on Highway 10 and County Road 96. He stated that the noise <br /> issue is not over but this project is not where it will be resolved. Ramsey County <br /> has worked with the State and they are going to be able to coordinate an overlay of <br /> Highway 10 as the County's project commences in 2011 and this would have a <br /> smoother, quieter pavement surface. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked where the overlay would be. <br /> Mr. ToIaas stated that it would be from where is initially comes off Interstate 694 <br /> and carry down to the exit to Interstate 35W. <br /> Councilmember Grant stated that as County Road 96 goes under Highway 10, the <br /> amount of reconstruction on Highway 10 is very short. The reconstruction on <br /> Highway 10 is done by Mn/DOT and the reconstruction on County Road 96 is the <br /> County. Mn/DOT could look at this as a reconstruction of a very short stretch <br /> consisting of nothing more than the bridge and on the other side where Highway 10 <br /> comes off of Interstate 694 there is no construction. Looking to the south by the <br /> Briarknoll neighborhood, from the perspective of Mn/DOT nothing changes, but the <br /> reality is that taking out that light does change the dynamics. He stated that he is <br /> hopeful that overlay surface will be optimal and asked what they were considering <br /> to do with the overlay. <br />